Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 17, 2008 - Thursday (early)

Todays Gazette is brought to you with, and by, the virtues of the first
The current temperature is -14 below
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 17/-7
Normal H/L temp for this date is 14/-5
There should be a general meeting for all those interested in
experiencing the ill effects of Northern North Dakota global warming. It
could be held at the outdoor skating rink at the Buster Schumacher Park,
on the south end of Hill Avenue.
Just be sure and dress real warm.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The St.Thomas Booster Club's 41st annual Walleye fish fry at the
St.Thomas American Legion & Matty's Bar. Saturday January 19. Advance
tickets available at the Bremer Bank, the First United Bank and the
Extra End.
While it certainly is admirable that the city council is working so
diligently to maintain our communities morality and integrity. It is
just as evident they may, ultimately, allow Grafton to "go-to-hell" in
the ravages of a flood. A flood that is, without question inevitable.
Mother Nature simply hasn't put a final date on the event.
Or so it seems to me.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it
back in.
The next note is a two parter. >>>
Have a couple of comments for you: First, if you are driving by
and someone pulls you into the "gentlemen's entertainment" please let us
know how long it took you to "fight" your way out!
Secondly, about the kittens: I have a friend that lives in the
hills of Los Angeles and every weekend people dump their cats by the
roadside. She has no idea how many she is feeding but at last count
14 have become were indoor cats and she has told her neighbors not to
complain about the outdoor cats because they can adopt some. How
people can dump a helpless animal is beyond me. If they don't want
them, dump them in front of a vet's office or someplace where they will
have a chance to get a forever home. <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing. The answer to the first part is easy.
I plan to drive by the facility with "gentlemen entertainment" fast
enough so "they" can't grab me in the first place.
As for the cat problem (kitty cats that is) I'm not sure we would get a
very warm reception from the veterinarian profession if we dumped off
all the stray cats in the country on them, and expected them to "take
care of the problem". We do, however, have a real bona-fide veterinarian
in our midst and maybe he would like to comment on the issue from his
prospective. Right Rick?
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad
judgment. -------------------------
It's been my experience, if you dance around (pardon the pun) a
subject long enough. You will almost always find someone willing to
share a opinion. Such is the case with the following note.
Subject: My Opinion Only
Morning Gary,
I read your article on gambling and the so called "gentlemen's
club" issue. Let me begin with gambling if you will. The Social
Principles of the United Methodist Church as stated in our Book of
Discipline states that gambling of any kind is not within our church
teachings. This includes bingo, raffles for any reason and any other
situation where someone lets loose of their hard earned money for the
"chance" of winning something. The Presbyterian Church USA has social
principles in agreement with this. Our church cannot be affiliated in
any of these acts by name or proxy.
Let me turn to the "gentlemen's club" issue. I was once on a
city commission that was put in the situation of approving or
disapproving a license for such an establishment. Let me begin by
saying the name "gentlemen's club" is laughable because no gentleman
would step foot in an establishment of that sort. My vote on the
license was the lone dissenting vote. Yes the populace that was quiet
most of the time came out loud and clear. The churches banded
together also. It created a mess for the commission but it was
passed. The business began and yes it started out well but after the
curiosity ran it's course the business folded in less then two years in
I believe these local elected officials have much more important
things to deal with. Things like economic growth and flood
control. Grafton has many more pressing problems that need to be
addressed. In my position as a Minister of the Word I cannot condone
gambling in any form nor can I condone the exploitation of another human
being. This is my opinion and my opinion only.
Rev. Lee <<< Thanks a million, Rev. Lee, for caring and sharing.
I've read your note, thought about it seriously, and, I find many
commonalities between your comments and experience and those that our
community experienced back in the days of "The Red Ram". Which, I might
add, was not the reason the majority of our town was placed in the flood
Or so it seems to me.
== Grafton's Heritage Village ==
=== "Free Will Offering" ===
-- Pancake and Sausage breakfast -- ### Sunday,
January 20, 2008, ### ~~~~~ Serving 9am until 1pm ~~~~~ (((
Proceeds used for the operation )))
/// and preservation of the Village. ///
Starting Thursday, January 17 the Heritage Village will feature
Bingo similar to "bar type".
"If you can't say, what you really want to say. Your not living in the

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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