01/09/08 early WEDNESDAY edition
Todays Gazette is brought to you by all the wonderful people from Ohio.
The current temperature is 3 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 32/14
Normal H/L temp for this date is 14/-5
Tuesday night Spoilers hockey score.
Spoilers 5 Grand Forks Central 2.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I stopped by The Landowski Furniture store the other day and walked
through their gigantic display of fabulous home furnishings. As I walked
down the center isle of the store I was amazed at the super selection of
reasonably priced, fine furniture Landowski's have bought to the Grafton
They're not out there blowing their horn about big discounts on
furniture that was priced way to high to start with. Landowski's prices
are already low to begin with. Often they will offer even lower prices.
And,.. if they don't have exactly what you want, I'm almost positive
they can get it. If you get it home and it doesn't fit the rest of your
"decor". They'll take it back and bring something out that will.
"First or last, a chance to bid is all they ask." Stop by Landowski's
Furniture on the west edge of Grafton and look around, I'm sure you will
like what you see. They're worth the trip!
The picture of Elmwood in the Snow, would make a great picture to put
on Christmas or notecards or playing cards, coffee mugs, and so much
Our daughter Wendy shared the following comments about the last two
additions to the Gazette family. She wrote. >>>
A couple quick comments, just to say that Slade is a super person and
congratulations to him and his wife Mary on becoming new parents...
Maybe they will share with you how they actually met.. I think it's a
neat story. Second you welcomed Alysia... would that be "my" big
Al...Osowski? She did mention over Christmas break that she got to speak
with you a bit at Granny's. If so I am SURE you would agree her parents
did an excellent job raising her. What a doll and I truly miss not
seeing her around the house anymore... Love Wendy. <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Wendy. We will be looking
forward to Slade and Mary's story. And, you are absolutely right about
Alisia's parents, Larae & David Osowski, being wonderful parents, they
certainly are.
= Walleye Fish Fry ~ Heritage Village = == Saturday, Jan 12, 5pm until
gone. == Adults $10, Children 10 and under $7.
Take out orders call 701-352-3280 or 701-520-1207
Proceeds to be used for operating and preservation of the Village.
Ordinarily, I "might" have suggested that the author of the next
message tended to get a bit long winded. That is of course, until I
actually read the note and realized how serious the circumstances were.
You can decide for yourself. >>>>
Subject: I just gotta vent....
Now it seems to me, that your readership are the thinking sort....
some are the doing sort.... you may or may not wish to share these
thoughts with them, but PEOPLE REALLY NEED TO STOP AND THINK... and to
remind others to do likewise...
Saturday evening, shortly after dark, I was witness to behavior
which still has me feeling ill.
I was with a group of folks coming home to Grafton after visiting
an elderly relative in the Edmore Nursing home. We always feel good
after leaving there, the care appears to be excellent, the home clean,
and the staff kind and loving.... but I digress....
We were feeling good, sailing down Hwy 17, chatting happily .....
.... high beam headlights caused both me and the driver to comment on
the rude behavior of the car parked at the top of thehill. We
decided later they had been too busy to dim... or too dim to dim.
Our driver began to slow down, but it wasn't enough to avoid
running over two or three of half a dozen very young kittens.
In the low beam, we didn't see a handful of terrified spotted balls
of fluff, tails high, bolting just ahead of us. Apparently they had
been huddled together, because what is pinned in my memory is all those
little bodies fleeing in various directions. And the sickening
thumpwhen our wheels passed over them.
Now, I'm not too bright, I mentioned the stupidity of mamma cat,
taking her babies hunting on the highway.... Then my driver patiently
explainedthat the "bright headlights moron" had dumped them out....
It has been said thatone measure of a civilization and or
civility is how we treat that which is helpless. I guess another measure
is how we live up to our responsibilities.
Anyone who thinks that abandoning an animal on the roadside, no matter
how close to a farmyard it might be, is OK ... is not only stupid, but
savage. What was left of that littler of kittens out on Hwy 17 will
either freeze to death, starve, both, or fall prey to foxes and
coyotes. (We could not go back to try to salvage any of those little
lives as the carnage would have caused undue trauma to at least one of
our companions.)
If people will not take responsibility for finding homes for unwanted
kittens and pups, they need to either not own pets or take
responsibility and have them spayed or neutered.
While it is sinful to wish ill on someone, I'm no saint. I
can't help but hope that those same folks who see abandonment in the
country as a way to dispose of unwanted pets someday find themselves out
of gas on a country road, or with a flat tire, and that they have to
wait for help just long enough go get a little frostbite, and darn good
and scared before help comes. Maybe they will remember....
In the mean time, good people need to hold one another accountable just
a little. When someone casually mentions they are "gettingrid
of" unwanted pets.... take the time to at least comment that you hope
they will do it in a humane fashion.
Thanks Gary, for "listening"
Sandy.. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sandy. If your message
touches others hearts, as it did mine. It will indeed make a difference.
And, after all is said and done. That is really all we need to do to
leave the world a better place than it was when we got it.
It is with great sorrow that I share the loss of one of our Gazette
family members. Maryann wrote. >>>>
Just to let you know that Paul Kennedy passed away today (Jan 7) at
2:10. He was born March 2,1930 and was a Grafton High School graduate
from the class of 1948. He married Maryann Blanchard in Sept. 1952 after
being discharged from the army and serving in Korea. They had 6 children
and have lived in Marshall Mn since 1964.
I would like to extend our most sincere sympathies to Maryann and the
entire Kennedy family. Though we're only here a relatively short time.
Our memories will go on forever.
"If you don't share your thoughts and dreams. Who will ever know?"
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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