Tuesday, January 02, 2007

January 2, 2007 - Tuesday in Grafton, ND

Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part, by The wonderful rich Red
River Valley.
======== SUGAR COUNTRY ========
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 20/-2
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
2007 is already 2 days shorter
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
"Smoking makes ignorance visible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
About the only thing that didn't get rebuilt after fire seriously
damaged the local Pizza Hut was the roof. That too, is now being
replaced. It also looks like we will see a brand new Pizza Hut sign soon
Earlier I mentioned the "view point" of Edward Halas in the Sunday Dec.
31 edition of the Grand Forks Herald. I could have, and probably should
have added that the article was in regards to UND's use of the "Fighting
Sioux" nickname. I must thank Kathee for sharing the following note in
that regard. She wrote. >>>
Gary, you might want to pass along to those who do not get the Grand
Forks Herald that Edward Halas's opinion editorial piece can be found at
www.grandforksherald.com and then go to the opinion section. You have to
register to have access to the Herald online articles but there is no
cost. I am glad I took the time to find it. He makes some interesting
points. Thanks for pointing it out.
Kathee <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Kathee. There seems
to be little question, more and more, fewer and fewer rule. Or so it
seems to me.
My Leistikow Park, Holiday decoration comments yesterday gave Wally
reason to write the following. >>> Hi Gary:
Yes the vandals are back at the park. The big santa by our sign and
some ginger bread guys are gone. But I'll be darned if some dumb
uneducated person who must steal these things will stop me from
replacing them. I could care less. When I see the numbers of people who
really appreciate the efforts people have made so our town has something
I read in Ryan Bakkens column where 20,000 people enjoyed the one in
Grand Forks. It was over 4,000 cars. I just couldn't get there this
year,.. to many things to do, so I missed it.
The thing that is the most disgusting to me is we can't even keep
the snowcats off the park. I was out there Saturday morning on my hands
and knees repairing wires torn up by their tracks. Let others repair the
cords with their bare hands and most would say to h.... with it. Why
can't we get big signs that tell say NO SNOW CATS or ATV'S in the park
and have a stiff fine for violations? Big signs, if our city is so broke
they can't afford the money just let me know and I will raise it.
What is wrong when we can't get a little problem like this taken care
of? If we can't handle little problems. What, I wonder, is happening to
the big problems? It makes you wonder.
Gary, if we let this die what do we do to attract people to
grafton at holiday time?? We no longer have the winter parade, but, if
you want to see one go to Cavalier they had a good one.
Amen Wally <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Wally. I
have to believe, on a scale of 1 to 10, Wally's frustrations are pushing
I doubt there is anyone around that enjoys driving thru Leistikow Park
as much as I. Throughout the summer I can admire the beautifully kept
grass and flower beds. Watching folks running and playing on the grass
and enjoying the wide array of playground equipment. Often I'm reminded
of Guys like Tom Ganyo, Earl, Buster Schumacher, Hugo, Milton Johnston,
Bill (my father) the Mattsons and the past few years my little brother
Andrew among others, as we 'cruise' the park in summer.
For the past few years, since initiating the 'Spirit of the Season' and
the process of decorating Leistikow Park. Driving thru the park opened
up, for me at least, even more opportunity for year round enjoyment.
When the 'Spirit of the Season' concept began, it offered a myriad of
reasons for everyone to participate in one, or more functions throughout
the "holiday season". The park was beautiful, it not only looked
wonderful, it gave one the impression that all of those involved really
cared. Certainly most, if not all, local businesses were decorated,
giving the feeling, everyone truly did care.
In it's infancy, 'Spirit of the Season' displayed the warmth and
welcome of the wonderful holiday season. The lackadaisical presentations
of the past few years, particularly this last year, gives me every
indication that the "Spirit", with regards to 'holiday programs', are
really no longer, in or of, the season.
For such programs to be successful, they require the complete
cooperation of the business community. For a business to be successful,
it requires the support of the community.
"He who sleeps to much, still goes to bed tired." Many of the worlds
businesses have been napping. The successful ones wake early, work hard,
and retire refreshed. Or so it seems to me.
As always, I appreciate everyones comments, pro or con. If you prefer
they remain confidential, simply say so and only you and I will know.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Pizza Hut looks great...now, if they could only offer consistently good service. It ranges from the bare minimal to great, depending on the day. Or so it seems to me.