Thursday, January 06, 2005

January 6, 2005 - Thursday


01/06/05 THURSDAY grp. 3
The current temperature is - 20 for those dressed for the season. - 38
for those dressed for the beach.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was -13/-38
Last years H/L temperature was -3/-27
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
L O C A L news & stuff:
From the Gazettes FYI department;
The Walsh County Record does have a web site. As with all electronic
equipment, it hasn't been exactly "trouble free". I received the
following note from a WCR representative yesterday, that might better
clarify their firms web site. He wrote.
Subject: Walsh County Record Web Site
Just a note to let you know The Walsh County Record web site is
updated Thursday afternoons in house and is available whenever
our service provider is functional (which recently has not been the
The Walsh County Record Web site is FREE (repeat) FREE to those
who wish to get a glance at what the headlines are for the week.
The site has taken First Place in the North Dakota Newspaper
Association Awards two-years running and is the only newspaper on the
web that allows you to see the actual pages of the paper (to our
knowledge). Also notice you don't get bombed with ads.
The web site is not intended to take the place of our award winning
newspaper, rather to enhance the service The Walsh County Record
If anyone has concerns about the site, log on and send us an
e-mail with your name included and we will be more than happy to
listen. E-mails without a name will not get a response. The site
can be accessed at <<<<
Thank you so much for clearing up any concerns some may have had
regarding the site. I must admit, unlike the Record, at the Gazette, I
decide if a signed or unsigned message is shared or not. I felt the
above message had significant value even though it wasn't "signed" to
share with "our" Gazette family. The note did make mention, on a couple
of occasions, that the WCR is an award winning publication. I suppose,
thats for the benefit of the "never even gotten a ribbon" Gazette
management. I also recognized the term FREE (repeat) FREE, mentioned
twice in the note.
That of course, (FREE) is the cost of a Gazette subscription, AND,
probably most often, what it's worth. I don't ever expect to win an
award with the Gazette. I do however hope no-one misconstrues it (the
Gazette) to be a "news" paper.
If you want news, or, if you want to advertise. Use the Walsh County
Record, the Grand Forks Herald, the Fargo Forum or the Walsh County
Press. That's the business their in, and they do it well.
If you want to exchange information, words or thought. Send us a note
hear at the Gazette, that's what keeps us taking "our" medicine on a
regular basis.
Speaking of the Record, in it's 60 years ago column. Carl Hvidsten was
elected to head the Grafton Civic Club. 50 years ago, the Dr. and Mrs.
J. V. Jaehning home won the Christmas decorating contest. Howard Hills
was honored as one of the top Ford tractor parts and service dealers in
the country, and the first baby born in Grafton in 1955 was my cousin
Dean Allen Sevigny. That event gave his parents Lois and Gerald Sevigny
reason the celebrate. Numerous business places gave the "new years baby"
gifts. Some of them include Gambles; Topic Cafe; Bridgeman Creameries;
Grafton Electric; Nelson Rexall Drug; Fish's; Marvin's Jewelry;
Tollack's Inc; Super Valu; Grafton Milk; Ben Franklin; Stans Cafe;
Earl's Family shoes; Penny's; The Fashion Shoppe;; Wiley's Jewelry;
Grafton Paint & Glass; Klava's Cafe and the S & L Store.
Unfortunately, none of those businesses are functioning today.
There's also a wonderful picture of one year old Ethan Paul Suda in
this weeks edition of the Gazette. Eileen and Al Bolek and Shirley and
Paul Suda can certainly be proud of that little stinker.
Another thing I "gleaned" out of this weeks Record, that may, - if it
doesn't, it should - surprise many, is the fact that a local real estate
company, has sold 35 houses in the city of Grafton as well as some in
other cities, in the past year. That's surprising in light of the fact
that I've heard several folks "claim" houses just aren't selling in
town. Then too, is the eighteen million words Larry Biri had in the
weeks Record. Assuming of course that a picture is still worth a million
words. With inflation, it could even be more.
Then of course is the front page article about Sweet Delights Candy
Company. A venture that involves "our" daughter and son-in-law Kelly &
David Moe, among others. I see it as a very exciting venture. Not only
for those most directly involved, but also for the entire area. With
initial estimates of a million unites a month going to many, and, maybe
even most states in the union. Sweet Delights may eventually find their
way to the neighborhood store in your area.
They are presently working on the final phases of a new Sweet Delights
web site, and hope to have that up and running shortly. I'll try share a
report on their progress from time to time in the Gazette.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised that Rona Johnson, and the Grand Forks
Herald would be willing to do a story on one of Graftons newest ventures
as well.
You are never fully dressed until you wear a smile. (Thanks Dane)
The latest word from the "Hunters" is, everything is going well,..
almost. It seems there pickups are getting stuck once in a while,
although, not paying attention to Chuck has helped, and their not
getting stuck quite as often.
They've been having a bit of trouble with their trucks "icing up". So
Dave French has made arrangements for them to leave their trucks inside
overnight at Hanson auto to thaw out. If one of you wives should happen
to talk to one of the hunters today, please let them know they should
call Dave French using the number on the card Dave gave to Chuck this
Also, while I have the hunters wives attention. Please jot down a
reminder to ask the "boys", when they get home, about the new health
insurance policies they've taken out while their here.
P.S. Bill says to say "there's still no cookin, like home cookin." And,
that he misses his wonderful new wife, more and more each day.
(actually,.. I added that last part.) But I think he'd say that.
I spoke with Billy D. this morning and he did say everything went well
for him last night, although he did mention a bit of a problem rolling
over in bed.
I would be remiss if I didn't at least comment on Todd Morgans
editorial about the possible termination of a Volunteer Firefighter for
moving out of town.
First of all, I totally agree with the concept that the "policy" should
be revisited. I am NOT a firefighter nor am I a member of the
department. I do however find Todd's suggestion that if it were him, he
wouldn't fight it, he'd quit. I do not understand all of the
ramifications or all of the rules and regulations of the department. I
would guess, prior to moving, Mr. Szklarski did. It would seem logical
that these specific issues should have been resolved "before" the move.
Every organization must have rules and regulations. It is fair to say
that from time to time they should be reviewed and "updated" as
circumstances require. I encourage everyone involved, sit back, give
this issue serious, realistic consideration, and then, determine the
best mode of action. Or, so it seems to me.
Does anyone know if the Drayton State Bank has jackets or shirts for
sale? If so, I might know of someone interested.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

From: Gary Moe [gpmoe@webtv.

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