Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 27, 2007 - Saturday in Grafton, ND

01/27/07 SATURDAY
===== == It's another early one == =====
Todays Gazette is brought to you with the hope a cure for LEUKEMIA can
be found.
=== The Joanie Silewski Benefit ===
Spaghetti Dinner, Auction, Bake Bale, Ice Cream Sundae. (tonight -
~~~~ MARKETPLACE on 8th. ~~~~
======= From 4 to 9 pm. =======
Joanie was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Proceeds of the
benefit will help offset some of the expensive medical costs incurred
from extended Mayo Clinic stays, both previously, and in the future.
I know prayer can work wonders. However, you may have noticed, even
after the minister prays for the Lord to fix the roof, he still passes
the collection plate to pay for the roofer. I hope everyone will do the
same for Joanie.
"To know what is right, and then not do it,.. is the worst form of
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The light "dusting" of snow forecast for us overnight, turned a bit
tempestuous for a time. Visibility was near zero, or less. Cars going in
the ditch and all the while local body shop owners, and snow removal
operators are looking skyward, giving thanks,.... and,... hoping no-one
gets hurts. It is a small town you know.
Yet another new business opened it doors in Grafton this week. Housed
in the same building that Gil Clairmont once distributed Bridgemen Dairy
Products. The El Molcajete, promises Authentic Mexican Cuisine.
El Molcajete and it's sister business venture AIDA'S are located on the
north end of Main Street in Grafton. Actually, you really can't miss the
place. It's painted up like a Tiajana Taxi.
Super Soup, Superb Entertainers, and Superior Entertainment....
All for the enhancement and the advancement of our Local Domestic
Violence Program.
You will enjoy a variety of homemade soups, garlic bread,
bars and a beverage.
PLUS ==== PLUS ==== PLUS ==== PLUS
Matt Houska will play from 11 - 11:30, Brent Hermans will caress his
piano keys from 11:30 - noon, Kelly Smith will entertain beginning at
12:15 and Students from Dana Tisdale's Bella Voce Studio of Voice will
round out the venue.
I'm pleased to share a message from Sue Matcha in response, I suspect,
to the mention of her work in the Walsh County Record. Sue wrote. >>>
Good Morning Mr. Moe
Thank you for your kind comments in the Gazette about the latest edition
of The Walsh County Record. The editorial staff here at The Record
strives to bring the news to our readers as timely and accurately as
possible. We can only do this if people keep us informed about what is
going on in the area, so all you Gazette readers should feel free to
give us a call, either about events or about someone with a special
talent.. I also want to let everyone know that unlike many other
newspapers in the area, The Record still provides many "FREE SERVICES"
to our readers. We do charge for obituaries or wedding, engagement, new
arrival and first birthday announcements as many other area newspapers
now do. The Kittson County Enterprise is correct to a point about
advertising. Without adequate paid advertising, a small town newspaper
struggles to survive. Again, I thank you for the services you provide to
Gazette readers. ~ Sue Matcha, Walsh County Record Social Editor. <<<<
Thank you Sue, for your kind words. After receiving the previous note
from Sue, and wanting to share it with everyone. I sent the following
note to her. >>>> Thank you Sue, for caring and sharing. I would
really like to include your note in a future Gazette if it is okay with
Of course I agree that a paper can only exist with the revenue
dollars generated by advertising. Unfortunately, the only way newspapers
can genuinely expect to "sell" advertising, sufficient to sustain
itself, is if they provide enough interesting information to entice
people to read them. Sue, your articles, and those of Todd and
Stacie, are a major portion of that requirement in the Walsh County
Records organization. Along with the written world, I believe even more
important today than ever, is the visual one. Pictures are worth a
million words. Good, meaningful pictures, will sell more papers today
than ever before.
Or so it seems to me.
The Grafton community can, and should, be very proud of the
work and efforts of the Walsh County Record Organization. I certainly
Our subscription department (me) is pleased to add Gerry McGregor to
the Gazette family. We can always use another voice in Bismarck, and I
look forward to Gerry doing just that.
Our local Volunteer Firefighters only got called out twice today. Then
again,... the day isn't over yet.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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