Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August 29, 2006 - Tuesday

08/29/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by --- PAP'S Tap Room.
The current temperature is 51 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 88/49
Normal H/L temp for this date is 77/51
It should be warm the rest of the week,.. it really should be.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Christopher Larson provided the answer to last weeks question on the
status of Subways new building venture. He wrote:
>>> Subject: new Subway
Hi Gary, in talking with the owners of Subway, Arden and Arlys Brorby, I
have found out that they will be building the new Subway in its "new"
downtown location sometime this winter. Chris <<< Thanks a million
Chris. I hope the owners realize how hard the ground gets in this
country during the winter. Then again maybe that's where the term
"breaking ground" comes from.
Denise Sevigny shared the following. >>>> Subject: Memories
Did you know there was a pilot project through PPTV to accomplish
exactly what you have created through the Gazette? When I worked with
the ND Small Business Development Center, my friend and SBDC co-worker,
Kim Stenehjem took a position with PPTV. One of her assignments was to
create a chat room for the Fargo/Moorhead area. It was a study about how
people would communicate over the internet (would they be more open with
their statements under the umbrella of anonymity offered by the
internet, what types of topics would arise, who would use the chat room
(teens, adults)). Registration and a password were required and the
messages were screened for inappropriate messages (i.e. profanity), but
were not screened for political content, etc. Kim is now a producer at
The next time I run into her I'll ask her about the results of the
study and report back to you. Since I left the SBDC in 1997, this study
took place almost a decade ago, but it's interesting to note that what
has evolved from your personal communications with your family has
become such an extended network of communication. If I were back in
graduate school (communications at UND), I'd consider doing a study to
analyze the Gazette. Fortunately, graduate school is behind me and now I
must go print shirts for little basketball players.
Have a great day.
Denise Sevigny
Embroidery Plus <<< Thanks a million Denise, I'm not exactly sure how I
should respond. Except to say,... interesting.
Along the same line,.. but different. Susanne Martinson wrote the
following. >>> Subject: states
Dear Gary, I saw a challenge in the last Gazette sent to me. You
send to 23 states. Hmmmm. I bet it's more than that since there are
so many that are forwarded. Would you name them and see if anyone
that is receiving the Gazette 'secondhand' might be living in an
"absent" state? Thanks for what you do for Grafton! Sue <<<
Thanks a million for the challenge Sue. Often, just finding babble
someone "might read" is challenge enough. I'm not sure anyone would want
to spend time reading a list of states.
The latest rumor has "Arby's" moving into the Hardee's facility. I'm
not sure who, if anyone, starts these rumors.
I do know you have to get up really early (in a small town) if you
want to start one yourself. Or so it seems to me.
Lately, it seems, everyone wants to convert old buildings to new and
more useful purposes. The next note dances around that subject as well.
I was just thinking - when reading that 'your' Gazette goes to the
G.F. Herald; remember a couple-three weeks ago on the front page of the
"Neighbors" little paper - Rona Johnson wrote about two-three couples
wanting to restore an old school. She should be invited to do a 'story'
about how Walsh Co. /Grafton re-modeled Chase Elem. School - into what
is now the Chase (Professional) Bldg. If anyone wants to know what to do
with an old school - they should come to Grafton and see the Chase Bldg.
Just a thought............... <<< Thanks for caring and sharing. In
fact, Rona Johnson does get the Gazette, if she still reads it. Maybe
she would be willing to do just that. Right Rona?
From the "bet you didn't know,.. if you really care", department. ---
The coastline around Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota is longer than the
California coastline along the Pacific Ocean. --- Now then, if you found
that fact fascinating. How about this one. === North Dakota has more
registered vehicles than it has residents.
(Thanks for caring and sharing Dan)
I noticed the following was listed in the Walsh County Record
For sale --- 1936 Ford Coup. Joe Misialek, 1004 Cooper Avenue Grafton.
Did I mention the date? Thursday, April 19, 1945
The same classified section has Nelson Drug looking for 2 fountain
girls and offering top wages and good hours.
Ray's Purity Shop was looking for Waitresses and, the ad said,
experience wasn't necessary.
I guess that was "the good old days".
The subscription department added two more names to the list today. One
requested I not share the name, and, the second came with the following
note. >>> Subject: mailing list
I was just forwarded a copy of your newsletter and enjoyed reading the
I was raised in Oakwood, some of my brothers and sisters still live
there. I moved to Seattle Wa in 1965 and now live in the Olympia Wa.
area. I was married to Dick Narlock and he died in 1998 and now
remarried to Terry Gallagher. We visit his mother often who is at
Sunset. I would appreciate getting a copy of the gazette.
C. Narlock <<< I am very pleased to welcome both of you to the Gazette
family. I'm almost positive the "C" is the first letter in Ms. Narlocks
first name. But I'll be darned if I can guess the rest of them.
According to the next couple notes. Some folks are starting to get the
Gazette back again. I'm still not sure what's happening.
>>> Dear Gary, The Gazette arrived today just fine. Thank you, thank
you, thank you!
Almost into withdrawals... <<<
This was the second note on the same subject. >>> You were spammed out
of my inbox last week. I nearly had withdrawal symptoms fretting that I
might not see the Gazette again. But today it came through.just fine. Go
figure. <<<
Once again, I can't explain it, I can only say I am pleased it's
working again,... I think. Gary
This weeks winners of the Firefighters calendar drawing are:
8/28 Larry Tanke $20
8/29 Tom Krause $20
8/30 Diane Gilleshammer $20
8/31 Teri Dahl $20
9/1 Sylvester Klinicke $20
9/2 Grafton Volunteer Fire Department Memory of Russ Restemayer by
Al Sklarski $20
9/3 Jerry Hendrickson $20
Congratulations to this weeks lucky winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
If the Gazette doesn't show up in your in-box Wednesday. It may have
gotten tangled up in the prop of our Walleye combine.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

