Wednesday, May 06, 2009

May 6, 2009 - Wednesday

Join Tom and Tammy Henriksen at the Strand Theater tonight at 6:30 and
enjoy the movie, "Facing The Giants".
The movie is free, the delicious popcorn and snacks are a little extra.
~~~~ FREE Family Movie Night ~~~~
Parents and children are encouraged to attend together.
After the movie, the EDGE Youth Center will be dedicated. Hope to see
you there!
The current temperature is 55 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 65/48
Normal H/L temp on this date is 66/40
It was 86 degrees on this date in 1992
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The mention of Grafton's Bottle Works gave Doug reason to share the
Subject: Grafton Bottling Works
Gary, Pop production in Grafton actually started in 1895 by Thomas
Schell, then Schell & Schumann, George Garbutt, and M.J.Sitzer... Herb
Edwards became sole owner in 1901, with his wife Maude taking over (due
to bad health and subsequent death) til 1919 with Wilde Brothers and
O'Brien & Arman until Henry Sieg took over, operating til 1938.
While one varient of bottle did have lines or ribs, most of them did
not and varied between aqua and clear in color... For a more complete
story see "Grafton Bottling Works A Local History" by Grafton resident
Bob Vaudrin (copy in local library)...
Retired Social Studies Teacher <<<<
Thanks a for caring and sharing Doug.
Bert accepted Wallys invitation to share his thoughts on The Bottle
Works story.
Bert wrote: >>>>
Gary, The Seig Bottling company never was on the corner where the city
hall/police station now stand. It was on the north east corner of 2nd
and Hill Avenue, one block north, across the street from the old city
hall. The photo in the "100 year look at Grafton" Book (with the
incorrect location) shows the original Seig Botteling Bldg right on
the corner.
In the late 1930's Henry Seig sold it to Jerry Usseldinger
and Jerry converted it to a bar/resturant which he ran through
early 1940. Usseldingers (there were two children, Vernon and
Shirley) rented from my folks the house we owned (and later moved
into) at North144 wakeman Ave. across the street north from the
Desoto Creamery. My folks bought the house on 144 Wakeman from a big
time railroad man "Wilcox" for $500.00 when he moved to
California. Until that time we lived across the street west in the
house my folks bought and moved in by horse team from 10 miles east on
Hiway #17 around the year 1909/10. At that time my folks owned all
the land from 1st ave north and Wakeman all the way west to
the N.P. railroad tracks. Dad sold parcels in later years to Hugo
Kutz for his fuel storrage facility and the rest to the Huffmans for
pasture and their home buildings. It all bordered on the river to the
north. After we moved across the street in 1938 Dad rented the house
to Leif Moe's, then to Nels Hansen and it was finally sold to Carl
Torkelson. The entire house was made of Oak and drove Carl Torkelson
crazy during a remodel, you couldn't drive a nail in the old oak, you
had to drill first.
Seig needed a larger building and built a new facility between the
original building and the N.P. railroad tracks. Seig built it right
close to the street and people griped that the loading ramp, next to
2nd ave. blocked the traffic with the trucks on 2nd ave. loading and
Note, I wonder how many know that the house by the tracks east on
1st ave was the first permanent hotel in the Dakota Territory. It was
much larger but two house fires caused it to be cut down. The last I
knew the dual staircase was still in the front living room, once the
For years it was occupied by two families, the Johnsons and the
Zellers, then the LeBlancs who moved in from Oakwood with 21 children.
So the Overlands, LeQuires, LeBlancs and the Nels Hansen kids had
plenty of playmates.
Bert A. Overland <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert. Aren't memories
wonderful? I am wondering, by chance, if Gordy "Snowball" Olson wouldn't
have been running up and down the river bank with you guys about that
time? Some will remember Gordy (Snowball) as a Agriculturist for
American Crystal Sugar Company in Crookston for a good many years.
Hi Gary,
Would you mind putting this in the Gazette? Two locations, Grafton
Armory and at Rose Wendelbo's "alley garage". Rose said Brad & Denise
were having a sale the same day... should be good for business right
across the street from each other [;-)> Thank you very much... Kim
Sat. May 9th between the hours of 9-4
Grafton Armory and 1485 Griggs in alley
~~~ Fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis ~~~
---------- "Miles for Maria" -----------
====== Free will donation ======
BRAND NAME infant, toddler, teen, women & mens clothing, toys, trike,
antique dresser, Americona decor, household, movies, crib/twin
bedding/blankets, mattress pads, shelfs, maternity, boppie/PG pillow,
baby gates, fishing equip, decorative pillows, patio table & chairs,
file cabinet, memory mat and much,.. much more. <<<<<
Thanks a million Kim, Let's hope the "Miles for Maria" fundraiser for
Cystic Fibrosis is a huge success.
"I hear subway isn't opening until may 13th." from a local Gazette
member is
the latest word oI have heard regarding Simonsons Subway, Gasoline &
Neighborhood Convenience Store.
It sounds like this Saturday will be a great day to come to Grafton and
shop the Rummage Sales. Don't miss the one at Heritage Village. All
proceeds go toward maintaining the Village.
There will be an antique chrome table, with 6 chairs that belonged to
"Uncle Sig" along with some of his other treasurers. Other items,
couch, apartment size fridge, antique sewing cabinet, vanity with
mirror, lots of clothes, bedding, luggage, ironing boards, tv stand,
curtains, lamps, books, magazines, video movies, tapes, xmas
decorations, grass seeder and lots and lots of misc items. Something
for everyone. Also, serving BBQ, Hot dogs, chips and lemonade for
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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