Thursday, April 26, 2007

April 26, 2007 - Thursday - Grafton, ND

A bachelor is a man who enjoys life, liberty and the happiness of
The current temperature is 58 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 67/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 60/35
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I have always wanted to take a trip to Alaska. The possibilities of
such a trip were never really very good and now, I expect it's even more
unlikely. That's not the case with Jerry and Dianne Urbauer. I recently
received their summer travel plans. Dianne wrote, >>>
Subject: Hi Gary and Pat
I just want to tell you that I am still enjoying your news letter so
much. I was wondering if I can get you to sign up my sister Mary to the
Thank you so much,
Jerry and I are leaving for Alaska on Tuesday for a couple of months, we
have never been there and we are both real excited about this trip. Have
you ever been there? We are taking our motorhome and off we go.
I will have our computer and all cause I have to print the Gazette every
day for Rita Lessard and mail them to her cause she really looks
forward to them.
Thanks Gary and Pat
Dianne (Molde) Urbauer <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Dianne. I really wish we could be going along. I've been told the fish
up there are giant and so too are the Skeeter Bugs.
It's no secret any longer. The rumor about Wal-Marts interest in coming
to Grafton has made it's way into almost every household in the area. Of
course it's to early to tell IF or when Sam's Giant chain will come to
town. I can say that, so far, the notes I'm getting are about 99% in
favor and one person suggesting it would be a large pie of hors
At any rate, when such discussions arise, it's always fun to know what
members of our civic leadership think of the idea. I am pleased to be
able to share a note I received yesterday from Graftons Mayor Todd
Burianek. He wrote. >>>
Dear Gary:
Like everyone else, I've heard the Walmart rumors. My view on this issue
it the same as it is for any issue: IF IT HELPS GRAFTON IN ANY WAY, I'M
Obviously, a Walmart issue is complicated to say the least. After
Denny's closed, numerous people asked, "What's the City going to do
about it?" from which I infer the questioner expected me to commence a
search for a new grocery store. Today, I read the anonymous letter in
your Gazette which suggests the City should somehow limit grocery space
in a possible Walmart. As I see it, I can't have it both ways: a grocery
store that many people want, but not a good enough grocery store to
compete in town. Similarly, people say the City should do more for
retail economic development, but there are others who say "Keep Walmart
I expected the job of Mayor to often put me between a rock and a hard
place, and this issue clearly does that. As I stated in a letter to the
editor, I can't stop any business from coming to town any more than I
can command a business to come to town.
I guess my Polish-Bohemian roots don't allow me to get too excited about
rumors so I shall not in this case either. But IF IT HELPS GRAFTON IN
ANY WAY, I'M ALL FOR IT and I believe any new business that can draw
customers to the community and can keep locals here for their shopping
is a good thing.
Or so it seems to me!!
Todd Burianek <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. Of
course the Wal-Mart issue will be a sticky one at best. Unfortunately
there are so many things the citizens of our community desire that
cannot be purchased locally.
Some how, some way, our community needs to do a better job of providing
those needs, or, we will dwindle down to nothing.
AND, we will need to address the issues of flood control if we are ever
to expect any increase in population.
Everyone should eat a good breakfast. Even those of us that "should"
lose weight should eat a good breakfast. My Grandson Nick obviously
feels the same way,... for different reasons. He wrote: >>> Subject:
breakfast benefit
Hey grandpa,
I was wondering if there is any way you can add into the Gazette that my
North Valley Marketing Class is having a breakfast benefit April 29th
starting at 9 A.M. The proceeds will go to the Muscular Dystrophy
Association, and it will be held in the Century Elementary lunch
room...thank you
Nick <<< There it is Nick, just about exactly as you wrote it. THIS
SUNDAY starting at 9:00 proceeds will go to MDA.
I must have missed the prise but that's not so important anyway. The
important thing is for folks to come and enjoy some wonderful fellowship
and a great breakfast,..... and don't forget to bring your billfold.
Right Nick?
I would like to thank Brian Janikowski, Jon Burke, Donna Fisher,
Howard Ray, Leverne & Phyllis Hoeper, Lana Loranger, Jerry Lysengen, Tom
& Mary LaHaise, Millie Houska, Alice Lessard and Harry Bushaw for
helping our Grafton Area Volunteer Firefighters be all they can be.
Thanks also to Donna Fisher for her contribution to the Legion
Baseball Program. Our sincere appreciation is also due Joann (Wentz)
Beale for her generous contribution to the Legion Baseball Program. She
sends it in loving memory of her father Willard (Sunny) Wentz.
I am always left with a warm, gratifying, feeling when I see those that
have gone on before us. Remembered in the fashion in which they lived.
The past few days have been busy in the subscription department. Please
help welcome Mary, Kathy, Nick, John, Andrea, Vonda, and Denise to the
Gazette family. Please remember that nothing you read in the Gazette
can, nor should, be used for financial gain, or for settling family
It's still not to late to get into the Grafton Area Volunteer
Firefighters Annual Calendar Drawing. Only $20 a ticket gets a chance at
all or part of $11,520. Two drawings every day for the next 6 months
starting in May. I will try very hard to put the winners names in the
Gazette each week.... except when I am trying to stretch a Walleye into
a wall hanger.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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