August 28, 2006 - Monday

08/28/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by The "Legionnaires".
The current temperature is 68 degrees
The next few days will be suny and warm.
Fifty years from now,.. this will be the good old days.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Rumor has it the "Red Ram", of sorts, has returned to Grafton. The word
on the street is a "go-go" dancer left little to ones imagination at
Ekatta's one night last week. It sounds like the "cover charge" (pardon
the pun) was to cover the cost of "uncovering". Or so it seems to me.
Elmer Sandager, Fritz Finger, Marvin Devig, and Robert E. Dahl made up
the group known as the "Legionnaires" in a 1955 Walsh County Record
I received the following note regarding "Happy" Chandler.
You have covered the A.B. "Happy" Chandler day very good the past few
My dad was a friend of Happy Chandler. Art Tallackson Sr. had a good
part in the celebration of Happy Chandlers visit to Grafton.
My brother Ross and I were drafted into preparing the Chandler field
for the big celebration. We used our farm truck to haul a mixture of
dirt and manure to provide a fertile base for the grass to grow on.
My dad received a signed baseball from Happy, sorry to say over the 50
- 60 years people have rubbed off the signature so now we have an
unsigned 60 year old baseball.
Because I am a politician I followed the Chandler career in Kentucky.
He was a great man and contributed generously to the American scene.
Harvey Tallackson <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Harvey. Your 60 year old
baseball, along with the story of it, might make a wonderful
contribution to Graftons Heritage Village someday.
It appears as though the folks at invisimax.com started thinking the
Gazette is spam again. The Gazettes I sent out last week came back from
all the invisimax addresses. I'm not sure why, and, their probably more
right than wrong. I don't know what I can do about it, only to say
dog-gone, bugger, heck, shucks.
Sharing stories and memories is the life-blood of the Gazette. Kaye
(Kieley) McFarland sent us the following. >>>
Dear Gary,, "Thanks for the Memories". Just back from Bob Hope country,
and the 65th wedding anniversary of Tom and Betty Kieley in Palm
Springs. Tom left Grafton at the age of 19 because of the "harsh" North
Dakota winters, but his heart has never left the Red River Valley, and
for years he has always tried to go back for Summer fest, so know a lot
of the Graftonites remember him as "Uncle Tom", GHS graduate. Another
anniversary is coming up fast—Jim and I will be celebrating our 47th
on September 5th. We'd like to offer a much belated "Thank You" to you
for tying the bows on the pews at our wedding. A delight that you
remembered that task of so many years ago. One more Grafton Floral
memory. On August 29th the year following our wedding, I gave birth to
the first of our four sons and the first grandchild of Clyde and Agnes
Kieley, second grandchild of Jim and Gladys McFarland. It was an
exciting event with long stemmed roses [from the new dad], large
bouquets of flowers from both grandmas [both widows by that time],
bouquets from Grafton Electric, Wally's,1st National [Jim's employer at
that time], etc.—all delivered by Grafton Floral. But best of all was
one small corsage box containing a small corsage of baby pink roses,
white baby's breath and baby blue ribbon, to be worn by the new mom in
the hospital. A gift from your dad and Peggy. They ALWAYS added that
special touch. What a treat for a new mom! Hope the fishing is still
good. There's nothing better than fresh Lake of the Woods walleye. P.S.
Spent an evening with former "Western Avenue" neighbor Tom Phelps and
wife Helene before our trip to Palm Springs. They were visiting their
daughter, son-in-law and twin grandchildren who recently moved to White
Bear Lake. Copied and shared the latest "Gazette" with them, to Tom's
delight. "Thanks for the Memories"!!! <<< Thank you Kaye, for caring and
sharing a part of your world with "us". Your certainly right about the
fresh walleye. Saturday evening we enjoyed a fresh caught walleye supper
(dinner for you folks south of St. Paul) at Arnesen's Rocky Point
Resort. I might add that I also caught a large northern Saturday as
well. In the interest of good sportsmanship - and, not wanting the slimy
mess in the boat - the big fellow was released to fight another day.
The Gazette subscription department was busy last week as well. Judy
Kamrowski sent the following. >>>
Kaye Kieley McFarland has been forwarding me you news letter and I
have enjoyed reading it. Would sure like to be on your mailing list!!
Having left the Grafton area 4 years ago, I look for anyway to keep in
touch with things going on there. Thanks. <<< Thanks for the interest
Judy. I hope you can find something of interest in the largest, "almost
daily", collection of babble Winnipeg and St. Paul.
Susan Barclay sent the following. Giving us even more reason to
continue. >>>
Gary, I really enjoy reading your blog. My aunt from Pennsylvania sent
me the link to it about a month ago. Hadn't heard of it. I got to
reading through the previous months and saw something written about my
father-in-law. I printed it off for him and he really enjoyed it. Keep
up the interesting comments, from what I can tell, a lot of people like
to read it.
Susan Barclay <<< Thanks a million Susan. I'm guessing you've been
reading the "archives" on www.newsfromgrafton.com
The Gazette has found it's way into several area news media computers.
The Walsh County Record, Grand Forks Herald, and the Fargo Forum to
mention only a few. KXPO will now be in the mix. >>> Hi Gary,
I am wondering if you could add me to your mailing list. I am currently
employed at KXPO in the sales dept. Thank you.
Sherry O'Toole <<< Thank you Sherry,
I'm pleased to welcome you and the Grafton KXPO radio organization to
"our" Gazette family.
The next one comes from a wonderful young lady who not only is the
sister of "our" mayor, she is the wonderful wife of the top man in the
Grafton branch of world renown Marvins Windows and Doors. >>>
I am hoping we can get on your mailing list. Friends have
forwarded the Gazette to me in the past, and I have really enjoyed
them. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Tara Halvorson <<< Thank you Tara and welcome to the Gazette family.
It'll be great having someone with the key to Marvins board room, AND,
the Mayors office in our midst. P.S. Friday night I had the opportunity
to shake hands with Bill Marvin and chat with him for a minute while he
was eating "dinner" at Arnesen's Rock Harbor Lodge. Every time I talk
with him, he never fails to ask, "are we treating you folks alright?".
Laurie sent the following. >>>
Hi, this is Laurie Allmaras and I would like to be added to your
mailing list. Thank you! <<< Thank you Laurie. We will be pleased to
include you in the Gazette family.
Rocky Point summer resident, Barb Hokanson, has also requested becoming
a Gazette family member. Barb is retired high school English teacher. I
hope she doesn't use a red pencil while reading my babble. Welcome Barb.
I should remind everyone again. If you would like to share "anything"
in the Gazette, and prefer I not include your name, simply say so in
your message and you name will be withheld and kept strictly
confidential between you and me. No one else will ever know. Of
course,... I will always reserve the sole right to send it out or not.
I would really appreciate hearing from those that haven't already
responded letting me know that you are receiving the Gazette without
The Gazette goes out to folks in 23 states, Canada and Mexico.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so
it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

