Friday, March 30, 2007

March 30, 2007 - Friday - Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is being brought to you by the number 2. We strive to
send out 1st grade stuff,... unfortunately, sometimes, it ends up number
The current temperature is 31 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 45/38
Normal H/L temp for this date is 42/23
The official Gazette rain gauge has collected 1.20 inches of fish fluid
to date.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
Sometimes, folks use a four letter word every once in a while, just so
other folks won't think their to smart... I think.
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
City crews were busy yesterday hauling clay for a dike down by the
park. I'm guessing they put up 150 feet of dike along the river on the
north end of Western Avenue. Wally's bull is still grazing in the park
so I'm hoping the dike will keep it's feet dry.
Gary Fischer's 'question' generated some interesting responses. Lee
wrote. >>> Here's another side of the Toyota issue Gary Fischer
brought up.
As Gary says, Toyota is made by Americans for Americans in the good old
U.S.A. That has a catchy sound to it, but I'd be willing to bet it has
more to do with marketing and shipping expenses than the Japs simply
wanting to hire Americans to build vehicles for them. That being said,
the U.S. auto makers are in dire trouble and Toyota continues it's climb
to be the worlds largest auto maker in a few years. They aren't getting
there by being stupid. While GM and Ford dealerships are full of
$45,000.00 SUV's and 4 wheel drive pickups that get 15 MPG, Toyota seems
to understand that with the high price of gasoline Americans are more
willing to pay $25,000.00 for a well made Toyota vehicle that will last
300,000 miles and deliver over 30 MPG when doing so. It should be little
wonder why they continue to do so well.
I don't know if you're old enough to remember the first energy crisis
this country saw back in the early 70's, but I am. Americans watched
helplessly as gasoline prices went from 30 cents per gallon to over a
dollar a gallon. American auto makers were caught with their pants down
so to speak, with their lots full of large automobiles, Suburbans, and 4
wheel drive pickups nobody wanted to buy because they were so
inefficient energy wise. On the other hand, Honda, Toyota, Subaru and
other foreign auto makers, where gasoline prices had been high for years
got a foot hold in this country. At the same time American auto makers
were going out of business or suffering huge losses for years. There's a
saying, "you either learn from history, or you're doomed to repeat it".
I wonder if the GM's and Fords will get it this time around? Or will
they only expect American taxpayers to bail them out of a jam caused by
mismanagement and incompetence once again?
I've told you before, I believe as you do that we should shop at home,
however I believe local businesses should earn my business, not expect
it. And that same principle can be used on a national scale. Build it
and they'll come they say, but you have to build what they want to start
By the way, Toyota has just entered that bastion of Americana, NASCAR
racing. So far this year they have had dismal finishes, but my money is
on them to win a race, then become a force to be reckoned with in the
next few years. Their entire organization is geared towards meticulous
problem solving, and my guess is they've got a team working overtime
right now figuring out what has been working, what hasn't been working,
and what can we do to fix what isn't working so we can become a
contender. Mark my words. <<< Thanks Lee, your verbiage certainly rings
true in my ears.
Jeff Hanson also has some thoughts to share on the topic. They will be
in the next Gazette.
I know it's cold and raining outside, but it won't be long and it'll be
Baseball Time. Some great things have happened since I begged you for
donations last year. Spring baseball is now a school sponsored sport.
Unfortunately that does not alleviate the need for fundraising. The
American Legion Post 41 still must find funds to finance the American
Legion ball team.
One of this years goals, if sufficient funds allow, is to purchase new
jerseys, some of which are 11 years old. For the major part of the past
60 years, Legionaires, the men and women of our community that put their
lives on the line so we could all play ball, have worked very hard
raising and contributing the money needed to support American Legion
Today, while most members of the post are flirting with the silver
anniversary of their birth. It might well behoove those of us with fewer
candles on our cake, and the energy and resources to help carry the
load. To do what we can to help the Legionaires support the Legion
baseball program.
To that end I am asking those of you willing to help maintain the
Grafton Baseball program, to consider making out a check (to Grafton
Baseball) for $20 for one ticket, $40 for two and if you send in your
check right away. You can purchase all 5 tickets for a mere $100.
Along with really helping the folks that have already really helped us,
you will be getting 23 weekday chances at $50 and 4 Saturday chances at
$100. The drawings will be held in the "merry" month of May.
You can send the checks to me:
Gary Moe 764 Birch Court, Grafton, ND 58237. If you prefer your name
not be mentioned in the Gazette, (some of us are bashful) please say so
and it's our little secret.
Just the other day, at Granny's I think, someone mentioned Duane
Kargel. I received the following note from Duane, thru Rock Tweten. >>>
Can you get me on the mailing list for the Shiver City Gazette. Larry
has forwarded it to me and I really enjoy reading it. <<< Thanks for
forwarding Rock, and welcome to the Gazette family Duane.
Wally sent us this one. >>> Hi gary,
Can you help this lady ??? See what you can do. Wally
Subject: Shivercity Gazette
Hi Wally. Sorry to pester you, but I have been getting Gary Moe's
Shivercity Gazette in a very roundabout way through at least three other
people, including Gary Baird, an old classmate (I'm sure he's tired of
sending them on) and I'm wondering if there's a way to get my name on
Gary's direct list so people don't have to be bothered forwarding it.
I didn't see his e-mail address anywhere, and I've been away from
Grafton for awhile so very few names on the list rang a bell except
yours. I still get the Record also, although I haven't lived there
for nearly 36 years!!! It's fun to keep up with what's going on in
the old town. If you couldforward this on to Gary (Moe) for me,
I'd appreciate it. Haven't seen much about what's going on (class
reunions etc) to celebrate the 125th anniversary of (I assume) the
founding of the city, but it's always fun to have something to drive up
there for.Thanks so much. Alice Dusterhoft Hartman <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Wally. I would be happy to welcome Alice
into the Gazette family. The Gazette goes out in multiple groups so that
only a few of our "members" names go to any one person.
I am also pleased to add a three additional 'members' who chose not to
have their names mentioned.
"If you don't tell me, I can't know. If I don't know, I can't write
about it."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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