Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24, 2009 - Tuesday (early)

Todays Gazette is brought to you by
the Gift of Life Transplant House in Rochester Minnesota.
The current temperature is 17 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is 13
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 16/-5
Normal H/L temp for this date is 25/7
It was 59 degrees on this date in 1959
Communities without flood protection practice self imposed water
boarding on the grandest scale possible.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Almost every day we can see signs that indicate our "growing is
showing". Just the other day a sign indicating a brand new financial
institution in the MetLife Resources building on Hill Avenue, started it
all. In less than a week they (MetLife Financial) was advertising for
sanitation personnel, Is suspect, to help them clean up in the field of
Although it's been several months since the Jet Oil Bulk operation
moved across the street into the building that one served as Dwight
Crousse's Ford Garage Body Shop. But it only took a couple of weeks of
"Uncle Bens" special fried breakfasts there and now, they too, have a
sign out front of their offices advertising for a sanitation person.
Maybe "Uncle Ben" missed the fry pan and dropped the bacon and eggs on
the floor.
Anyway, yesterday I was on the way over to see how Donnie LaBerge was
coming along rebuilding his recently acquired 41 Ford Coupe when I
noticed yet another sign advertising for a Sanitation Worker. This one
also says they are willing to train, offer vacations and a health plan
as well as retirement benefits.
I must admit however the last sign did leave me more than a little
confused. Not the sign per-se, that was very easy to understand. It was
more the location of the sign than anything. You see that sign is placed
in front of the exact spot Francis (Please Pass the Potatoes) Phelan's
Office "USED" to be. Now then,.... everyone that ever knew Francis
Phelan knows He would never have needed to hire a Sanitation Worker in
his operation. Because,... he had already "cleaned up" everything, from
everybody, before he left.... if you get my drift.
Anyway, if there is a bona-fide Sanitation Worker out there somewhere
that would like a good job, working for great people, call 701-352-0563
and talk to Bob Oihus. You will not only get to know the community
inside and out, you'll also learn what everyone in town eats,...... and
what they throw out.
I am pleased to share the next note I received from George Cox. I am
especially pleased George's message is a positive one. He wrote; >>>>
Hi, just a quick update on my stem-cell transplant - - all went well
and Diane and I got home last Friday. I was one of the lucky ones - I
got to use my own stem-cells. We stayed at the Gift of Life Transplant
House in Rochester and met lots of people waiting for donors. The fellow
next door to us received a liver just in time to save his life.
Please pass on the importance of going through the process to see if
you match to Joanie Silewski for stem-cells. Think what it would feel
like to save a life!!! I have never heard of a stem-cell drive before -
good luck Grafton. What if someone from out of town wants to see if they
are a match - is there someway of checking that out?
God Bless,
George Cox
class of 65 <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing George. It sure is wonderful
hearing such fantastic news. Congratulations!!!! As far as your last
question --- "What if someone from out of town wants to see if they are
a match - is there someway of checking that out?" I will have to depend
Joanie's very dependable team of volunteers to check that out and get
back to us.
Monday morning I received a call from a very kind gentleman that will
not be able to be hear on March 7th to participate in the Bone Marrow
Drive. He also indicated that there could be a few more individuals
unable to attend o the 7th and his question was. "Is there somewhere
else he, or they, could go to be tested so that they too, could
participate in the upcoming Bone Marrow Donor Drive for Joanie Silewski?
George Carlin once said. "I thought about how mothers feed their babies
with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered, what do Chinese mothers
use? Toothpicks?"
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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