August 22, 2006 - Tuesday

08/22/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by Williamson's Farm Fresh Dairy
The current temperature is 66 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 78/52
Normal H/L temp for this date is 80/53
It's perfect weather to fire up the old walleye combine again.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I'm not sure how much credibility the latest rumor should be given, but
the word on the street is that Bergstrom Electric has taken over the
former Sand Iron & Steel facilities on the east edge of town.
I have also learned that Dave French has accepted a position with
Jamestown Auto Center in Jamestown North Dakota. Dave has been with
Hanson Auto & Implement in Grafton for the past several years and prior
to that Dave sold vehicles for Heritage Ford Chrysler in Grafton for a
number of years.
Along with being one of "our" area's more recognizable car sales
representatives, Dave has been a "regular" each morning at Granny's.
Dave says it will be difficult leaving Hanson's, and the area, although
he said, this is an opportunity for advancement that he just couldn't
pass up.
We wish you the very best in your new adventure Dave, we're happy for
you and your new found opportunity. I hope you also realize that you
will be leaving a void that will be difficult fill.
On June 8, 1946 10,000 visitors flocked to Grafton's new "Chandler
Field" for it's dedication ceremonies. Then baseball commissioner, and
previous member of Graftons semi-pro baseball club, H. A. (Happy)
Chandler was on hand for the celebration.
"Seeing this huge crowd here to attend these festivities and this
game," Chandler said in dedicating the new Chandler field, "tends to
justify the confidence of you people in the great American game of
baseball. And I assure you that your confidence will be justified while
I remain commissioner of baseball."
After his speech, Chandler placed his right hand in a block of fresh
cement. The imprint will be kept at the field as a memento of the
"I started my career here in Grafton and it was indeed appropriate that
it be here that I finish it, after playing only two and a half innings
with my old team mates a few minutes ago," Chandler told the crowd.
"I'm grateful to you -- more grateful than I can say to be here and
have the privilege of having this new athletic field named in my honor,"
Happy told the throng.
The 1946 Grand Forks Herald article also featured a picture of "Happy"
placing his hand in wet cement with Boy Scout "aide" Kenneth DeSautel by
his side.
Thanks a million to Leroy Nelson for allowing me the opportunity to
read that edition of the Herald.
The article stated the cement hand print would be kept at the field. I
wonder, what might have happened to it, or, where it's at now? Would
anyone have any idea?
Today is the day Anne celebrates the 21 anniversary of her birth.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday Anne, your grandmother and I love you
very much.
I received several comments about Jeff Hanson's note yesterday. The
following represents the jist of them.
>>> Sure glad to read the Hanson's response. What do you know about the
building of the new Subway? <<<
I haven't heard a word about the new Subway store. A drive by the
property they will be building on certainly doesn't give one any
indication of new construction,... yet anyway.
Mildred Anderson shared the following.
=== Personal Safety Idea ===
What a great idea!
Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a
noise outside your home or some is trying to get in your house, just
press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the
horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car
battery dies. This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator.
Next time you come home for the night and you start to put
keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably
already have and requires no installation. Just press the panic alarm
on your car key chain.
Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house
and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it
with the button on the key fob chain.
It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your
car alarm
goes off when someone is trying to break in your house, odds are the
burglar or rapist won't stick around.... after a few seconds the
neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and
sure enough the criminal won't want that.
Try yours to make sure it works before you rely on it. Just know
you must press the alarm button again to turn it off.
And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a
parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there.....
This is something that should really be shared with everyone.
Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mildred. It certainly looks
like a super idea to me.
Konze and Kreamer spent a few days last week replacing the deck on
June and Lees former trailer at Rocky Point. It's nice but it does look
a bit smaller.
With the weather the way it's been, and the water levels dropping the
way they have. I better get back to Arnesen's Rocky Point and get the
old walleye combine going before before I lose another whole crop of
This weeks lucky firefighters calendar draw winners are:
8/21 Lily Nadeau $20
8/22 June Erlendson $20
8/23 Randy Pederson $20
8/24 Boyd Peterson $20
8/25 Tony Martinez $20
8/26 Paul Nygard $20
8/27 Pat Badolato $20
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Monday, August 21, 2006

