Sunday, April 25, 2004

April 25, 2004 - Sunday

04/25/04 SUNDAY grp. 3
It's 42 degrees under mostly clear skies with calm winds.
Last years H/L temperature 72/39
Normal H/L for this date is 59/35

Rumour has it Grafton will soon be the home of a brand new bottle shop.
Now I'm not an expert on bottles. But I'm guessing a town the size of
Grafton has an insatiable thirst for bottles.
I can envision people from miles around, driving into Grafton for any
number of varieties of bottles. They'll buy bottles of this, and,
bottles of that. Who knows, a few overzealous shoppers might even pick
up a case of cans for the weekend. I've heard the proposed site is at,
or around, the Cenex/Kum&Go gas station convenience store on the west
side of town.
Well, I guess it's fair to say we don't have a bottle shop store on the
west edge of town. So, that must mean we need one. It would be
strategically located by all the Motels in town. That's a plus. There is
a financial institution next door, for those wanting "top shelf" stuff,
and fnd themselves a little short of cash.
Being located, almost, next door to the two largest employers in
town--the State Developmental Center, and Marvins Windows--isn't all bad
either. Add to that the fact that Western Plaza, Alco, Grafton Equipment
and Hanson Auto employees are right in their back door. It's hard to
believe it's only a rumour the West edge of Grafton will be getting a
new bottle shop. If I were a football player, I'd say it's a "slapdunk"
from where I swing my racket.
With the number of businesses that have closed their doors in Grafton
over the past few years. I find it almost impossible to believe the
"city fathers" won't be moving heaven and earth, to allow the rumoured
facility to become reality. Or so it seems.
I have been asked by some, if all groups getting the Gazette are
getting the same stuff. The answer, for the most part, is yes. Once in a
while a question and answer may go out to one specific group. Normally,
because it is only relative to that group.
On April 17 at a luncheon in Wahpeton, N.D., during the AAUW state
convention, the assembled group celebrated the lives and work of North
Dakota women who they consider "inspiring."
The awards are about inspiration and motivation, the women who inspire
others to loftier achievements, motivate those around them to be better
people and inspire the community to live and work in a way that makes
life better for everyone.
GLORIA CLOUTIER THOMPSON, Grafton, N.D., was presented with the
inspiration award in the category of Role Model. Gloria was credited for
her role as wife, mother and instructor to enhance the lives of
CONGRATULATIONS Gloria. It is always wonderful, when great people are
recognized for their contributions to society. Gloria's contributions
have been many. From the membership of the Shivercity gene pool. Thanks
you very much Gloria, for making our world a better place to live in.
Gary and family.
================================== LAKE of the WOODS:
Is the ice off? Is the water level up? Will the fishing be as good this
year as last. Did Jack get his new "old" runabout restored? Have Paul
and Heather purchased a stroller yet? Are all questions I've asked
myself, or, that I've been asked by someone else. My answer, "darned if
I know, but I know who does."
Evelyn (Mrs Chuck) Thomson died Friday April 23, 2004 in Eden Prairie,
Evie, a well known hair dresser in Grafton for many years was 83 when
she passed on. Her funeral arrangements are at the Tollefson Funeral
Home in Grafton.
I just received a note from our daughter Wendy. She sent the following;
baby Bjorneby (Claire)
Dad I just went to the altru site which is to see the
little one. WHAT A DOLL and she has the gene pool personality already..
she is smiling..... if you click above and go to nursery net you can see
her too.<<< Thanks Wendy, aren't we ones wonderful? Last night while
eating at Market place. It looked like Great grandma JoAnn was a couple
feet taller as well.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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