Tuesday, October 09, 2007

October 9, 2007 - Tuesday - Evening Edition

The reason a dog is a good friend: his tail wags, not his tongue.
The current temperature is 43 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 48/40
Normal H/L temp for this date is 60/36
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The following note was dated Wednesday Oct, 3rd although I just
received it yesterday. It must have spent the past week somewhere in
Subject: BENEFIT!!
Hi....just a few words on how GREAT the benefit was on Sunday for
CINDY FLICEK... it was held at St. John's Catholic Church.....
Wonderful food & help....... Wally DeSautel wasour door greeter which
he did a goodjob.......... Suzie & crewfrom Market Place
did all the cooking.... Emily Hills &the Volleyball girls did a
tremendous job helping plus our servers, kitchen help & the guys (even
got my Hubby John working on foot ball day). We had our friends from
Bemidji here to help.... ALOT of Cindy's family drove up for it which
was GREAT.......... Troy from Granny's donated as well but had to
work at his own place or he would have been there also. SO MANY people
to THANK......... it was a GREAT success & THANK you all a million...
Agnes Beier
<<<< Thank you for caring and sharing Agnes. REMEMBER:
One of the best things to hold onto in this world is a friend.
(Howard & Rose)
Joyce cared enough to share the following thoughts after reading my
comments in the 10/03/07 Gazette. >>>> Gary
As an employee of Altru I feel that I need to respond to your recent
comments regarding Altru Health System access.
To address your first issue with Altru, yes there are times when Altru
is at full capacity. While this is not a daily occurrence, it can
happen. I would think that as a family member of a critically ill
patient you would appreciate the fact that Altru recognized that they
could not provide the acute care that your mother-in-law required and
was looking out for her best interests by referring her to another
hospital. Altru was certainly not looking out for their "bottom line".
They placed the well being of your mother-in-law above all else. I have
to wonder if a "for profit" facility would of been willing to do that?
Bottom line is that our national health care system is not perfect. We
here in North Dakota are very lucky to have the quality of healthcare
that we do. In other parts of the nation you may not even be able to
find a hospital to accept a critically ill patient or you may spend
hours upon hours just to see a doctor. Instead of spreading negative
thoughts, perhaps we should be thankful for what we have and celebrate
the fact that right now we do have hospitals that look out for the best
interest of the patient, not just the bottom line.
Joyce Simmons <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Joyce. Please
forgive me if my comments allowed you to perceive them as "negative"
toward the Altru Organization. From my prospective, anyway, that
certainly was not the intent. Of course I appreciate the fact that Altru
said they were full and couldn't handle Ma. However, that in no way
changes the frustrations of having to go an additional 80 miles for
emergency treatment. From my prospective, if there is any "negativity"
in the entire issue, it might be suggesting that "another" medical
facility wouldn't hold a patients needs above all else. Or, that by some
magic, unbeknownst to me, the fact that ND Blue Cross Blue Shield
withholding support for a new medical facility is in fact in the best
interest of the specific case of which I speak.
You see Joyce, my issue is not with Altru, nor any other medical
institution for that matter. It is with the administration of the
myriads of rules and regulations our society deems necessary to regulate
and pay for our healthcare systems.
The fact that the administration of NDBCBS has determined that a
proposed medical facility is not worthy of consideration, even before it
is constructed and staffed, leaves me great cause for concern. After
all, there remains a very real possibility that some, maybe even
several, of Altru's wonderful staff will end up at that new facility. If
the truth be known, it would be just short of a miracle if that doesn't
Personally I will stand by Grafton's Unity Medical Center, the Grand
Forks Altru facilities and their wonderful staffs for as long as I
possibly can. I would hope everyone else would do the same.
Rumor has it there are actually folks in Grafton that don't believe we
need flood protection for the long term viability of this community.
Personally, I find it hard to believe there could be someone so naive as
to believe Grafton can survive without such protection. One simply need
ask the folks from Winnipeg, Warren or Roseau the trials and
tribulations of a town without flood control, and, the benefits flood
protection affords those communities.
One should also keep in mind that at the time their community leaders
made the decision to protect their homes and businesses. Many or most of
their constituents spoke out against them. Today, however, most of those
same folks that spoke against flood protection, are extremely thankful
for their foresight.
A community without adequate flood protection, unless perched on top of
the highest mountain, most certainly will perish.
Or so it seems to me.
Jack sent us the following note. >>>
Hi Gary
Just a note too remember Laurayne 'Dolly' (Kennedy) Bothun who passed
away last week in Grand Forks.
She was a sister of Dorothy (Warren) Wilson.
Dolly was a GHS class of 1946 graduate.
We were classmates in Voss and in Grafton.
Jack Babinski <<< Thank you for caring and sharing Jack. Our sympathies
go out to Laurayne's family. Many of my "sugar tramp" friends will
remember Laurayne's brother Wen Kennedy as well. Wen was a very well
known and respected Beta beet seed representative in the Minto and Voss
area for a good many years.
"It is the ability to exchange ideas and principles, openly and
honestly, that makes the difference between our country and much of the
rest of the world."
Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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