August 21, 2006 - Monday

08/21/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by the Grafton Brick Co.
The current temperature is 66 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 83/55
Normal H/L temp for this date is 80/54
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The newest industry to start operations here is the Grafton Brick
Factory Co. which manufactures concrete bricks. The first day's output
was 3,000 brick's. In the future it is planned to speed the operation to
produce 5,000 daily. The company is headed by Soren Blegen, Sanford
Blegen and Warren Wilson.
A large concrete mixer, specially designed by Soren Blegen and
constructed in the Damas French machine shop here, is used in preparing
the concrete.
(Grand Forks Herald - June 9, 1946)
The last Gazette went out on the 10th. That too, was the day the last
of Johnson's Used cars were loaded on semi's indicating the end of
another automotive business in Grafton.
Rumor still has "our" local Hardee's fast food feeding station closing
sometime soon, although, now, someone has added McDonald's coming to
town to the rumor. I guess only time, or someone, will tell.
Grafton Floral's 60 years in business celebration was a huge success.
It was heart warming to see so many people (hundreds of them) take time
from their busy schedule to stop by and visit. I was especially amused
at David Hansons Krum-Caka story. It seems Kathy Carlson devised a new
method of pressing it.
Every once in a while I get the feeling I just have to say what I
think. I guess it happens once in a while to Tom as well.
He wrote: Subject: WHAT IN THE WORLD!
I am not very good with words but I'll try!
What in the world is going on? Every time I turn around it seems to me
that we are selling off our country. It probably started a long time ago
but here is what I have noticed lately, First gas hits three dollars,
then we try to give control of our major ports to more camel jockeys and
now we have to give up the basic freedom to carry toothpaste on an
airplane! I am sick of this crap. On top of that we are trying to sell
GM to Toyota and all of our local business's seem to be closing there
doors! Last time I checked, milk in St. Thomas was $5 a gallon, in the
big city to the South it was $2.75. What in the world? No wonder
people can't make it any longer! I am tired of local leaders wanting
more money for unneeded things! When will it stop? It will stop when
everybody moves to bigger cities drives Toyota's and don't give a crap
about anything or anybody anymore! This country was made Great by "we
the people" not I the Person!!!!!!!!!!! I believe the terrorists of
the world are winning because they have changed almost every simple
freedom we have! They can keep doing what they do but we have to adjust!
Boy I hope I don't run into one soon as I am quite sure he/she won't
like what I have to say.
All that said, There are a lot of awesome people in the world of every
race creed and color! I think we all need to rise up and take back what
is ours True Freedom granted to us by GOD! My challenge to the
rest of the world is WHAT IN THE WORLD are you doing to make it better
for everyone TODAY!, Not just yourself!
Thanks, Gary
Good luck Fishing,
Tom Kennelly
701-520-3040 <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tom. It is a
fact. "It's not what we do for ourselves, rather, it's what we do for
others that makes "our" country so great." Or so it seems to me.
Exchanging thoughts and ideas, and, sharing a bit of ones own world
with others, is what the Gazette is all about. Avis (Brateng) O'Leary,
accomplished all of that with the following note.
Avis wrote: >>> Hi Gary:
Eileen Greevy Prouty from Grafton and her husband Harlyn emailed
me a copy of the Skeeterville Gazette newsletter about GRAFTON
I enjoyed reading it and recognized many names and loved remembering
all those occasions you talked about in Grafton. I especially
remember Chandler Field and going to sleep with those ball games still
going on at night.
I am the youngest of 9 children--the Brateng family who lived at 905
Prospect Avenue. At the time I lived there five of my brothers and
sister had married and most were living in Washington State and
Oregon. My parents were Bert and Eva Brateng. My dad died in
Grafton in 1950 from cancer. My Mom and I subsequently moved to DC
where I had a job on Capitol Hill -- little did I know I would stay
working there for the next 25 years! Mom later moved to Oregon where
she lived for 25 years before she died.
When I was 12 years of age I would baby sit you and " Doddle
Bug" while your Mom and Dad had a night out. I remember your parents
were so nice and very generous in paying me $2.00 for the
evening. That was great money for a poverty stricken 12 year
old! It was also my first job and I was on my way to becoming a
independent entrepreneur. Oh by the way you 2 boys could be a hand
full sometimes, but I managed to keep up and loved you both dearly.
I live in Columbia, SC with my husband Tim who was a residential
builder-developer until he retired 2 years ago. We left DC and came
south to live and start building in this location.
I was in Grafton this past June 25th to see my sister Bea Johnson
and her husband Kenny and family. We attended Our Saviours Lutheran
Church 125th Anniversary celebration and saw some of the people from the
class reunion--unfortunately our flight from SC was delayed and we
missed the street dance and country club reception.
Thanks for writing the newsletter Gary, and please put me on your
email list for further editions.
Thanks and God Bless you and yours, Avis Brateng O'Leary
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Avis. In an earlier Gazette
I mentioned that it was your brother Darrel along with Mike Staffne and
Ron Radford that taught me how to chew snuff. I believe I was 5 years
old at the time. That, may have been one of the reasons you didn't find
me quite as docile as some of the other neighborhood kids. And, I am
pleased to welcome you to the Gazette family.
Kris Stewart and Tammy Henriksen will also become new members of the
Gazette family. Please feel free to share a part of your world with us.
Jeff Hanson sent the following note just this morning. >>> Subject:
Dear Gary,
I felt the need to respond to a reference that was in one of last
week's gazettes about Hanson Auto & Implement.
The reference was made in your column pertaining to the closing of
Johnson Sales and Heritage Sales and Leasing. The reference was
that Hanson Auto & Imp. had let five employees go due to the same
economic pressures that caused the other two businesses to close. A
person with a very vivid imagination could make the assumption that
Hanson Auto & Imp. is next in line for the same fate.
Our family owned dealership has an employee count that rages from 65
to 70 employees depending on the time of year and an annual payroll in
excess of 4 million dollars that circulates throughout our
communities. Yes, we have turnover, sometimes employees leave to
better themselves, some times they need to be replace by some one more
capable. The jobs are filled, not eliminated!
Gary, I do appreciate your concern for the well-being of the entire
community and I do know that no harm was meant by the comments that were
made. Truth be told, we are doing business in the same economy that
others have struggled in. When times are tough, we struggle as well.
But I do believe in the people of Grafton along with the surrounding
communities and we plan on being a full service provider of automotive
and agricultural retail sales, parts, and service for years and years
to come!
Jeff Hanson
Brian Hanson
Bonnie Hanson Yantes
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Jeff. Of course my comments
weren't intended to harm, rather, as a wakeup call to the wonderful
people of "our" community. "Use it or lose it", should become the
by-line for which we all function.
"It is the responsibility of those who's destiny relies on people. To
make certain the people they rely on, share the same destiny." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

