Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16, 2007 - Friday

All men are created equal. It is what they are equal to that
The current temperature is 46°.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 36/18
Normal H/L temp for this date is 33/17
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
When I sent out last Friday's Gazette I fully intended on sending
the next one out on the following Monday. Some may have already noticed,
that didn't happen.
The rest of the story, at least the Readers Digest Version of it.
Sunday night I became aware of the need (request) to make a quick trip
to Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort. My plan was to stop at Granny's in the
morning (as Usual) and then head out to Rocky Point. Monday morning
started out as planned. The weather forecast for the day was great
(above normaI) and, even the dice box at Granny's tipped in my favor.
As I left town I thought how wonderful this fall had been. I
thought of the numerous trips I have made to Rocky Point over the years.
As always, I wondered what I would find changed since my last visit.
The weatherman was right, it truly was a beautiful fall day.
Driving even slower than normal I wondered how Casey was doing as I past
his farm west of Stephen. Next came Myron Larson's field bringing back
even more memories. I noticed some farmsteads were starting to disappear
although I was, somehow, pleased to see that Orvin and Eileens Knutson's
(Elly's mom & dad) farmstead was still intact. I past several Field Bros
fields remembering the wonderful working relationship I enjoyed with
Chuck and John Field and their families.
Continuing east I could see that Pete Sinclairs land was winter
ready as was that of Jeff Nelson as I 'rounded' the curve. I always slow
down going by Alfred and John Jensen's farm and can't help remembering
how graciously they always received me. Next came the Halfmann farm and
ag equipment operation. Both Paul & Craig were invaluable resources for
me. I thought of Wayne Carlson and wondered what he's doing now. Then,
as I continued on my way to Arnesen's, I looked off to the west and
thought of Luther and Carol Johnson. Luther was one of "my" beet growers
and Carol was Ag Secretary at Drayton for many years.
As I turned west on hiway 11 I thought of the Bogestad boys, Roger
& Larry and the many "interesting" times I shared with them. Within a
few miles I was out of the beet growing area and once again I started
thinking of the possible changes I might find at Rocky Point.
As I past thru Warroad I contemplated stopping for dinner. Then
again, maybe I should wait and eat something on my way home instead. (I
Somewhere about here, (I think) is the beginning of some of the
reason I haven't sent out the Gazette.
Anyway, As I turned off 11 unto hiway 12 I "thought" I felt a bit
dizzy, although it went away within a few miles. Everything seemed to be
okay until I turned into Arnesen's Resort. I seemed to feel a little
week. So,... with absolutely no rational excuse, when I got out of the
car to take care of the "business" that brought me there. Unfortunately
I did so without the benefit of my cane. The next thing I knew, I was
sprawled out on the ground with some of my front teeth hiding under a
pile of tree leaves.
I don't remember anything hurting, much, save maybe a sore neck a
stiff back and of course my badly bruised pride. Needless to say, I
returned to the car, and, while calling it several terms unfit for
print, crabbed my cane, finished my errand and started for home.
As I turned unto hiway 11 heading west, it might go without saying
that I wasn't the happiest camper on the Minnesota Hiways in the first
place. Then,... as I was looking in my rear view mirror I noticed what,
at first glance, I thought was a 1949 Mercury - without a grill - racing
up behind me. Rats,... it wasn't a car at all. It was me in that rear
view mirror,.... without front teeth.
I've been told I may be able to get them fixed on the 26th of this
month in this same year. And, if there anyone out there that thinks I'm
afraid of needles. You ain't seen nothin til you've seen me around a
Now then, having said all that. If it weren't for the many notes
and calls wondering where the ---- I am, it is almost a certainty I
would still be hiding out somewhere feeling sore, and, sorry for myself.
As I have said so many times before. "It is not only my need to do
the Gazette, that keeps me going. It is the folks that read it that give
me the will and determination." Or so it seems to me.
Speaking of "things" happening. Wednesday Bruce and Kristy stopped
by and installed a wonderfully thick, warm blanket of insulation in our
attic. It's something we should have done a long time ago. However for
some crazy reason I continued to putt it off. With the price of "energy"
what it is today, and, especially what it will be in the future. "You
must have bats in your belfry, if you don't put more insulation in your
Give Bruce a call, Kristy wants him to keep working.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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