Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31, 2007 - Wednesday - Halloween

"Seat belts aren't nearly as confining as wheelchairs are."
The current temperature is 44°.
Yesterdays average gas price $2.89
We received .06 inches of moisture in the Tuesday evening rain event.
It sounds like winds might be blowing the little ghosts and goblins
down the street 40 MPH today. :-(
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Crews from Strata Corporation have been working on the blacktop project
at St. Johns Catholic Church. Rumor has it they are putting down a 2½
inch mat over the entire parking lot. I suspect part of the project also
includes a substantial amount of praying that heavy trucks and equipment
won't be running across the lot.
Part of McMartins construction crew is working on the foundation for
the new railroad engine building on the north end of town. The last I
checked I'm almost certain the new structure won't look anything like a
round house. It should be noted that McMartin's crew (Agassiz
Excavating) also did a considerable amount of the site preparation work
on the St. Johns parking lot as well. They also helped LaHaise Plumbing
and Heating with the trench work for the new geothermal heating and
cooling system at the church.
When I first became aware of the McMartin's and their operation, they
were farming and becoming heavily involved in the sugarbeet growing
business. It now appears as though they are becoming heavily involved in
the operation of heavy equipment as well.
Local corn piles continue to grow faster than you can shake a stick at
them. Ted Hoffman's former Trailer City trailer court will soon be plump
full, with corn popping (pardon the pun) out of the seams. Earlier,
while doing some research in the Gazette library. I started thinking
about that large pile of corn just south of Alchem and couldn't help
wondering. What if, I wondered, we could take some of that corn, glue it
to the sides of the now idle Newman's Alchem Alcohol Distillery in the
form of old whiskey bottles,... and,... poof...... we could be the first
180 proof North Dakota version of the South Dakota Corn Palace.
And,.... then people might drive in from several blocks around, just to
see it. We might even have a shot (pardon the pun) at becoming a major
tourist attraction,... of sorts.
Notes like the next one are always fun to share. Especially when they
are from, and about, great people. Susan wrote: >>>>
Subject: Can you print this in your wonderful column?
Bennie and Mildred Molde's granddaughter Kimberly was married in
Minneapolis this past week end. Her mother Susan would like to thank her
brothers and sisters and their families for making this so special for
her… She hopes the ones that could not make it from Grafton liked the
Wedding cake Lisa brought back, Love to you all.. <<< Thanks a million
for caring and sharing Susan. Congratulations from all of us at the
Gazette as well.
====== SUGAR FACTS ======
Does refined sugar contain preservatives or other additives?
No. Refined sugar is 99.9 percent pure. It contains purified sugar --
pure sucrose. It contains no preservatives or additives of any kind.
What nutritional impact does refined white sugar have on my diet?
Refined white sugar is pure sucrose, a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates
provide energy, contain no fat, and like protein contribute 4 calories
per gram in your diet (as opposed to the 9 calories per gram contributed
by fat).
Your body treats sucrose in the same way regardless of its source. In
fact, your body uses all sugars in the same way, so eating refined
sugar, or honey, or sugars from any other source has the same effect on
your body -- it is converted into glucose and used by the cells for
If you have recently requested becoming a Gazette family member and
haven't received the Gazette. Please let me know and I will try again.
Thanks. Gary

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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