August 10, 2006 - Thursday

08/10/06 THURSDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by ZELDA
The current temperature is 79 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 85/64
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/56
The forecast for the rest of the week sounds super for fish harvest.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff
Today is Grafton Floral Customer and Employee appreciation party.
Everyone is invited. The party starts at 3:00 with Goober's Gourmet
Gobbler feed starting at 5:00 this afternoon. Tony Osowski, a former
custodian of Grafton Floral's legacy, will also be on hand sharing
samples from his special wine collection.
ZELDA CAFE: Medford O'Trembo began operating the cafe, then known as
Tremy's Sandwich Shop, in 1950. The cafe is located in the Zelda
building and was later sold to Ted Hoffman, owner of the building, and
of the other businesses which are housed there. The cafe served
customers on a long horseshoe shaped counter, and includes a soda
fountain. The building originally housed the Purity Creamery.
Tom Kutz shared the following:
>>> Hi Gary,
Hey, you asked about the P-51. I can't remember who bought it
but I do remember that it sat on the south side of the old school house
for awhile. We played on it as kids. I also remember that it was
towed to the airport for repairs. And didn't a fellow named Jacoby in
Grand forks have a P-51 for a time. Maybe it was the same one?
Congratulations to the floral shop on their 60th anniversary. 60
years is quite an accomplishment! I to remember when the shop was in
the old Heltne building on main street. The cut flower cooler was on
the North wall and if my memory serves me you use to walk kind of down
hill from the front door to get to it. Floors weren't to level.
Tom <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tom. I'm hoping your
note will jog other memories as well.
You are certainly right about the "old" shop floor not being level. The
trim from the cooler you speak of was put on the overhang of our house
and remains there to this day.
The flower shop "celebration" and comments there of, gave Kathee
reason to share the following. >>>
I had to copy off today's edition of the Skeeterville Gazette and sit
down in a comfy chair to savor its contents. Even though my window of
time at Grafton Floral was relatively short, I recognized many of the
names. Once anyone came into the circle of the Grafton Floral family, he
or she never left. Bill was great at invoking the memory of past
employees and contacts and telling stories on himself and others.
I truly regret that I cannot be there to join in the celebration
tomorrow (Thursday). I sent a note to AK and have commissioned Dorothy
Wentz to pass along my greetings too. I ask that you drink it all in, in
your inimitable way, and give us a full report in a future edition of
the Gazette.
By the way, thank AK for supporting the turkey industry. My husband was
quite pleased.
All the best,
Kathee <<< Thanks a million Kathee, Rest assured your spirit will be
felt there. And, I too, feel there's nothing like a juicy gizzard and
turkey thigh as well.
Marjie sent the following: Good morning Gary,
Congratulations on 60 years of business at Grafton Floral. I can't
think of a more pleasant way of affecting the lives of others than by
providing flowers to help celebrate the happy moments or to console at
the sad ones.
Marjie <<< Thanks a million Marjie, it looks like you and I think
alot alike.
Barbara Whelan sent this note. >>>
Today's Gazette, filled with your memories of Grafton Floral, is the
very reason that I enjoy your writing so much. I love the history and
the memories, and the life lessons that are interwoven therein.
Thanks to YOU for sharing.
Barb Whelan <<< Thank you Barb, for caring and sharing.
Remember the "new" rules at the immigration dept the other day? (Press
1 if you speak English OR, press 2 and hang up if you don't.) This next
note is in response to that. >>> Hi Gary,
Just a short note on the immigration issue.......working for
Continental airlines here in AZ, we run into all kinds of people from
all over the world and for the most part have no problems. However,
twice in just the last week, a couple of my coworkers have been accused
of not giving good customer service because they do not speak
Spanish.... My answer to this is I live in the United States of America,
and speak ENGLISH, the official language of our country. I do not
consider it bad customer service, because I do not know how to speak
Spanish or any other language. I would consider it a slap in the face to
have our official language changed as some people are pushing for. As
far as I am concerned if you want to live in this country and receive
the benefits from living in this country you should take a que from most
of our ancestors and learn to speak the language.
Your cousin Mary in AZ <<< Thanks a million Mary. It sure looks like you
and I are signing from the same song book.
Ralph shared the following thoughts after reading about our sudden
reduction in retail sales businesses. >>>
Gary, sorry to read about the business closings and changes. On the
bright side, can you imagine two finer clothing stores anywhere than
Mary's and the Squire Shop. Starting out at the great height of 5 ft 8
in at 6:30 in the mornings, my recent and continuing "back problems"
have now left me 2 plus inches shorter. I have shopped from here to
Mpls. to South Bend. There isn't a finer mens store in terms of both
quality and service than the Squire Shop. Rita's choice of clothing she
offers is tremendous. When it comes to womens clothing the same can be
said for both of them. This economy must be hard on them, too. So, their
continuing success can only be because of the management. That is not to
say that the recent closings and changes were because of management.
Some times the economy simply overwhelms us. I hope my statements don't
become a curse on either of them. It would be a sad downtown without
either of them. <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ralph. I
certainly agree with your comments as well. Although I might take the
opportunity to remind us all. "We ARE the economy". Or so it seems to
I'm not sure if it's been 20 or 30 or 40 years since I've seen Lyle
LaMont. I was pleased to see him this morning at Granny's. It sounds
like he'll be spending several days here this trip, and, maybe next
spring, before it gets to hot, he plans to move back to North Dakota
sorta perminant. I sure hope Arnold S. doesn't find out his economy is
It appears as though the weather for combing (walleye combing) has been
about as good as one could hope for. So, without further ado, that's
what I'll do.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

