in the loving memory of Wendall L. White.
It will be one year ago, this Sunday January 27, that my good friend
Wendall joined the Lord and eternal greatness. I was saddened with
Wendalls passing. Not simply because he was such a wonderful individual.
Not only because he would be leaving his greatest love and companion
alone to grieve.
I was saddened for the people in the world that didn't have the
opportunity to know and appreciate Wendall as I had. I felt sad that
most of our younger generation would not have the chance to see and
experience Wendalls love for his God, his wife, his family and his
Yes, I learned of a much greater meaning to the word sadness, for all
those reasons, on that January, 27 one year ago.
I learned a lot from Wendall White while he was here. I have continued
to learn throughout this past year. Wendalls chuckle taught me strength,
when I felt like a tear. His warm smile could calm anyones fear.
Wendall was a calm, quite, very gentle man and even though, I know, he
is gone, he is really still here.
~~~ Memories truly are wonderful ~~~
January 27, 2007 - Special Edition
~~~~~ A Very Special Edition ~~~~~
Todays Gazette is brought to you with our deepest and most sincere
condolences to Beryl White, in loving memory of her dear husband, and,
my wonderful friend, Wendell White.
It is with deepest sorrow that I share the message of the passing of
Wendell White.
My Websters Dictionary doesn't have a word significant enough, nor
fitting enough to properly describe the man I have come to know as
Wendell White.
Many knew Wendell, most much longer than I, tho' no-one thought more
highly of Wendell than me.
Never once from the first day we met, have I heard Wendall utter a harsh
word, or, even a sign of morosenees.
Wendell hitch-hiked a ride, as I understand it, from Park River to
Fargo to volunteer for active duty in the United States Marine Corps.
At the age of 21, Wendell was reputed to be one of the youngest
Marines to hold the rank of Sgt. Major. (In the short time I have known
Wendell, I can understand why.) Wendell proudly possess' a glossy
photograph of the famous flag raising at Iwo Jima. As a soldier serving
in Tinian, Saipan and Iwo Jima. The photo was sent to him by Joe
Rosenthal of the San Francisco Chronicle. Rosenthal, you might remember
became famous for his photo of that historic event. With the photograph
Joe Rosenthal also
added his personal greeting to Wendell.
Wendell served "our" country in World War ll from 1942 to 1945.
God knows he was tested, parkinsons not one of the least, he always
smiled and carried more than his share of grief.
Along with his allegiance to his country, in 1943, he married his lovely
wife Beryl Walters and maintained his devotion to her til his dying day.
(I can now understand why.)
Wendell and Beryl have one son Warren who lives in Wisconsin.
Wendell shared the same respect for his land as he did for his God, his
wife, his son, and his country.
He was a highly respected member of the electrical profession, a
member of the Park River Federated Church and a long standing member of
his church governing board. Along with memberships in various
organizations in the community, Wendell was, Chairman of the Board,
and,... Member in Good Standing, of the country he loved and fought to
keep free.
Wendell's smile could speak volumes, and his chuckle no-less. He a was
gentle, soft spoken man, certainly one of the best. We will miss Wendell
White to be sure, but we will never forget him.
Heaven will be a better place, when Wendell White arrives.
~~~~~~ Wendell White ~~~~~~~
July 29, 1923 ------------- January 27, 2007 They don't make
dash's,........... any
longer than that.
GOTTA - GO - WORK - ON - MY - DASH ==============================
I didn't plan an sending out a Gazette today. Unfortunately, I didn't
expect my friend Wendell to leave us either.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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