Thursday, August 10, 2006

August 7, 2006 - Monday

08/07/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by the members of the Lauzon family.
The current temperature is 75 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 82/51
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/57
The bigger the hail stone,.. the bigger the dent. Or so it seems to me.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
FISHING, off the Rock:
Fishing this past week, as usual, has been fantastic. Several anglers
reported catching 29 to 31 inch Walleyes throughout the week. Some even
had trouble hooking fish small enough to keep. I didn't talk to one
group all week that didn't catch all they could eat, and more.
I didn't get my Walleye combine back in the water last week so we had
to eat fish caught from the previous week.
Saturday evening we (most folks at the resort) spent a hour or so
waiting for a storm to pass thru the area. High winds with hail the size
of golf balls, and larger, accompanied by 2.25 inches of rain in less
than an hour was the major reason for the Rock Harbor Lodge "open
Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort was more fortunate than the Northern edge
of Warroad, just across the bay. A tornado, the worst one in recorded
history, past over the playground/swimming pool area as well as the
north campground leaving little more than rubble and memories for those
involved. I'm not aware of any serious injuries, for which we are all
very happy. Some may remember the log cabin "gift shop" that "used" the
be by the lake on the north end of town. Most of it, and all of it's
inventory is now somewhere in the waters of the Lake of the Woods.
When we returned home last evening, I discovered that the Lake of the
Woods wasn't the only place experiencing "turmoil".
Rumor has it, that Johnson's used car dealership, on the west side of
town, has closed. Then I heard that Heritage sales and leasing closed
their doors. Then, like I didn't already have enough bad news, I heard
that Hanson's auto & implement found it necessary to lay off 5 people.
When, I wonder, will the lunacy end. I understand their is a drive
underway to increase sales tax in town by 1 percent. It is quite
possible that, if the business community doesn't soon wake up, there
won't be any businesses left in town to collect the tax.
Before "we" can expect benefit from economic development, it is
absolutely imperative that "we" protect and develop "our" present
The business community of Grafton, is destroying the business community
of Grafton through apathy and greed. Some have even suggested we may be
better off as a bedroom community. That it is better, easier, and, even
cheaper to purchase everything we need from the big city to the south.
One person told me "they" can "save" big money buying their groceries
and wares at a giant store in the big city.
Why then, I wonder, would a person want to live in "our" humble little
bedroom community, when they will pay 4 and 5 dollars a gallon for gas?
I wonder... How many of our "civic leaders" have truely put forth
effort into keeping existing businesses in town going. I wonder... Has
anyone, in city government or in the business community even considered
getting together to solve the serious issues that face small business
today? Use it, or lose it.
Often I've been told by business leaders that they would really like
to do something, but they are afraid if they do, they'll lose business
because of it. It looks to me like we can lose the war fighting for it,
or, we can do nothing and lose it anyway. Or so it seems to me.
The following note came in last week. It touches the same tune I sang
in the note above. >>> Gary
Grafton should be trying to get Newman to add on not give him grief
about trying to get a little gov. money. I'm sure every town in ND
would welcome him with large subsidies. Seems there is always
somebody that doesn't like somebody that is successful. We should
celebrate success. Don't kill one of the geese that lays the eggs,
the flock is getting to small now.
As far as the money going to Jamestown, all the banks in ND ship their
money to Minneapolis or San Francisco anyway. I guess they leave
enough to pay the help.
Better leave my name off <<<
And there's another thought, without a name.
Thanks for caring and sharing. I'm not totally sure where Newman is
trying to get his money. I suspect, anywhere he can.
I "borrowed" the following from the April 19, 1945 Walsh County Record.
City Soldier Sends Souvenir to Nephew. A German accordion, picked
up in a pillbox recently by a Grafton Soldier serving in Germany, is now
in the possession of his nephew, Oscar Lauzon, who lives at McLoughlin
Heights, Wash.
The soldier who sent this souvenir home is Pfc. Lyle Nelson, son of
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nelson of Grafton. His wife, the former Bernice
Lauzon, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lauzon, former Grafton residents,
is making his home with his parents at McLoughlin Heights.
Pfc. Nelson entered the service in November, 1942, and has been
overseas since last August.
Aren't memories wonderful?
Please help me welcome Dennis and Joy Buchholtz and Ron and Cyrilla
Demers to the Gazette family. I hope they will find time to share some
thoughts and some of their world with us.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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