August 9, 2006 - Wednesday

08/09/06 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is made possible by GRAFTON FLORAL and, by the hundreds
of wonderful people that have made Grafton Floral possible.
The current temperature is 81 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 88/58
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/56
"Profanity makes ignorance possible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Todays Gazette may well be one of the most difficult I have written,
and, I'm almost certain one of the most difficult for folks to read and
understand. It won't surprise me that many may not even be able to read
it completely.
For several days now, I have pondered the upcoming 60th year
celebration of Grafton Floral. Last night I found it nearly impossible
to sleep. For the past several days, almost everything I did or touched
reminded me in someway, shape or form of the business that is
responsible for my being.
To that end, today's Gazette will be written, to the best of my
ability, much like the thoughts of the past 60 years of Grafton Floral
have emerged from my warehouse of memories. Not, as a true and accurate
chronological diary, rather a capitulation of people and events that
span the 524,160 hours we will celebrate this Thursday, August 10th from
5 to 8:00 in the southeast corner of Grafton at Summit and tenth street,
across from Chandler field.
The first "delivery" vehicle I remember was an early model grey
Chevrolet. The front seat was burned out and I had to sit on a 5 gallon
pail. I thought of Marilyn Hove riding on our float, it was the most
beautiful floral display on a float this area has ever seen. Heltne's
Harness Shop was the first home of Grafton Floral on mainstreet.
I remember Ralph Honsval leaving the uptown flower shop with a armful
of lose flowers and mom giving dad heck for not wrapping them. I
remember the Heltne attic full of white wicker standing baskets used for
weddings and funerals. I thought of the times we would tie miles of
fresh spruce garlands to decorate mainstreet for the Christmas holidays.
I thought of how dad and mom enjoyed watching the neon Grafton Floral
sign light up at dusk and how proud they were to have a business on main
Seeding grass by hand with a Sears 12 foot box seeder. Hulda Carlson's
garden patch on the north end of town. Ed Nelson lived next door. I
remember learning to ball & burlape evergreens with Ed Ebertowski and
Everett Nelson. Plugging (adding branches) christmas trees. Putting on
the wiring and stringing up the moms and pompoms in the south greenhouse
benches with Sharon McIntyre & Shirley Rae Blanchard. Building benches
with Lewis Sondeland. Trying to keep the greenhouses from freezing
brought George LaHaise, Hugo Kutz, Arnold Roth, Arnold Orsund to mind.
Cleaning under the benches brings Jim Almen and Pat Devig Bill and
Denton Offutt back to mind. Planting trees throughout the area envolved
Warren Wilson, Neil McDonald among others. It's hard not to think of the
busy Mothers Day weekends and all the people that worked so hard to make
so many happy on that special day. Often, as many as 25 and 30 people
worked 12 to 20 hours a day the Thursday, Friday and Saturday before
Mothers day. Theresa, Leona, Winnie, Sharon, Bennie, Don, Larry, Robert,
Gerald, Rodney, Jerome & Mamie, Debbie, MaryJo, Sandy, Carol, Mary,
David, Kathee, Jim, John, Andy, Rudy, Ronnie, Gen, Chuck, Pat, Roger,
Stella, Ann, Lowell, Jon, Rosemary, Art, Judy, Barbara, Jean, Helen,
Bernice, Orlan, Glenn, Jason and Norman are some of the names that keep
bouncing around in my head.
The day Bennie Molde stacked over 400 corsages and several bouquets
into the 51 Ford "woodie" and headed for Drayton, St. Thomas and
Cavalier will forever be etched in my memory. Melvin Thompson, Clayton
Cudmore, Almer Bjerke and Bob Kingsbury all hauled soil to us for
planting the spring bedding plants and nursery stock. Initially Melvin
Thompson did the ground preperations for new construction. Later Bob
Oihus took over that business and worked hand in hand with "us". I
thought of the time dad and Clayton Cudmore worked together to aquire
the rest area landscaping job on the site west of Devils Lake.
I remember the time (during a mothers rush) Jen Hvidsten walked into
the flower shop late at night to help us out. She told mom it would be
OK, that Carl was "napping" and didn't know she left the house. I guess
Carl didn't think his wife should have to work. (and, she didn't have
to, she did because she loved it)
I remember Justin Colsen jumping up on the greenhouse bench and doing
pull ups (with 5 buckel overshoes on) from the roof trusses when he was
at least a dozen years older than I am,... NOW. I thought of the time in
late March when the boiler went out and we had to heat the greenhouse by
burning paper and cardboard boxes til Hugo could get the boiler fixed.
And, the spring dad hired a professional gardener from England to work
for "us". That venture, we soon learned, was a super idea,.. but it
didn't work out. John Stewart, it seems was used to growing plants in a
completely differant environment then we had.
I thought of the day we got rid of the 51 Ford "Woodie" replacing it
with a 1960 blue Ford wagon, the one Pat and I used for our wedding
trip. The little house, the one we live in for several years, the one
with "pea rock" by the front door, and, the one Arnold Barclay lived in
for a time, activates my grey matter as often as any.
At one time, Grafton Floral was one of the largest Toro equipment
dealers in the area, and, was the largest Scotts Lawn Products dealer in
the state. That reminded me of my trip to Marysville Ohio to train and
learn about Scotts in their main headquarters facilities.
I still can't drive by a piece of paper in the ditch that I don't
think of dad "driving" around town picking litter with his cane and
throwing it in the back of the station wagon. I'll never forget the
numorous times people, with less than us, would come into the shop to
order funeral or wedding flowers and dad would write the orders up just
like any of the rest, then, when those folks would leave, dad would
scratch off the price and write "paid in full" on the slip. Even now,
after 40 and 50 years, some folks still remind me of that.
Sixty (60) years, for some reason, it doesn't really seem that long to
me today. 60 years, if only I could remember it all. If only I could say
thank you,... just one more time, to all of the wonderful people
responcible for allowing Grafton Floral to celebrate such an event. If
only my Dad & Mom and Peggy could see it now. Sixty years, fortunately,
I remember much of it. Ufortunately, however, not all.
I remember hundreds of smiles as I delivered "our" beautiful product to
their door. I will never forget the many times we were able to share
peoples saddness while bringing beauty into their lives. Nor will I
forget the times we would give Christmas trees to families that thought
"Christmas" was only for the wealthy.
I hope all those that can, will stop by Grafton Floral and Greenhouse
tomorrow (Thursday, August 10) from 5 to 8:00 pm. Goober (Joey Watkins)
and AK have assured me that the turkey, with all the fixins, will be
scrumptious. I've been told Tony Osowski's wine is as close to the
"nector of the god's" as man can ever make it, and, Andrew and Jacqui
will be extremely pleased to have you as their guest.
CONGRATULATIONS Jacqui and AK Moe. Thank you for continuing to make
Grafton Floral and Greenhouse's founders proud. We are both looking
forward to partcipating in this significant milestone.
Pat and Gary
"If you never share your memories, they will be lost forever." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

