Friday, January 04, 2008

January 4, 2008 - Friday

Todays Gazette is brought to you by,
===== Burma Shave =====
It'll leave you slick, it'll leave you clean.
If your razor nicks, it'll make you mean.
The current temperature is 14 degrees.
Temperatures this weekend will be in the upper 20's to low 30's. That
should put a frown on every snowman in town.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Work on the Dakota Territory Railroad "longhouse" continues. By the end
of the day, all of the rafters were placed on the main portion of the
structure. The sheet metal can't be far behind.
If I read the sign in front of the Last Chance Bar and Grill correctly.
We could well be experiencing a return to the days of "The Red Ram" live
and lively entertainment center era.
I don't fully understand it's message, or, for that matter, who the
sign is actually intended for. How would one interpret the inference,
when a place named "The Last Chance", installs a sign out front
promoting "Gentleman entertainment" Friday night?
Who, I wonder, will be standing at the door making the determination
which one of their patrons are Gentleman, and which ones are not. I
wonder,... will the ones that are not gentleman, still be able to watch?
And if so, will they have to watch from the back of the bar? Only time,
and the WCTU will tell.
If U don't know, who's signs these are.
U can't have driven very far.
Lowell Efterfield, a good friend and fellow Rocky Point resident. Sent
me a copy of a 1895 8th grade grammar test. I sent the test to a few
members of the Gazette family and have received several comments about
the test. All of them interesting, with a few requesting I not share
their response in the Gazette. Dr. Bob Harris wasn't bashful and was
willing to share the following comments about the test. Dr. Bob wrote.
Subject: 8th grade
What an eye opener that test is. It sure shows how much education
has slipped. We can't fault the teachers and other faculty people
but it would seem to me that their work load has become much easier.
We are not less intelligent now but it shows that we would need to cover
a whole lot more to be able to pass that exam. I never would have
made it into high school, let alone dental school. Thanks! Keep up
the good work. Dr Bob
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bob
Drinking drivers, enhance their chance,
to highball home, in an ambulance.
Ray enjoyed the challenge and even identified a few that may well have
aced the test. He wrote. >>>
Thank you Gary, for the fine article about education. My thoughts
reading it concerned people in my past that might have done well with
test. Judge Albert Lundberg. Henry Bernard and Walter Knutson would
have scored well in world knowledge. My Grandfather, Hoarse
Inglewould have
donevery wellin the math as he had the back ground in running a
elevator. Thereis little to no question in my mind that Miss Cora
would have placedhighest over all in this particular test. I am
certain many others belong in this list however these are the people I
had direct contact with.
I enjoy the many memories you bring back. Thank
you, Ray Ingle <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ray. If
anyone else is interested in trying the 1895 8th grade grammar test. I
would be willing to share the test with them as well.
It's not always cold and cloudy in North Dakota. Thursday afternoon,
for instance. The UPS man delivered a whole box full of Florida
Sunshine. Right to my door. Thanks a million Marjie. After all the food
I ate at Christmas and New Years, eating some freshly picked Florida
fruit will help "balance" my diet a bit.
Hands on Wheel, Eyes on Road
That's the Skillful, Driver's Code.
My first fishing report of the season came from Ross Anderson and Don
Hutson Thursday morning. They told me that fishing on the Lake of the
Woods has been fantastic, and,... catching was almost the same.
Who knows, I might even get a chance to spend some time sitting on a 5
gallon bucket this winter...... fishing.
I 1972 Joe Birkeland received the Alumni Achievement Award from his
Alma Mater, Concordia College.
"It's through the caring and sharing of information, that memories
Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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