Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 20, 2007 - Thursday

= Five shopping days til Christmas =
The current temperature is 16 above.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 25/-3
Normal H/L temp for this date is 19/1
It was 58 degrees on this date in 1900
It looks like Mother Natures going to send us another trainload Snowman
Gas for the snowblower? --- $2.90
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The corn pile, east of the curling club, is getting a little smaller
every day. The way it looks, the whole pile could well be converted to
"holiday spirits",.... before the holidays.
While the "Curling Club" corn pile is getting smaller. The pile of
construction materials, for the new shortline railroad storage/office
building, continues to pile up. They're waiting for the weather
conditions to improve before they can build the facility to protect
their equipment from bad weather.
Dr. J. R. Gaustad cared to share the following. >>>
Subject: Mennonite Testimony
Hi Gary:
What a wonderful and deserving testimonial about the Mennonite
Youth Singers and the total Mennonite Community that you gave in today's
Gazette edition. We are so fortunate to have themnear us because
of all the services they have given and are still giving to the Grafton
Community. We are also so fortunate to have them as our neighbors and
as our friends. I have total admiration and respect for the entire
Mennonite Community.
Jim Gaustad <<< Thanks a million Jim. I strongly believe that "just
knowing we have neighbors, doesn't make us a valuable member of the
community...... Caring and sharing does."
This weeks Walsh County Record 50 years ago column says the Grafton
Parade Band was en route to Miami, for the Orange Bowl festivities.
== (Aren't memories wonderful?) ==
The 10 years ago column of the same Walsh County Record reported.
Alvin and Carol Pederson were part of a family jewelry business that
lasted more than a century in Grafton. The couple planned to close the
Pederson Jewelry store on Hill Avenue at the end of 1997.
== I still have the watch I purchased at Pederson's quitting business
sale. ==
Joe Birkeland left so many memories. Betty Lou shared the following.
Hi Gary. I think that Bert Overlands idea of having something
done in memory of Joe Birkeland is a Great idea. All four of us kids,
Brekke's, played in Joe's marching band. Harlan, Earl, Ruth and myself.
It was a wonderful time. I did go to the Mardi Gras, with the
band, when I was in 10th grade. Joe was also my History
teacher.Joe gave a lot to thecommunity. Betty Lou (Brekke)
Davis <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Betty Lou.
I "borrowed" the following from the 1982 "hundred year look a Grafton"
The Grafton Parade Band brought national recognition to the city by
it's many appearances at famous events. Under the direction of Joe
Birkeland the band members raised funds and were greatly supported by
the merchants of the city to finance trips to these places.
1946 Range Riders Rodeo in Montana.
1949 Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena.
1950 Winter Carnival in St. Paul.
1951 Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena.
1953 Orange Bowl Parade in Miami.
1955 Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
1957 Orange Bowl Parade in Miami.
1960 Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
All, I might add, from a town (at the time) without stop lights.
It looks like Bert is a bit surprised at the early response to his
"Birkeland seed".
He wrote; >>> Gary, it is nice to see the responsetoseeking
permanent recognition to Joe Birkeland. That band he built from scratch
played alot ofgreat locationsover the years but the location that
it played most often and regularly was Hill Avenue. Every time we played
it seemed the entire town of Grafton was downtown. No other gathering
brought as many people out at one time, not football, basketball, hockey
or baseball.
Who knows where the main street got it's name, was it named for the
old railroad tycoon "Jim Hill"? Jim Hill has many many places, an entire
suburb in Spokane is named "Hill Yard" that was a rail center.
I propose that it be renamed and dedicated for the man who every
week, spring to fall, gave to the people of Grafton entertainment of the
highest caliber and was The best Ambassador the city has ever known.
Lets re-name it "BIRKELAND BLVD." I will toss in the first five
hundred dollars to have the signs changed.
You subscribers and old band members --- Give me somesupport on
this. Joe deserves something permanent.
A scholarships for music sounds nice and traditionalbut this
needs to effect more than just a couple people and scholarships soon
die. I have seen to much ofthat at the college I taught at.
Bert A. Overland <<<< Thanks a million Bert. It will be interesting
to see the suggestions and what kind of support this idea can generate.
Loren Lundberg shared this idea. >>>
Any reason why the block between 5th and 6th street now
known as Hill Avenue can't be least signed and sub-titled as Birkeland
Way or some such?
Happy Holidays! Nice to see that Grafton has snow..... LL
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Loren. I can see significant
merit in your suggestion.
As I see it. A major issue with renaming an existing street is that all
of the stationary, letterheads, and advertising data, to mention just a
few, would also need to be changed.
Anyway, I really believe the "recognize Joe Birkeland" idea has
significant merit. If it is to be successful, however, it's going to
take the ideas and input of a good many people to make it happen.
Or so it seems to me.
"Thinking, simply won't make it happen."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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