August 8, 2006 - Tuesday

08/08/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by our youngest son Brad. On this day
34 years ago, only seconds after he was born. Dr. Eaton put Brad in one
of those fancy glass covered "bassinet's" in the delivery room. Before
we knew it, Brad had shaken his "new bed" halfway across the delivery
room floor. Except to eat,.. Brad hasn't slowed down a bit since.
You have made your Mom & Dad, and your entire family very proud.
The current temperature is 86 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 85/47
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/56
The forecast for the remainder of the week is for seasonal weather. We
won't know for certain what season,.. til the end of the week.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The former Robertson Lumber Company coal bins are slowly disappearing.
Two energetic fellows were tearing down the roof on part of it this
afternoon. I haven't heard what will replace the structure, if anything.
It will certainly open up another large area in the down town area for
sailboat fuel to flourish.
I received the following yesterday. Most will agree, it's short, and
to the point.
Press "1" for English.
Press "2" to disconnect until you
Learn to speak English.
I'm guessing there are some out there that take exception to the new
immigration policy listed above. I don't!
Another response to the never ending saga of Grafton's northern
Newman's nuisance notes of late. >>> Hey, I read the comments about my
comments in the Gazette and I'm not jealous of Mr. Newman's success in
the least, nor do I dislike him because of it. I'm happy for anyone who
makes a success of themselves and applaud them for it. But I do get
weary of businesses that take the profits but expect the government
(read that the taxpayers of this country) to come behind them and bail
them out of an environmental mess. I'm sure other towns in the area
would welcome an ethanol plant like the writer suggests, but I'm also
thinking they would ask, no, probably demand that the smell not keep
them indoors during the summer. I wasn't suggesting that we kill the
goose, just that the goose take care of it's own nest and not expect
everyone else to do that for them. I don't think the taxpayers should
expect less than that from any business that wants to be a good
neighbor. <<< Thanks a million for caring. I think your point of view
shows much merit.
I still haven't received anything on the P-51 Mustang fighter that was
originally parked at Graftons airport. Perhaps those that might know
were on vacation when I sent out the first "question" about it.
So,... the Readers Digest Version. Does anyone know or remember who
bought the P-51 Mustang fighter plane that was given to Grafton shortly
after the war?
Getting John to write anything is nothing short of a miracle. So, I
wanted to be sure to share it ASAP. John wrote: >>>
Lee Gudajtes had a baby boy Friday, August 4. He weighed in
at 8 pounds 8oz and was 22 inches long.
Tony Gudajtes,.. a Bremer Banker, got stuck with the combine on
Saturday when he fell into a 4 foot wash out 1 mile south of Ardoch.
Big John
Congratulations Heidi and Lee. I can't be absolutely certain, but I'm
guessing John will be more that happy to babysit the little tyke.....
after he finishes Tony's combine driving lessons.
Just about the time "we" think we have the Camel Jockies jacking up
fuel prices under control. BP tells us they'll be shutting down the
Alaska pipe line. Then we find out they "forgot" to put stuff in the
pipes to keep them from filling up with crud,... as apposed to crude
(pardon the pun).
ANYWAY, the end result of BP's practices is higher gas prices. I guess
BP stands for "bigger prices". It'll cost Graftonites 3 dollar and a
dime to put a gallon of gas in their lawn mower. I guess Simonsons
really did know what they were doing when they bought out "our" local BP
gas station.
O well,... unfortunately not oil well.
The Gazette subscription department sent down the following requests
for new members of the Gazette family.
>>> Hi Gary. I was with Denton and Sandy Offutt at the lake and
they indicated they would like to be a subscriber. Thanks, Kim
<<< We are pleased to welcome and have Sandy and Denton in the family.
Thanks a million Kim, for helping our family grow.
The next note comes from Goober Watkins. He wrote: >>> Greetings
Editor, This is for David Wosick. Remember him? He used to live on the
corner of 8th and Cooper. He married Rodney Webb's daughter Cristi. He
would like to be added to the Gazette family. Thanks Gary, see you on
thursday. Goober. <<< Thank you Goober and I'm happy to welcome Heidi
and David to our flock. If memory serves me, David's father and I often
shared rides to Drayton for a time during the mid sixties. Heidi's
father, Rodney Webb was the states attorney during a trial that Pat and
I were defendants even earlier than that. Disney was right, it is a
small world.
This weeks Grafton Volunteer Firefighters Calendar Draw winners are:
8/7/06 Grafton Volunteer Fire Department from Wally and Ione DeSautel
8/8/06 Chris J Johnson $20
8/9/06 Carole DeSautel $20
8/10/06 Mary Jensen $20
8/11/06 Marvin Stengrim $20
8/12/06 Angel E Comacho $20
8/13/06 Sarah Palm $20
Congratulations to all of this weeks lucky winner.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

August 7, 2006 - Monday

08/07/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by the members of the Lauzon family.
The current temperature is 75 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 82/51
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/57
The bigger the hail stone,.. the bigger the dent. Or so it seems to me.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
FISHING, off the Rock:
Fishing this past week, as usual, has been fantastic. Several anglers
reported catching 29 to 31 inch Walleyes throughout the week. Some even
had trouble hooking fish small enough to keep. I didn't talk to one
group all week that didn't catch all they could eat, and more.
I didn't get my Walleye combine back in the water last week so we had
to eat fish caught from the previous week.
Saturday evening we (most folks at the resort) spent a hour or so
waiting for a storm to pass thru the area. High winds with hail the size
of golf balls, and larger, accompanied by 2.25 inches of rain in less
than an hour was the major reason for the Rock Harbor Lodge "open
Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort was more fortunate than the Northern edge
of Warroad, just across the bay. A tornado, the worst one in recorded
history, past over the playground/swimming pool area as well as the
north campground leaving little more than rubble and memories for those
involved. I'm not aware of any serious injuries, for which we are all
very happy. Some may remember the log cabin "gift shop" that "used" the
be by the lake on the north end of town. Most of it, and all of it's
inventory is now somewhere in the waters of the Lake of the Woods.
When we returned home last evening, I discovered that the Lake of the
Woods wasn't the only place experiencing "turmoil".
Rumor has it, that Johnson's used car dealership, on the west side of
town, has closed. Then I heard that Heritage sales and leasing closed
their doors. Then, like I didn't already have enough bad news, I heard
that Hanson's auto & implement found it necessary to lay off 5 people.
When, I wonder, will the lunacy end. I understand their is a drive
underway to increase sales tax in town by 1 percent. It is quite
possible that, if the business community doesn't soon wake up, there
won't be any businesses left in town to collect the tax.
Before "we" can expect benefit from economic development, it is
absolutely imperative that "we" protect and develop "our" present
The business community of Grafton, is destroying the business community
of Grafton through apathy and greed. Some have even suggested we may be
better off as a bedroom community. That it is better, easier, and, even
cheaper to purchase everything we need from the big city to the south.
One person told me "they" can "save" big money buying their groceries
and wares at a giant store in the big city.
Why then, I wonder, would a person want to live in "our" humble little
bedroom community, when they will pay 4 and 5 dollars a gallon for gas?
I wonder... How many of our "civic leaders" have truely put forth
effort into keeping existing businesses in town going. I wonder... Has
anyone, in city government or in the business community even considered
getting together to solve the serious issues that face small business
today? Use it, or lose it.
Often I've been told by business leaders that they would really like
to do something, but they are afraid if they do, they'll lose business
because of it. It looks to me like we can lose the war fighting for it,
or, we can do nothing and lose it anyway. Or so it seems to me.
The following note came in last week. It touches the same tune I sang
in the note above. >>> Gary
Grafton should be trying to get Newman to add on not give him grief
about trying to get a little gov. money. I'm sure every town in ND
would welcome him with large subsidies. Seems there is always
somebody that doesn't like somebody that is successful. We should
celebrate success. Don't kill one of the geese that lays the eggs,
the flock is getting to small now.
As far as the money going to Jamestown, all the banks in ND ship their
money to Minneapolis or San Francisco anyway. I guess they leave
enough to pay the help.
Better leave my name off <<<
And there's another thought, without a name.
Thanks for caring and sharing. I'm not totally sure where Newman is
trying to get his money. I suspect, anywhere he can.
I "borrowed" the following from the April 19, 1945 Walsh County Record.
City Soldier Sends Souvenir to Nephew. A German accordion, picked
up in a pillbox recently by a Grafton Soldier serving in Germany, is now
in the possession of his nephew, Oscar Lauzon, who lives at McLoughlin
Heights, Wash.
The soldier who sent this souvenir home is Pfc. Lyle Nelson, son of
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nelson of Grafton. His wife, the former Bernice
Lauzon, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lauzon, former Grafton residents,
is making his home with his parents at McLoughlin Heights.
Pfc. Nelson entered the service in November, 1942, and has been
overseas since last August.
Aren't memories wonderful?
Please help me welcome Dennis and Joy Buchholtz and Ron and Cyrilla
Demers to the Gazette family. I hope they will find time to share some
thoughts and some of their world with us.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August 1, 2006 - Tuesday

