Friday, February 24, 2006

February 24, 2006 - Friday


02/24/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Stark's Cities
Service. With guaranteed work by Morris Monson.
The current temperature is 2 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was, Avg.
Normal H/L temp for this date is 25/7
Weather for the balance of the week should be just right for
winning the 2006 North Dakota State High School Hockey tournament.
(and well we should)
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,..mostly stuff.
It's state hockey tournament time. It's more than a simple
coincidence that our school is out on "winter break". As I drove around
town it was also obvious the entire community of Grafton is supporting
the Spoilers. Many, if not most store front windows have "good luck at
state" signs in them. Houses throughout the community have good luck
signs, with the # of their favorite player on their front doors and
windows. AND, what other town would shut down the local theater during
hockey tournament time? Ours does.
The team left town today about 2:00 for the Grand Forks Engelstad
Arena. I was at the intersection of Kittson and Hiway 17 when I heard
the sirens blaring. As I pulled over, I realized it was "our" team
leaving town. Lead by Police Chief Paul Stave in a city police unit with
lights flashing, sirens blasting and followed closely by a Valley
Ambulance and Rescue unit with it's lights and sirens screaming to let
everyone within ear shot know, "we're darn proud of the Grafton / Park
River Spoilers Hockey team, and we wish them well". As they were being
escorted out of town in a blaze of glory, other police officers held
back traffic giving the Spoilers a clear shot from here to their first
goal of the tournament in Grand Forks.
The Spoilers played the Williston Coyotes in the first round. The
final score was Spoilers 5 Williston 1. In the "old" days, we might have
all gone down to Given's Cafe to celebrate. Of course, that would have
been when the "Spoilers" were referred to as "Warriors" not Spoilers.
Reflexology, it's a term I can't find in Webster, though it does
say "reflex" is an involuntary action resulting from a stimulus to a
muscle. Gosh, I hope that's a proper thing to say.
ANYWAY, the latest "new" business in Grafton deals with
Reflexology. I know that, and more, because Kerri Osowski cared to share
the following information.
She wrote; >>> Hi Gary!
I wanted to give you some more info on Azteca's Mexican Grill. I spoke
with Cherie Paulin before I headed South to visit Mom for a while. They
plan on opening next week. It will be reasonably priced food and open
from 11-8 M-Sat. If anyone stopped by the stand her and her husband
Rafael had out at the Alco parking lot this summer, that was just a
sample of the great food they will be providing to Grafton. They have
been living in Grafton around 10 yrs and everyone at the bank is excited
to have another Mexican spot so conveniently located. We all miss Taco
the Town! I also wanted to mention that a reflexology business is
getting started in the old Thrivent Financial Office on Hill Ave.
Deb Davidson and her daughter Larisa will be providing the ancient
Eastern art similar to accupressure for natural healing. It works with
your pressure points in the feet and hands. Give them a call if you
would like to try a session. Deb's cell is 701-360-1046. Well I have to
get going....heading to the Grand Canyon today. Have to leave early just
to get out of Phoenix....much different than my daily commute of two
blocks to work.....that's why I love to visit here but makes me love
home even more! GOOD LUCK SPOILERS!
Kerri Osowski <<< Thanks a million Kerri, your message give even more
credibility to the slogan, "Grafton, great ground for growth." Besides,
having someone in town willing to hold our hands and rub our feet must
be a "good thing", right?
Loren Lundberg shared another view of "our" first Arena. He wrote;
>>> Gary:
Even after it burned, the fifth street arena was home to many
"Olympic" events. I myself can recall participation in the "winter
Olympian" event known as "jumping off the walls to see who can land
deepest in the snow"; I can't remember who the record holder was (your
brother Dave?) but on one occasion we had to go across the street to get
either Bob Barr or someone from the gas station to extricate the record
setter from the snow. Somehow we interpreted that to mean that the arena
was "fighting back" and that contest got dropped from further schedules.
In the "summer olympiad" it served as the scene for repeated contests of
the "rubber gun wars" - upstairs versus the basement as I recall. I
suppose that whichever team won the last one is STILL the champion -
they just don't make innertubes the way they used to. LL <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Loren. Aren't memories wonderful?
Even though I really know better, I still somehow hoped that
Craig and Holly Perry might turn up at this years tournament. The
following note from Holly diminishes that hope significantly. >>>
Hi Pat and Gary!
Thanks for the birthday wish! We too will miss
seeing you at state hockey this year. The kids and I thought of
coming up for the tournament... but just too much going on this weekend
here. Craig is busy with tournaments, kids busy with activities
and new pals, and I am in the process of finding a nursing position at
one of the hospitals. We have been here since mid-August... the
time has flown!
Our biggest news here (you will appreciate this being the dog lovers
that you are) is that we recently had to put our sheltie Shadow to
sleep. He was such a good dog... we had him (he had us:)) for 13
years. I have attached a pix we took with him on his last day with
us. We miss him so much, but have such great memories. Cassie is
still with us and has a broken heart like the rest of us. They were
best buddies for over 12 years.
Well, to help mend all of our broken hearts, we added a new member to
our family. Tucker Perry... of course another sheltie.. he is 3 1/2
pounds and a total sweetheart!
Hope you and all of your family are doing well...and thanks for what
you do with the gazette.... it is so fun to hear about everyone!
Love you, Holly <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Holly. I
am so sorry to hear about Shadow, as I'm sure, are the many that have
asked how you, Craig and family have been doing.
Every once in awhile I find it interesting to mention folks, or
facts, from the past. It is after all, the one single common bond people
share. I was pleased to receive the following note from Millie. >>> Hi
I was surprised to see the mention of Terry and my marriage
license back in 1948, also Winton and Helen June's, they were good
friends of ours. Terry passed away in 1994 and I now live in Forest
Lake, Mn. after 9 years in Arizona I wanted to be closer to my son and
grandchildren. I also noticed my sister Loretta Mattson inquired
about locating Delores Houska Robinson. I believe she has two sisters
living in Grafton, Elaine Isaacson and Monica Grovum. I lost track of
Delores after leaving Mesa, Az. If someone would know these sisters and
would give them this message I'd love to hear from them. Thanks Gary,
I enjoy your Gazette.
Millie Sobolik <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Millie. I can see no
reason why we can't establish a communication link between you ladies.
After all, we are one big happy family,.... right?
Speaking of family, after receiving the following note from Jack.
"Our" Gazette family tree has another new branch.
He wrote: Hi Gary
I am a 46 grad from Grafton HS. living in ID. Heard from Bert Add me to
your Gazette list.
Jack Babinski
PS it is my class' 60th reunion this June. <<< Welcome Jack, and thanks
for allowing us to share a part of "our" world with you. You're the
first Idaho member of the Gazette. "We" now pester folks in 22 states
and two foreign countries. I hope from time to time you will share a
part of your world with us. I can already see, from your request, your a
man of specific intent,.... and few words.
Holy Smokers, I'm thinking if we could get every former Graftonite
here for this years Summerfest, we'd sure have us a full blown, small
town "wing-ding" wouldn't we?
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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