Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20, 2006 - Friday

==== early edition ====
Todays Gazette is brought to you by the fine folks that make up
Grafton's Optimist Organization.
The current temperature is 36 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 37/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 54/32
Normally, it's not normal for us to have normal temperature this time
of the year.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
#### Optimist Club Dance. ####
The Grafton Optimist Club is hosting a 50's - 60's Dance, October 21st
7PM - 1AM at Ekatta's. They are having dance contests, costumes and
food. $10 individual or $20 couple. ALL proceeds go to area youth.
Tickets are available from an Optimist member or at KXPO. <<<
Apparently it's true, that it is more likely than not, the Optimist
Club Dance will be the final function in the facilities we have come to
know as Ekatta's.
I was told that the Optimist's did in fact check with Marketplace and
Generations and they were already booked for the 21st. I was also told
that they even asked if they could "use" the Golf Course club house,
however, they didn't feel they could afford the cost the course said
they needed. The bottom line, I hope all the men in town, grease down
their hair, or whats left of it. Comb it into a ducktail and show up at
Ekatta's Saturday night to dance with all the local ladies dressed up in
pink and black poodle skirts, bobbie socks and penny loafers.
The end result will go to benefit "our" local youth. AND,... sometime
between now and then, I will work real hard at trying to get my foot out
of my mouth.
Today is the first day (this year) for the Shivercity edition. Kermit
must have thought it good reason to share the following. >>>
Shivercity.....hooray! I love reading your daily temp report. Makes
those old Minn. vibes shiver up fond memories. We've only had one frost
and I welcome more. Just double your 31 and it's our temp today here in
Gettysburg. But I got my yearly letter yesterday from the Ski resort
down the road and they were thrilled to report 32 degrees the other
morning and positively stated that we were going to have a good season
ahead! I will be, hopefully, volunteering in the Courtesy Dept. again so
I can ski free. Just want you to know we are still alive and well out
here and love being "connected". Your spark of love travels far and
wide. Thanks! , fin.............(east of the Mississippi and the slough
on the east side of the Valdres Prairie). <<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Kermit. Be careful and don't break a leg on the ski
slopes this winter.
======== BENEFIT FOR ========
Jillian Louise Demester, plan to attend if you can, if you can't, buy a
ticket anyway. My little brother A.K. sent the following note. >>>
Pat & Gary,
I thought I would take a minute and share a bit of what's going on
with Jill's benefit. Most of the time I'm on the other side of the
asking counter, for donations that is. This time however, I am doing the
asking. We are looking for items for the silent action, and several
door prizes. You can call my cell phone 701-360-2241 or Grafton
Floral at 701-352-2241. We would gladly pick them up, or, you can
drop them off at Grafton Floral, 945 Summit Ave. Also, there is
Jillian Demester benefit account set up at the Bremer bank in
Tickets are also available for Goober's Gobblers Turkey Dinner for $
10 each. The benefit is at Marketplace on 8th Sunday the 29th of October
from 11:00 to 4:00 pm It will include a bake sale, Pat Moe & her
sisters are taking care of that. We will also be holding a silent
auction. If you could, or would, like to contribute to the bake sale, or
auction, you can drop off your items at Marketplace the day of the
benefit. Thank you everyone for your time and donations. A.K. Moe <<<
Thanks A.K. It takes a lot work and lots of people, all working
together, for a good cause, to orchestrate a successful benefit.
Today, Pat (the UPS driver Pat) dropped off a large box addressed
simply to Gary Moe 764 Birch Crt. I wondered what it could possibly be.
When I opened it, I was amazed. The box was filled with three fabulously
beautiful, hand made Afghans. The note attached said. Hi Gary, I am
sending you a few things I made that I would like to donate for the
silent action for Jillian Demester. If they need to know who donated
them - just put "a member of the Shivercity/Skeeterville Gazette
family". Ok?
Thanks for your help. I didn't know who else I should send them to, so
you are elected!
Also, I want you to know how much we look forward to getting the
Gazette and news from "home". Keep up the good work. <<<< WOW,....
isn't that neat? That lady didn't just send a few bucks. She spent
hours, and hours, and hours fabricating those beautiful afghans. Oh, I'm
sure she calls it a labor of love. I am also sure, Jillian, and those
involved with her benefit, will consider that lady's labor of love, a
wonderful gift from God.
Or so it seems to me.
Marian Hajicek sent the following, very important, message. She wrote:
Dear Gary, I must tell you how much I enjoy your daily Gazette.
It is very interesting. I am a Board Member of the CAMP (Community
Awareness Methemphetamine Problem) that is having a Community Form
coming up on Monday, October 30th. at the Heritage Village at 7pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to get viewpoints and opinions on the
community about trying to get a Teen Center going in Grafton.. We need a
place for our youth to be able to go to, to do their thing. Where
they can visit, play games, dance and do whatever. In other words
to get them off the street so to speak. Our youth today is the
adults of our future, so we need to keep them out of trouble and
drugs. I hope you can get this in your Gazette so that a lot of our
citizens of Grafton will hopefully come to help our youth. We would
very much like to see you and Pat come to this meeting. We are having
speakers from our neighboring town of Drayton speak about the
youth center that they have going over and how beneficial it is.
Again, thank you for the great job. Marian <<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Marian. We should all hope your meeting is most
Jillian wasn't in an "accident"........she was given an "opportunity".
Jillian doesn't have "scars" --- she has "reminders" and she likes
to call them "victory tattoos". Jillian isn't "challenged" or
"slow" --- she is a "new person" and open to learning whatever she
can. You see, Jillian doesn't remember the person we all "used" to
think we knew. Jillian is an amazing new person and definitely has
new perspectives.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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