08/01/06 TUESDAY grp 5 of 20
Todays Gazette is brought to you by
Christine & Christopher Bjorneby's brand new baby girl. CONGRATULATIONS
to mom and dad and to Joleen & Keith Bjorneby and Linda & David
Schumacher the proud grandparents of the pretty little sweetheart.
The current temperature is 62 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 88/57
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/57
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
As I was partaking of the juice of the coffee bean this morning at
Granny's, I got to wondering. What ever happen to the little red wagon
Charlie Hann used to pull around Grafton.
I know his original Radio Flyer one was destroyed by a couple buffoons
that hijacked him in an alley. The one I'm thinking of, is the one Wayne
Coulthart built for Charlie.
I posed the question to a few guys Monday morning and one suggested
that it may well be in the Smithsonian Institute,... alongside Archie
Bunkers stuffed chair. To that I could only add,.. If it isn't, it
certainly could be.
Anyway, I'm thinking, if, it could be found, it certainly would be a
fitting addition to Grafton's Heritage Village collection of memorable
Grafton resident memorabilia.
~~~~~ Speaking of Heritage Village. I understand - from the page on
Graftons home channel three - that the "Village" is looking for four (4)
volunteers for it's board of Directors.
Then I got to thinking. Wouldn't it be fantastic if one or more of
those volunteers would also become a major monetary benefactor of the
Then I got to thinking. Had Ralph Engelstad grown up in Grafton, and,
had he been willing to "bequest" the significant dollars he did UND. The
future of "our" hospital, fire & ambulance, park & sports facilities,
and every house of worship in the community could enjoy perpetual
financial independent longevity. Or so it seems to me.
Then,... I was reminded of the letter to the editor a gentleman from
Park River wrote a while back. He mentioned something about Park River
not receiving anything from Marvins Windows last "appreciation" bonus.
THEN, I was reminded that, apparently, one of Park Rivers largest
business construction projects of late, namely their new medical
facility addition, didn't think it was important to use Marvins windows
in it and went else where for glass to keep out North Dakotas various
weather conditions,... not to mention the skeeters.
THEN, I got to wondering. Will "our" medical facilities be able to keep
pace with the growing technical demand of the times? Gosh I sure hope
Speaking of facilities. I mentioned something about the Alchem
operation yesterday and received the following in it's regard. >>>
I see you mentioned Alchem's smell in the Gazette. It appears this is
getting to be a pretty hot topic in Grafton from reading the Record.
Looking into my crystal ball (No pun intended) I see that in the future
the taxpayers will be called upon to fork over some tax money to help
get rid of the odors. The picture is still a little fuzzy, but what I
think I see is the owner implying (or maybe saying outright) that unless
someone (Read that YOU AND I) helps foot the bill to get the company
back into environmental compliance he will be forced to shut the doors
and lay off his employees, and stop buying corn from local farmers. So
(here's the part that comes through REAL CLEAR) city, county, state, or
federal government, or some combination of the four entities will decide
it's in the best interest of the public to keep the doors open, the
employees employed, and an outlet for the farmers corn open. So they
will find funds to "clear the air" so to speak for the Grafton
residents, at a cost to the taxpayers of a much larger area than the
strongest winds could ever blow the stench. Oh, and I think I see the
owner of Alchem laughing all the way to the bank. I'm not sure, but I
think it's a Jamestown bank, not a Grafton bank.
P.S.-- I wonder what % of the annual operating budget of the facility
has been earmarked for environmental issues the past, say 10 years.
P.P.S.-- I read an article this spring that spoke of all the new ethanol
plants being built, and it said that a new plant that cost $100 million
to build would pay for itself in ethanol production in less than one
year at current profit levels. I wonder what those facilities smell
like? <<<<
I don't know what I can add to that, except to say, I believe the
Gazette is still getting into the Chamber office and that of the Mayor
among many others.
Did I mention the Grafton Floral 60 year celebration? Have I mentioned
that even a few years before that, dad traveled the northern valley
selling nursery stock. Have I mentioned how important folks like the
Green, Baldwin, O'Conner and Whelan families by St. Thomas were to dad
staying in the Valley. Or, that Milton Johnston, the Swanson's, Fedje's,
Osowski's and Egeland's all gave dad encouragement and reason to stay.
Then of course, there was the young Sevigny girl, named Helen. The lady
I always called mom. Certainly, no matter what anyone else ever says.
She, was the major reason my dad left Bottineau County for the Red River
Valley of the North. It was, to a large degree, the reason dad decided
to expand his horizons from simply selling nursery stock to opening up a
flower shop in the 400 block of Hill Avenue. Later moving the Main Shop
and greenhouse operations to it's present location on the corner of
Summit and 10th street. Grafton Floral, for awhile, also operated a
second floral shop in conjunction with a Western Union office in a small
space on the north side of the Basell Hotel.
Jim Carlson and Adrian Sevigny were among the many that worked in the
downtown shop.
Memories,.. aren't they wonderful?
Did I mention that tomorrow (Tuesday the 3rd) is A.K.'s birthday. Happy
birthday A.K. We are sure proud of the way you are taking care of the
business our father started over 60 years ago. With love and
appreciation Pat and Gary
This weeks firefighters calendar draw winners are:
7/31 Jerome Hoffart $20
8/1 Sharie Nelson $20
8/2 Dion Anderson $20
8/3 Jason Haats $20
8/4 Mike DeSautel * $20
8/5 Linda Aguado $20
8/6 James Dusek $20
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Thanks Kermit, for the wonderful note and fantastic pictures.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.