Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008 - Friday

Early Edition
Todays Gazette is brought to you, by Grafton's New Assistant Police
==== Captain Steve Kliniske ====
The current temperature is -13
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/3
Even our local weather folks are saying we can expect temperatures to
warm up,..... sometime.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Effective January 1 of this year. Lieutenant Steve Kliniske was awarded
the rank of Captain in the Grafton Police Department. Steve was also
promoted to the position of Assistant Police Chief at that time.
Police officer Slade Herfindahl was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant
in the Grafton Police Department effective January 1 as well.
Congratulations Steve and Slade for your well deserved promotions. My
heartfelt thanks to you both, and, to all of the members of "our" local
law enforcement organization. For making "our" community a much safer
place to live.
Did I mention the The Grafton - Park River Spoilers opened up a 55
gallon drum of butt whoopen on the West Fargo Packers Thursday night?
The score was 5 to 0 at the final buzzer.
It was a good game, primarily because we won, not necessarily because
of the way it was played. Grafton committed way to many penalties for a
team that hopes to win this years North Dakota State High School Hockey
Or so it seems to me.
I'm not sure what to make of the following. I guess time and the
Mayor's Committee on Economic Development will tell. Anyway, according
to the latest edition of the Walsh County Record, (if you don't
subscribe to it, you should) the former Getz Drug building, once filled
with a trainload of pipe dreams and pie-in-the-sky ideas by an
organization called EKATTA's. Has it seems all turned to bull excrement.
Not to worry, however, as Gail Martinson of Data Dynamics, is
interested in the upper level for of the building for her business. Gail
you, might remember, was the primary drive behind Shenanigans (as well
as Monty). And, again according to the Record, she (Gail) would like to
add a restaurant to the main level.
WOW, a restaurant back on main street again. What would Stan Wysocki,
Al Zinke, Dave Klava, Bert Sando, Jack Givens or Lester Mielke and
Tommie Greenwood say to that, I wonder?
Often I have mentioned the fact that the Gazette, IS NOT intended to
function as a "newspaper". Rather, it is to exchange ideas, thoughts,
feelings and general information much the same as one would experience
around the dinning room table or lunch counter with a group of friends.
To be able to openly admit that we (certainly me) are normal people
doing everything we can to end or lives with a dash our family and
friends will be proud of. To be willing to admit that sometimes along
the way, we will not always be perfect and that we might stumble a bit.
(boy that's an understatement for me)
The following note is a perfect example of caring and sharing. Ruth
wrote. >>>>
Hi Gary:
Jeepers I did a terrible thing. you have me in your mailing list
as -- -- -- -- -- --. I put you into my junk mail message box by
accident so you need to take me off your list and I will send you a note
at this address to get on your mailing list again. I am behind in my
reading of your neat "stories".
Thank you for nice article about Smokey Rawlins, He was a gentlemen
in all respects. Many years ago we went out a few times -- nice story
about how we got together!! Sorry to hear about Irene Bjerke's
passing. She was a good friend to my Mom and I visited with her a
few times on occasion even after my Mom died.
I was happy when you reported "my house" had been sold. Nice to know
it will have someone living in it again.
Keep up the good work, like so many others, I enjoy reading about
friends and citizens in dear old Grafton.
Toni (Ruth) Ringsak Glover <<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Ruth. The fact is, most of the "stuff" I write seems to work
well,........ in the junk mail box.
I was pleased with the response to the MEGA RAFFLE in yesterdays
$ 32,500 === $32,500 === $32.500
Speaking of benefits. It's that time of the year again when
"everyone" has the opportunity to participate in the Grafton Youth
1st prize is a 2008 Harley Davidson.
2nd prize is a 2008 Arctic Cat ATV
( I won the ATV last year)
3rd prize is a John Deere Riding mower.
(H. Dale Aasand won the Rider last year) 4th prize is a Napa Tool Chest
5th prize is a giant flat screen TV.
++plus 35 additional prizes AND a super meal dinner is included with
every ticket.
$32.500 in cash and prizes, with 1 chance in 15 to win cash or one
of the prizes. The banquet dinner and drawing will be held on March 15,
(Need not be present to win.)
AND, for a mere one hundred dollar bill ($100) you have a 100
percent chance of getting a ticket. Simply let me know how many chances
you would like to help Grafton's Youth Hockey organization become the
very best it can be.
Please make checks payable to Grafton Youth Hockey. My address is 764
Birch Court, Grafton, ND 58237
OR you can call 701-520-1804. That's a cell number. I'll be darned if I
know who's, but I am sure of one thing. If you call it, you'll get as
many tickets as you want. That will help our youth hockey program be as
good as it can be.
I was doing a little research in the Gazette Library last night and
have decided that, what's his name?, the famous baseball pitcher, was
simply trying to throw the boys in congress a curve ball, covered with
bull excrement, the other day.
"If you don't play, you won't win. If you don't win,.... you lose."
Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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