Tuesday, January 01, 2008

January 1, 2008 - Tuesday

Today's Gazette is being brought to you by the Fox Hunters from Ohio.
The current temperature is -1 degree.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 16/0
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-3
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Again this year, Pat and I went "out" for New Years Eve dinner, as we
have for the past 35 years, or more. Actually, what we did was go "out"
to Country Smokehouse and pickup a couple super tender steaks and two
medium sized lobsters. Then, we went "out" to Wally's and picked up all
the fixins for a great garden fresh salad, some coffee, a pumpkin pie,
some carrot cake and a small tub of ice cream.
When we returned home, Pat started putting everything together and
before I knew it. I was sitting down at the table with the most
important person in my life, eating a "New Years Eve" dinner that David
Copperfield could only dream of.
Even though we had dinner early, it was well into 2008 before I had
room for the ice cream.
Unfortunately, my "antics" last evening did lend itself to a
hangover. Fortunately, however, it was over the belt, and not between my
It's hard to believe there is only 364 days left until New Years Eve.
Happy New Years Everyone!!!!
I understand "our" Ohio Fox Hunting Friends will arrive in town
sometime today. They're a interesting group, and, as always, we look
forward to their arrival.
The vandals in Wally's Wonderland has generated several comments. Phil
Ray's note captures most folks feelings when he wrote. >>>>
I was sorry to hear that Wally's display was vandalized again. My 2 yr
old son will be very disappointed that the "Big Cow" and Mickey Mouse
will no longer be there in the park for him to enjoy. He talks about
going to see them every day. We really enjoyed driving through and
looking at all of Wally's hard work.
Phil <<<>>>>
I recall Joe in Civics class saying, "Whatever you do for a living,
remember to 'pay yourself first'", meaning always put away some savings
for later years. Timeless advice. And, he practiced what he
preached. When he quit smoking he continued to place the money he
would have spent on cigarettes in a separate fund. I'm sure Avis will
verify that the money Joe saved eventually paid for a trip to Norway!
Bill <<<<>>> Subject: Wally's
Youth Center
Gary, I hope you will print this, controversial but fact.
If Wally thinks he can get a youth center going in Grafton I think
he should go for it but notgetHIS project doneusing the
reputation of Joe Birkeland. Non- denominational youth centers have a
short life reputationfor many reasons, money, managers and the
riff-raf that soon find out about it and invade it.Thefinal one in
Hillyard, Washington(Spokane Suburb) ended in a big shoot-out. The
last thing Joe needs is a failed project with his name on it. If it is
to be a tribute it has to beas big as Joe and have permanency. I can
just visualize some old, made over, dilapidated building marked "CLOSED"
with Joe Birkeland's name on it.As for the Roger Marris Cancer center
it had tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars donatedalong
withhuge benefits by major league baseball to get it going. After
that wealthy persons that used it took up the cause.
I and my brothers were very close to Joe for many years from the
mid 40's and onand the only youth I ever saw Joe do great
specialthings for were those in his band.Joe's real legacy is how
he with the help of some great musicianslike Taft Kanna, Al Johnson,
Frank and Joe Kouba,DeweyFisher,Bud Rozzum, Helen
Rozzum,Fritz Finger,Lorne, Buzz and Leslie Anderson, Bill & Helmer
Fields among others, molded theGrafton Parade Band.These were the
people that really taught us how to play in thefashionthat made
the Grafton parade band outstanding.You had to progress with
Joethrough beginners band, junior band and high school band where
youlearned the rudiments. It was when youmade the big city
bandplaying along with these people that youreally learned style,
earned your place and passed it on.Joe deserves the"Honors" but it
should be known he did not do it alone and he always shared the credit
openly with these persons most of whom are long forgotten to most.
Bert A. Overland <<< --------------------------- Passing school zones,.. take it slow Let our little,.. shavers grow Burma Shave ---------------------------- It is been my hope, that the information gathered on the way to Joe's eventual memorial. Not only will document the significance of the man, but also the impact Joe had on those he touched. Through it all, I expect we will also learn that our country, and it's people, has truly evolved in a very positive way. The message Sharon sent speaks volumes in that direction. She wrote: >>>
Thanks for bringing up the 57 trip to Miami. Here's from another
It has been 50 years since that exciting trip to the Orange Bowl. The
impressions I received have remained in my mind all these years. Imagine
me and all those young kids and adults from Grafton traveling all that
way in a bus and performing down the huge boulevards in Miami. For most
of us, it was our first look at an ocean. We attended the Orange Bowl
game. We visited Washington DC, New York City, and even went to the
Steve Allen Show where we saw several famous people.
The morning of the parade, December 31, I woke up with a very sore
toe. I had cut it walking in the sand on Miami Beach. Joe was not happy
that I didn't come to practice that morning and he let me know it, as
only he could. I was determined to march in that parade and did.
Fortunately for me, my parents were along as chaperons because by the
time we got to Jacksonville, Florida, I had to make a trip to the
hospital emergency room for a serious foot infection. (No one in the
room spoke English and that was pretty scary for me.) For the rest of
the trip, several of the band members carried me around so I could see
everything. WOW Wasn't that something. North Dakota NICE!!!!!!!!!
One thing that sticks in my mind was pulling into a bus station during
the night in the deep south for a bathroom break. As I looked out the
window, I was shocked to see not only four bathrooms with large signs
"colored women, white women, colored men, and white men," but also two
drinking fountains labelled "colored and white."
I could ditto many of the things that Pat Johnson has written. Everyone
knows about Joe's great leadership as a band director because he became
famous for that. However, I will never forget his history classes and
how interesting he made that subject which is often boring for high
school students. He would sit or lean on the edge of his desk and tell
stories. I was influenced by Joe and have spent over 30 years in a
classroom. I like to think I used his style to make my teaching
interesting. What a great idea to honor a man who brought fame to our
city and gave so much of his time!!!!! Guaranteed, he
didn't do it for the monetary value he received. Count me in as doing
what I can. There are great ideas out there!!!
Joe holds a major place in my memories of a great childhood.
Sharon DeSautel Larson
St. Cloud, Minnesota <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sharon.
If we can get enough response, I believe a compendium of the messages
will make an interesting addition to every band members library. Or so
it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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