Friday, December 28, 2007

December 28, 2007 - Friday (another early edition)

12/28/07 FRIDAY (early)
Todays Gazette is brought to you by === Bergquam's Billiard
Parlor ===
Jim Carlson once told me, while I was delivering papers there. "This is
the only place you can find an eight ball,.... on both ends of the cue."
The current temperature is 15 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 18/12
Normal H/L temp for this date is 1/-2
It sounds like we could be waking up to a driveway full of snowman
parts, again.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Work on the new railroad "long house" continues. It shouldn't be to
long (no pun intended) before the rafters are up.
The corn pile east of the curling club is gone. The giant pile stored
on the former Trailer City property is still there, except for a few
loads removed from the center of the pile. It appears as though that
spot started fermenting (heating) before it could be taken to
For the past several days I have noticed the wonderful hand painted
"murals" in the windows of the former J.C. Penney building. I was almost
certain they had been painted, not simply by someone who cared, but also
by someone with talent.
I have since learned that two young local art class students took it
upon themselves to improve the appearance of downtown Grafton. And, at
the same time continue to "hone" their artistry skills. I would like to
thank Emily Hills and Mallory McCarty for their hard work, and, for the
valuable contribution they have bestowed upon the community that I call
Proof positive,.... kids are the most beautiful resource we have.
Winter weather isn't always bad in North Dakota. 60 years ago (WCR)
Donald Numedahl, Gorden Stark, Al Zinke, and Dr. Jaehning were pictured
shooting a round of golf at the Grafton Golf course. There was no snow
on the ground.
The mention of heat, water and electrical problems in the former
Convent. Gave former resident John DePuy reason to share the following.
>>> Gary -
Sorry to read of the upcoming demise of my first home.
You are right, my father did purchase it from the Sisters of St.
Catherine's and did an extensive renovation. Ibelieve after all
was said and done,there were a total of four apartments in the
building - two upstairs and two downstairs.
We lived in one of the downstairs unit until my father sold
the building to Perry Knauss. We then moved to an upstairs unit and
lived there until our home in Eastwood was finished. I think that was
in 1952.
I remember that the E.R. Nymans had the other downstairs
unit, and I believed they stayed there until their home in Eastwood was
also finished.
Ed Claussen and his family for a time lived therealso.
I will always remember that theplace had one of the most
cantankerous furnaces that I have ever seen. It was oil-fired and
could be counted upon to explode on apretty regular basis.
Notbig explosions, but the kind that would create soot and produce
the most obnoxious oil smell that would hang in the air for days! As
far as I can remember, none of the tenants complain. When the furnace
worked, it worked well and perhaps the tenants were willing to put up
with the inconvenient knowing that eventually they would have heat - an
crucial item on a cold North Dakota winter's night!
So many good memories of that place. After all, it was
I am enjoying the Gazette. Thanks forall your hard work and for
the good memories.
John <<< Thanks a million or caring and sharing John. The exchange
of memories not only allows us to appreciate the past. It provides us
knowledge so that we can be better prepared for the future.
Or so it seems to me.
Just this afternoon as we drove through Leistikow Park. I mentioned to
Pat how wonderful it's been, that no-one has tampered with the displays.
As we passed by Wally's whimsical world of wooden creations. I
specifically mentioned to Pat that Goofy hasn't been bothered at
all,.... all year.
Unfortunately I received the following note from Wally. >>> Hi Gary
Just came back from the park and see the vandals have been back,...
Goofy is gone. It is just a wood cut out, but it took 3 or 4 days to
draw and cut out plus the sanding and putting three coats of paint and
sealer on it. It is sad some people just can't keep from ruining others
enjoyment. We will be taking it down soon which takes four people a
full day to pack it away. If you see Goofy tell him to get home.
Wally <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Wally. Your work and efforts,
along with all of the rest of the folks that put decorations in
Leistikow Park this holiday season has been appreciated and enjoyed by
untold hundreds of park visitors.
It goes without saying, that the "critter" that swiped Goofy is lower
than the ground he walks on.
Speaking of Wally, he sent the following thoughts on Joe Birkeland. >>>
Hi Gary
I read with interest Bert's idea of a tribute to our friend
JoeBirkeland. I also played in the band. I played a trombone and sat
between the Moes, Darrel and his cousin, and Eddie Kopperud. It was
great being a part of Joe's band. I was never very good but I will say I
had fun. It was Joe's constant encouragement that made the difference.
One thing you won't get an argument on was it was not the pay
check, or the hours he put in, that kept him there. It was his love of
music and youth.
I will gladly work on the project if you want me, or, work with a
committee. You first must have a project and a goal to hit.
There is no person more deserving of having his name
perpetuatedthan Joe Birkeland.
I would suggest the Joe Birkeland Youth Center here in Grafton, a
project so needed. He would be proud.
I think of the Roger Maris cancer center in Fargo. It started out
small but look at it today and all the good it does. So it sounds a lot
better to have a good YOUTH CENTER with his name over having a street
named after him.
Just my thoughts.
Count me in for a donation and to work on getting this on the move
BEFORE our generation passes on, as we were the ones who knew what this
good man did for youth and our city. Wally <<< Thanks a million
for caring and sharing Wally.
Grafton, Official State Band of North Dakota was proudly printed on
Paul Bjerken's 1959 bass drum.
If you would like to share a "story" about Joe, the band, a trip, or
any such related item, and prefer your name not be used. Simply state
you prefer your note be anonymous, and it will be.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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