Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 18, 2007 - Tuesday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by == Kelly's Country
Market. ==
A super little Super Market on the Main Street in Drayton, North
The current temperature is, "nothing".
Nothing above zero and nothing below.
Most long term forecasters still call for "winter like" weather for our
entire area,.... for the entire winter.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The giant corn pile east of the curling club is starting to shrink.
Partly because all the area birds have been feasting on it, and mainly
because the elevator has started hauling it away.
The one in Ted Hoffmans former trailer court is still there however,
collecting equal parts of snow and bird droppings.
According to C-Span, our overworked politicians are still arguing about
whether or not the term illegal really means illegal, or, if it's just a
word used by politicians to win or lose elections.
Anyway, I received the following "tidbit" about our neighbor to the
north in yesterday's mail.
>>>> Canada passed a law, in 1907, that prohibited poor people from
entering into their country for any reason. <<<<
I guess that pretty well resolves the question about me going to visit
the Winnipeg Zoo. I'm so poor, I can't even afford to pay attention.
I suppose some folks have noticed that every once in awhile in the
Gazette I mention Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort. Lea Fairbairn must have
read one of those Gazette's as she sent the following. >>>
Dear Gary,
On TV this morning there was a program called "Midwest Outings" and
it featured the history of Arnesen's Resort at "Lake of the Woods" along
with comments by the owner. Also, fishing at Devils Lake. I do
hope you caught it as it was very interesting. They have an ad in our
paper periodically also so let them know it has been noticed.
We'll be heading to Palm Desert to reunite with my Grafton
classmates and friends. Thanks much.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year
Lea Fairbairn <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Lea. The
Arnesen's will appreciate knowing their message is heard in the Green
Bay area.
It's always fun sharing a positive message about "our" little
community. Barb Dusek shared the following. >>>
I just love the Strand Theater - took my kids yesterday and it was a
full house again ! I am very thankful we have it in town. Barb.
<<<< Thanks a million for the kind words Barb.
I read the next note several times. The first time my only thought
was, gee, I wonder if Bert hasn't come up with a super idea. The second
time I was almost sure he had a good idea. Then, by the third time I
read it I was absolutely positive. Bert has "fostered" a fantastic idea.
please read his message and see what you think. Bert wrote: >>>>
Subject: Just remembering
Today in the mail along witha Christmas card from Rodney Nelson I
received an anniversary DVD of the Grafton Parade band. Remembering the
old band of the 40's and early 50's is something very dear to my heart
as it is to so many other members that played during that era. I made my
first trip with the city band in the fall of 1947 as sophomore in
High school to Winnipeg, Canada. With the exception of military service
time during Korea Iplayed any time I could make ituntil I left the
area in 1960. The historians missed one very important march however.
James Henry Filmorewrote big time marches rivalling John
PhillipSousa. After the summer ofthe2nd Rose Bowl we attended
(50/51) Filmore dedicated one of his marches to the Grafton
Paradeband. He personally dedicatedit to us and directed itat
the Detroit Lakes summer festival the following year, June 1951. It was
named"Pride Of The West". Mr Filmore died in 1956. It would be
interesting for someone to look it up in "theold black books". Those
that played inJoe Birkeland'sband all know what "the old black
books" are. I don't know if it was anoriginal marchor if it was
re-named for the band.
What a wonderful era those years were for us. If there isn't
anything in Grafton yet named in memory of that wonderful man everyone
called "Joe". It should be done soon!Not to many people left that
really knew him and his impact on the community. If there is ever a
memorial fund raised seeking donations to get it doneplease put my
name on the list.
Bert A. Overland <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert.
Now then, It's time to plant Bert's seed and watch it grow. We must
have someone in our midst that knows about "the old black books" that
can find the "Pride of the West". Then, there should be several among us
that would be willing to "foster" a idea of recognizing "Joe"
permanently. To the same extent and In the same manner that Joe brought
recognition to our community.
I have visions of a street, or maybe a cul-de-sac called Birkeland
Drive. Maybe, just maybe, the road through Leistikow Park could bear the
name Joe Birkeland Lane.
Bert's idea certainly has merit. I must also admit, after reading
Bert's note. Names like Don LaBerge and the members of his musical
family. Ina Raumin and her tenacious ability to orchestrate (no pun
intended) a group of former Grafton Parade Band members in the proper
direction toward fruition, might also accept the challenge.
Wouldn't it be absolutely wonderful to have "something" in Joe's honor
ready to dedicate during the 2008 "Summerfest"?
Maybe the bunch from Palm Desert can come up with some ideas while
they're sitting under the palm trees.
The latest survey shows that three out of four people make up 75% of
the population.
I am pleased to add Hugh and Irma Robertson to the Gazette family tree.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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