Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 7, 2007 - Wednesday - Grafton, ND

====== EARLY EDITION ======
Todays Gazette is being brought to you by, The Star Dust 17 Drive Inn.
The current temperature is -23 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was -9/-30
Normal H/L temp for this date is 19/0
According to the last edition of Farmers Almanac, we can expect summer
again this year,.... sometime.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Grafton was the first city in the State of North Dakota to have it's
own electric power plant. Local entrepreneur John Connolly is credited
for instigating the installation of the most up-to-date available at the
time. Graftons first power plant, in 1889 was a Westinghouse 50
horsepower, upright engine, turning at 350 rpms provided the power that
Connelly sold. (taken from a 1990 Record article written by Bob
Speaking of generating energy. The article "suggesting" I was
Gore-bashing has generated more energy than the Snickers add
"suggesting" two men really like Snickers. Someone wrote. >>> Don't take
the criticism too hard, everyone has a right to their opinion. I've
gotta run, but I wonder if "Doug" watched that documentary "Fahrenheit
911"? I personally refused to see that piece of trash but it's
surprising the number of people whosupported that Moore character and
actually believe it was factual! What's next, someone believe everything
they see when they watch "Snow White"? <<< Thanks for note, Although I
too, would really like to believe in Snow White myself.
This one covers the gambit, from legal rights to Denny's closing to
complimenting my relatives. One would almost think Ralph studied
political science and bull dunging in collage. He wrote. >>> Gary, this
is your paper. You write what you want. Always! That may be easier for
me to say since I very seldom disagree with you, my friend. We do have
the right to write, or say, whatever we want. Short of liable or
slander, or yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre. This is your "paper".
Anyone who doesn't like it can cancel their subscription. By the way,
the courts have ruled that "public" figures, including actors and
columnist can not be slandered. That means you can write or say anything
you want about them and they can't sue you. Even though she is stupid,
Paris Hilton can not sue you if you write it, but your neighbor can.
Aren't our courts wonderful!
p.s. I know Wally's do it, too, but I wonder how many people know that
Denny used to send sandwiches, etc along on student's long bus trips to
games, speech contest, and the like. Never heard of that from Archer
Farms (Target), Super Wal-Mart, or any GFK store. We will all survive
quite easily, but a little of Grafton's soul dies each time one of our
businesses close.
p.p.s. anyone related to Leonard or Theresa has to be a wonderful
person. We should all be as they were.
Ralph Kingsbury <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ralph. I too
think Paris Hilton is stupid, and I don't even know her.
Bert sent the Readers Digest version of much the same. He wrote. >>>
Subject: "I.D. your emails
Gary,If I were to name number1. on my pet peev list it would
have to be persons thatdisagree with someoneby a "Slam" and don't
have the backbone to put their full name on the comments. Irefer to
the supposed Gore bashing you did, I thought it wasa good laugh just
like Al Gore is a good laugh.Andto insinuate you
maydetermine thewar against terror from radical muslins is
wonderful is a disgrace. At least you put your proudname on your
writtenopinions and jests, keep them coming.Bert A. Overland <<<
Thanks a million Bert. Cora Lykken couldn't have said it better.
Before I include the next note from Ruth. I should say that I know
perfectly well Al & Lux Johnson's grocery store was the "EAST Side
Grocery store. A Cyber Pirate, must have switched easy for east after I
sent the Gazette out. Anyway, Ruth wrote. >>> Hi Gary:
Can't resist writing to your request to let you know things. Thanks for
invite back to Grafton, but my old bones could not do all that walking
around town and since I don't have a car or money to buy back the house
I will stay close and visit. Think I can be called an old timer now. Re
your story about the grocery store -- it is to bad they have to close. I
wish them well. Your message about the Johnson's and their store -- Name
was East Side Grocery not easy side. We spent a lot of time walking
there and finding something good then walking home. Was quite small as I
remember it and they lived in the back so sometimes we had to wait a few
minutes for them to help us. Got my first pack of illegal Kent
Cigarettes (had them for a whole year) because a friend said her Mom
wanted a pack. Was a time where we had to have a note but that day she
got them. Re the Olson -- their son Jack went to Chase school with me,
and he was one of the people that walked around the tomb of the unknown
soldier at Arlington. He was very proud of that. It was a rather large
family so I hope one of the siblings will answer your query, he went on
to marry Mary Jane Sass and enjoyed his life in Washington or Oregon (I
can't remember which) Maybe she will be home for the big "Reunion"
weekend this summer. He past away a few years ago.
Hope all is well in Shiver City. Love the article from your Ohio Fox
hunters. You can watch for members of the Class of '59 to frequent
Grafton while they make and finalize plans for the big 50. Committee is
keeping very busy.
Ruth Ringsak Glover <<< Thanks a million Ruth. The last time I drove by
"the old house" it was still for sale.
Glenn sent the following. >>> Sorry I can't help Rosanne Bliss Gary.
Of course I remember her dad very well. The Red Owl store I remember
was on the corner across from Grafton Drug. I used to candle eggs there
sometimes. The dad to my friend Ray Brown worked there. I can't even
remember who the manager was. I thought it was a chain store at the time
run by a manager, but I could be wrong. Glenn Paulson <<< Thanks a
million Glenn. Maybe someone out there can hel us.
Because I want the Gazette to remain "square and balanced", Jeff
Narloch wanted to share the following. >>>
Hi Gary!
Thanks for passing on the nice words and thoughts from a customer
of mine this last weekend! I believe I know which customer this was, and
I'd like to thank them thru the Shivercity Gazette, word of mouth
advertising, is the cheapest and best advertising you can get, and these
kind of comments to Gary's readers is as good as it gets. Thank You!
Jeff F. Narloch <<< Thanks a million Jeff. Pat and I visited Golden
Harvest Jewelry yesterday and, as always, we were impressed by the
wonderful selection the store has to offer.
If you listened to the last Spoiler Hockey game. You know the first
three Spoiler goals were made by a young man from Minto. His father is
John Miller and his great aunt is Rosalie (Punk Peterka) Murphy. I am
pleased John continues encouraging his son to play hockey for the
Spoilers. And,.. I am pleased to welcome Rosalie to the Gazette family.
"If you don't tell me, I won't know. If I don't know, I can't tell

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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