Friday, April 07, 2006

April 6, 2006 - Thursday


04/06/06 THURSDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the hundreds and
hundreds and hundreds AND hundreds of absolutely wonderful loving caring
folks that attended "little" Ben and Maria Wharam's benefit dinner at
Marketplace on 8th this day.
The current temperature is 40 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 60/33
Normal H/L temp for this date is 47/27
Weather for the rest of the week will be perfect for caring and sharing
with those less fortunate than us.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River level continues to fall. It doesn't appear that flooding
is in Graftons immediate future. I would like to extend my sincere
thanks and appreciation to "our" community leaders and those involved
with preliminary flood preparations,... should they have been needed.
An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.
The latest word on Pizza Hut is for a April 28 opening. So far 10 new
employees have been hired and they hope to have 10 more hired before the
opening date. Apparently all of the new employees will go to Grand Forks
to train. I guess that's so they can get used to handling big city
traffic,... just in case Grafton gets to be a big city.
==The Wharam Family Benefit Dinner.==
It was obvious when Pat and I looked for a parking place couldn't find
one, there would be a large crowd. Every parking lot, every parking
spot, was taken within two city blocks of the Marketplace.
As Pat and I walked into Marketplace on 8th shortly after 5:00pm the
place was already packed. People hurrying and scurrying in every
direction. First I noticed Rose Wendelbo directing folks "with meal
tickets" downstairs. Then, Roger Stark asked, how many raffle tickets we
wanted, then added, "keep in mind, I don't give change." (Super job
Then we made it to the "ticket table". Howard Wendelbo was manning it
and I handed him the envelope of money and checks several members of the
Gazette family had sent for "little" Ben and Maria. Again, as I looked
around I noticed that many, maybe dozens, had stickers with their names
on them, and designated as helpers covered the entire facility.
As we approached the buffet table, I found myself struggling to hold
down a gigantic lump in my throat. This is small town USA at it's
absolute best, I thought. This is the nucleus of individuals I have
lived with my entire life, I thought. I looked for Mary Jo or Tom Olson,
to say thanks, but failed to see them. I looked for Susie from
Marketplace, and, I did see her, for a second, as she was hurrying into
the kitchen. Vicky DeSautel, on the way downstairs with an armful of
buns, came over,.. dropped everything in her arms and gave Pat and me a
super big Hug and thanked us for coming. (the buns were still in bags,
so they didn't get dirty)
As we sat down to eat, once again I was impressed by the number of
people "working" and especially the number of folks that came to help
make "our" little Wharam children benefit as good as it could be. Then
"Little" Ben's grandmother, Kim LeClerc, came over and gave me a hug and
thanked us for coming, and for mentioning the benefit in the Gazette.
Nels Midgarden also stopped by our table to say hello. I must admit I
was really pleased to be able to eat from heavy duty American Crystal
plates though I'm guessing many if not most businesses in the area
donated items of every nature imaginable. Thanks Maryjo Lapp for the
super table decorations. The pictures of "Little" Ben and Maria on each
table was a fantastic idea. The Agsco Company has been fabulous and,
many area banks opened their vaults as wide as one could hope for. It
would be impossible to mention everyone by name, however I think the
tallest helper might have been Howard Ray and I'm pretty sure Jim Vistad
was the broadest.
I was also very pleased to have so many folks express their
appreciation for the contributions of "our" Gazette family members. I
too, am very proud of the part "our" Gazette family plays in so many
very worthwhile causes throughout the area.
We finished dinner, it was delicious, then stopped by the home baked
goods table. Pat insisted we pickup a couple dozen chocolate items, a
half dozen carrot cakes and then we left to allow more people room to
I am a better person for knowing the Wharam's, and a better citizen for
being there. One things for certain. The Lord will need to call in extra
angles to listen the all the prayers from this event.
The part about Pat insisting, might have been a bit of an exaggeration.
Actually I was the one that thought we "needed" the chocolate stuff.
"Passion is the difference between living and existing."
This Sunday will be another special event. The Nessa Schrank Benefit
featuring a delicious Pork Dinner and all the fixins.
Beautiful 20 year old Nessa Schrank is recovering from a brain aneurism
due to a brain development called Moyamoya. Nessa will undergo several
additional surgeries and require extensive hospital stay.
Please plan on attending Nessa's benefit dinner this Palm Sunday from
10:30 to 4:00pm at Marketplace on 8th in Grafton. Bring the entire
family and enjoy a fabulous small town benefit get-together.
The Givens Cafe holds the honor of being the first air-conditioned
business establishment in Grafton. (circa 1937)
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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