Tuesday, April 27, 2004

April 27, 2004 - Tuesday

04/27/04 TUESDAY grp 3
It's 49 degrees and cloudy outside the Shivercity headquarters. Today
will be one of those wonderful spring days people write about. On the
other hand, people write about everything everyday day.
Last years H/L temperature 74/37
Normal H/L for this date is 60/36
The Herald weather page is right "behind" the weather page today.
If sugar is so darn expensive. Why is pop without it, the same price as
pop with it?
"Profanity makes ignorance audible"
It's that wonderful time of year when everyone and everything is
running in high gear throughout the Red River Valley. Pickups, loaded
with fuel, seed, chemicals and people can be seen heading for fields dry
enough to work and plant.
Farmers, so anxious to get to the field. They hardy care if they lose
the "shake" for morning coffee. It's not only a new weather season, but
the beginning of a new crop season as well. Agricultural areas, such as
the Red River Valley, also have another season most urban folks miss out
on. I call it "new jacket and cap season."
It's the time when many farmers get the opportunity to "display" some
of their "agri-business" partners, caps with logos and patches of every
conceivable color and shape. Summer and winter caps, some seed and
chemical, to mention a few. Caps from equipment dealers, or a few of
their favorite brew. They all will have two things in common. They will
all have the proverbial "mailbox" bent brim, and most importantly. Worn
by folks that provide the cheapest food in the world, for people that
demand the most stringent environmental regulation in the world.
It's a time to remember a farmers share of the breakfast we eat is a
mere 28 cents. That they must pull more than strings for the milk in our
oatmeal. And, a major source of revenue for our community education
systems are derived from the tax base of Agricultural America.
Yup, it's that time of the year again. When you wash the car on Monday
and it rains Tuesday. Wash it Wednesday and Thursday it's raining again.
Clean it up Friday and be darned if it doesn't drizzle all weekend.
Yup, it's that time of the year again. To till up the garden and plant
a few seeds. To trim trees the bushes and spray a few weeds. To get
reacquainted with neighbors out in the lawn. To rejoice that another
long winter has gone.
Yup, it's that time again, when neighborhood dogs deliver their logs.
While their masters pretend to ignore them. And, the pile they leave, is
no small feat to achieve. Nor is their dung easy to cleanup. So the next
time a giant neighborhood K-9 craps on my grass, he'll be leaving with a
broom stick up his ---. Or so it seems to me.
A small group of the Gazette subscribers received a "solicitation" of
sorts this past Sunday. For that I extend my sincere apologies. The
Gazette is not intended as a commercial vehicle. It is intended solely
for those that wish to receive it. Those that do not wish to receive it
should "unsubscribe" ASAP, saving everyone involved time and energy.
I am a reasonably tolerant individual. Willing under most circumstances
to share other views than my own. As I have stated in the past. (Stolen
from a short fat, former CEO of American Crystal) The Gazette is my
party. I reserved the hall, made the rules, and I set the format. If
anyone feels the need to go outside those guidelines. They can "get
their own hall, and have at it."
My/our readers represents some 1,250 individuals from 15 states and
Canada and continues to grow. It can offer a "relief valve" for those
with something to share. I encourage that.
Caring and sharing was the corner stones that built the Gazette. We are
on this earth only a short time. Unfortunately, for me at least, I
wasted much of it thinking work and earning a living should come before
family and friends.
Now that I find less time for life than I've already spent. I have
chosen the "Gazette" as the most practical method of "catching up" for
that which I've missed.
The Gazette has given me therapy, a need to go on, that I never dreamed
possible. "Our" growing family and exchange of ideas, though only just
beginning, has already exceeded my wildest imagination.
If anyone would like to share an opinion, with the group, or, only with
me. Please do so. I will not promise every "note" will be sent out. I
will guarantee every message will be given undivided attention.
I must ask everyone. Please do not attempt to "borrow" the Gazette list
for monetary gain. Thanks you for your considerations. Gary - GGP
For the past several years. A group of hunters from Ohio have come to
Grafton to hunt fox. During their last trip to town I was told that the
fox population has been dwindling for a multitude of reasons. I was also
surprised to learn, from the hunters, that the coyote population was
increasing. Until then, I didn't even know we had Coyote's in the
Anyway, since then I have heard several area farmers and a couple local
Agri-business people mention their surprise at the numbers of Coyotes
they are seeing this year. I'm not sure what that means but I'll bet a
rabbit foot and a dead skunk Chuch Zientek knows.
Maybe by the time Chucks hunting crew gets to town. We'll have an open
season for K-9 log haulers. Or so it seems to me.
For those that need to know. The gas price this week in New Orleans is
$1.65. It's still only $1.85 here in Shivercity.
"I may not always like what you tell me. But I will always appreciate
it." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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