Monday, October 15, 2007

October 15, 2007 - Monday

In grandma's day the biggest baby-sitter problem was diaper rash.
The current temperature is 29 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/34
Normal H/L temp for this date is 57/34
It doesn't happen often but yesterday's Hi and low temperature was
exactly what our "normal" H/L is for this date.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Dakota Refrigeration and Appliance Co. started business in 1956 on main
street in what was known as the old Walsh County Record building. G.A.
Galle and Fred Sevigny started the business as partners. In 1957 they
bought out Bob and Ray's TV Service and Ray Schultz stayed with them.
In January of 1959 Fred Sevigny bought out Galle and the business
became known as The Grafton Appliance Center. The Grafton Appliance
Center moved into it's new home on the south side of hiway 17 on the
West side of Grafton on December 31, 1966 and has operated out of that
facility since that date.
A early Walsh County Record account of Fred and his Appliance business
gives credit to Clyde Kieley and Clyde's brother Don Kieley for sharing
their experience with him.
Unfortunately, with feelings of sorrow and regret, along with many
others, I attended the "final" auction sale of a business that has
played a significant part of Grafton for more than a half century.
The very first TV set we ever purchased came from Grafton Appliance as
did our first freezer, microwave. I can still remember Fred, standing
alongside of a small freezer, saying, "If you have a freezer like 'dis'
it will pay for itself in no-time with "da" money you will save on
food." and of course he was right. Gosh I miss Fred Sevigny, and, I'm
going to really miss the Grafton Appliance Center too.
Talking about things happening in Grafton. Friday night Pat and I were
"dinning" at Marketplace. Two beautiful young ladies walked in the back
door and sat down just across the dinning room floor from us. Then, a
few minutes later, Two old goats walked in the front door pushing a
pleasant looking elderly "man of the cloth" and they sat down at the
table with the two younger ladies.
When I mentioned that I might find occasion to share that incident in
the Gazette. They indicated that they wouldn't care,.... as long as I
didn't mention any names. So,... I did, and I won't. Except to say that
it was a former Optometrist that didn't recognize us, and, that it took
two attempts by the man that once made his living flying under hi-line
wires to get the Padres wheelchair up to the table. No-matter, I'd be
willing to bet (pardon the pun padre) they'll all do it again sometime
I'm not sure how to comment on the following note except to say that I
have no trouble believing it. >>>>
Hi Gary,
This is in response to your story about Altru. As a person who has dealt
with both sides of the health industry, Canada and the US, I must say
that the US health care is MUCH more desirable than socialized medicine.
My brother-in-law is a doctor in Prince George, BC and he explained
their health system in 3 words...RATIONED HEALTH CARE. And that's
exactly what it is. We do NOT want to end up like Canada. We have a
summer home in BC and the clinic that is down at the end of our road has
to hold fund raisers to be there. The hospital which is 30 miles away,
had to have fund raiser for a CT scan, and any other necessary equipment
needed to run a hospital. And it's not private. Everything is controlled
by the government. The government doesn't have the money to supply any
equipment for this hospital, let alone doctors. There was a day this
summer when there were NO doctors at the hospital! and the doctors they
do get for the most part, aren't young. We have experienced first hand
through my husband's brothers-in-law, that the health care providers
hope you die before you get your treatments for cancer. I have more
horror stories, but it would take too much space. With the population
increasing, perhaps it's time to make Grafton's hospital more like
Altru? Or maybe Grand Forks needs another hospital. But in any case,
just be thankful that we CAN get treatments right away instead of having
to wait months. Just my 2 cents worth.
Mary Small (Lykken) <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mary. I agree kindheartedly.
After all, In light of the fact that we have politicians in Washington
that apparently don't even know what a rest room in an airport should be
used for. How in God's green earth could we expect them to know how to
run our country's health system?
The big signs over our gas pumps in Grafton indicate the price of gas
is in the $2.79 range (now). Some think that's better than is was, some
think it should be better, and, the following note is Berts thought for
the day. >>>
Gary; it is pathetic to see some congressmen yelp how they are
going to go after the Exxon Mobile company because of their high
profits. That is a stupid joke some people even believe is right. They
don't tell you that the oil companies make $0.11 cents oper gallon, far
less than the federal tax per gallon not taking into account the state
tax per gallon. In Wa. state we pay $0.46 per gallon tax per gallon,
better than four (4) times the oil company profits. Bert Overland <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert.
Thanks Mary, I really do appreciate getting updated addresses.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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