Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10, 2007 - Monday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in memory of the Josh Napper
family. Josh was one of the first landscapers dad worked with when he
came to Grafton.
The current temperature is -9 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 3/-22
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/5
Saturday morning when I woke up it was 95 degrees warmer in our living
room than it was outside.
No-one is complaining about "Skeeter-bites" although getting a
frost-bite is becoming a real possibility.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Spoiler hockey team beat the Firebirds 5 to 1 last Friday night.
Speaking of sports, I thought for a minute I smacked one out of the
park when I mention "not" going to see The Golden Compass movie. The
next thing I know I received the following note from Beverly.
She wrote. >>>
Gary RE : Movies. How many of us can still recall Fr. Garland
ordering us NOT to go see the movie Quo Vadis. He said, from the
pulpit, it would be considered a mortal sin! I think it was one of
the all time best attended shows at the Strand in history! Now it don't
even show up on late night. So much for censorship! <<< Thanks a million
for the memories Beverly. Now you really have me thinking. Not more than
a few minutes later Ralph shared the following words of wisdom.
>>> Gary, if you are strong in your faith you can survive watching The
Golden Compass.
There is one good reason to watch it. That is so you know what "they"
are trying to do to your kids and grandkids. I don't believe in a lot of
conspiracies, but there is a coordinated concerted effort by many
"elites" to destroy the Christian faith, and they are going after your
kids. It may help that you understand what these people are trying to
do. Don't let them succeed.
Ralph Kingsbury <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ralph. So
now I'm wondering what to do. Should I go to the movie so I can tell the
kids they shouldn't..... Or,.. should I send the kids to the movie and
have them explain to me why I shouldn't. Or, should we all just say
"what the heck, everyone is going to see it one way or another anyway."
Maybe we should take a political approach to the issue,..... and just
not do anything and hope the problem resolves itself. Or so it seems
to me.
When I mentioned work going on in Elmer Bergs building and that I
hoped someone better informed than I would share that story with us. I
was really impressed how fast it come to past. First Marian sent the
following note. >>>
Subject: Old Ben Franklin store building
Just a short note to let you know what is happening there.The
Second Time Around is moving into half of this building with the
remaining half to be rented out in the future. Also in the future,
next summer, thesecond floor will house a Christian Youth Center.
The Grafton Ministerial Association hasbeen working with The Second
Time Around in making this venture possible. The building has been
purchased by them and hopefully they can get someone to rent the other
half downstairs. I am very excited about Grafton getting a place for
the young people to "hang out" and will be a great asset for the
youth. Just thought I would let you know what's happening. Keep up
the good work on the Gazette, Gary. A very Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to you and Pat. Yours truly, Marian <<< Thanks a million
++++ Not long after Marian's note came in I received this message about
the project from Ron. Although the general idea and information in Ron's
note mirrors Marian's. I found the last 22 words of his note most
exiting. He wrote. >>>
Gary, The Grafton Ministerial group purchased the building and are
remodelling it to be occupied by two groups for now. The Second time
around store will be relocated there with more room and the other part
is going to be a Christian Teen Center. There are at least 5 or more
churches sponsoring this adventure. I will inform you of updates on the
progress of both when I get more details. I am really excited about the
idea of the teen center. Grafton needs a place where teenagers can go
and have fun, be safe, and yes be free to talk about Christ in their
lives, without be afraid of being put down.Ron Thompson <<< Thanks
a million Ron. We will look forward to the completion of this very
worthwhile project.
Every once in awhile someone mentions how much they appreciate getting
the weather report in the Gazette. I must admit, I too, enjoy getting
weather reports from the rest of the world as well. Mae sent in this
note at about the same time my thermometer hit -15 degrees in
Shivercity. She wrote. >>> Hi Gary, Greetings from Arizona where at
this time it is raining in most of the valley and snowing in the high
country. Last week we, in Rancho Mirage (Apache Junction) had 3 inches
of rain the only real moisture in 8 months.
I enjoy reading the "Gazette". Good to hear what is going on back home.
Keep it coming and thank you. Merry Christmas and all things good in
the coming year.
Mae Whelan <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Mae. We run
snowcats and toboggans on the kind of rain we've been getting lately.
The "for sale" sign out front of the Almer & Irene Bjerke home
(formerly the Elton Ringsak Residence) on the corner of 4th and Cooper
has a brand new SOLD sign on top of it. I haven't heard who the new
owners are but "maybe" one those folks that really should know will
share that information with us.
The "Pot-Thought" of the day.
Permanent teeth are only permanent until they hit something harder than
they are.
ie. Rocks,... are harder,.. than permanent teeth.
There's a couple good ways of getting news. One is to be in the news
yourself, the other is to have the person making the news, share it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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