01/02/08 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought in memory of == Myrtle (Mrs. Edward)
LeQuire ==
~~~~~ 1908 -- 2007 ~~~~~
Myrtle was an absolutely wonderful lady.
The current temperature is 2 degrees.
It was sunny and calm here all day.
The air was so clear we could almost see the reason we stay here all
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
For awhile this weekend it looked like the Leistikow Park Holiday
Season decoration and light display program had lost it's largest
participant. I am very pleased to be able to tell you today, that Wally
and Ione DeSautel's display will be back in the park next year. Wally
wrote; >>>
Dear Friends.
Last night Ione and I drove thru the park and saw the big vacant
space, about 200 feet long, and made a big decision. That being as long
as the good Lord gives the ability to do it, I will put it there. I came
home and went down to my painting room and took the brush and continued
to paint.
Santa will have his American Flag (a big one) and, blue pants with
stars and a red & white striped shirt.
You haven't seen the best yet..... some of these figures take 2 or 3
weeks to make. I have a great lady at Dakota East helping me on the
detail work. Barb is a very talented lady. She is a super teacher for me
and I am so lucky to have her help.
As you work with these figures you get very close to them. They
almost have life. To loose them hurts not only me, but other families no
longer can enjoy them. Last year we lost 14 of them, this year it looks
like 6 are now missing.
Thats why we took them down. We had a man hide there Saturday night, I
shouldn't say we, as he did it on his own, until 2:00 a.m.. Now thats
what I call a real friend.
I paint each day late at night, all year long and love it. So,....
here is my invitation. We will be looking forward to seeing you at
Leistikow Park next year.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE Wally & Ione DeSautel <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Wally. And thanks from all of
us for committing to next years Leistikow Park presentation.
Did anybody watch the Rose Bowl Parade Tuesday? I did and I couldn't
help wondering where all the members of Joe Birkeland's Grafton Parade
Band are now. ------------------------
Don't stick your elbow,... out too far.
It may go home,... in another car.
(Burma Shave)
I had the opportunity to listen to Bill Clinton's speech while he was
campaigning for Hilary yesterday. If I understood him correctly, what he
said, in effect, was. Hilary has learned so much while living in the
White House, that she "will" almost certainly be able to accomplish
everything that Bill "couldn't",... or wouldn't, while he was president.
Do you suppose, then, that means she also plans to "inhale",.... among
other things.
Thirty days, hath September
April, June and,
the speed offender. (Burma Shave)
One hundred years ago,... Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or
write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
And,.... I might add, that doesn't take into account the 12 million
illegal immigrants that couldn't read the "keep out without proper
paper" signs. Or so it seems to me.
"If you think climbing the mountain is difficult. Wait til you get to
the top and find out how hard it is to keep from being knocked off."
For the past several years, from time to time, I've mentioned "our"
Ohio Fox Hunting Friends. They're a super group of individuals that
thoroughly enjoy the outdoors and sports like hunting, tracking, and the
comradery that goes along with it. Although, originally, they spent some
time in other areas of the valley, they seem to really enjoy the people
and places they find right here around the Grafton area. For that I am
most happy.
I mentioned yesterday that they had left Ohio and should be here
sometime Tuesday afternoon. That information was correct. They did,..
and they are.
Then, a bit later, I received a note from Bills wife, Cindy, and, if
read properly gives a snapshot of the down home kind of folks they are.
And, why it is always so much fun to have them come and spend several
days here with us every year.
Cindy wrote; >>>
Subject: Ohio Fox Hunters
Hi Gary,
The boys are on their way! They left bright and early this morning. The
only thing so far that we have found that Bill forgot is the dozens and
dozens of cookies I baked him. Within a five minute span, we both
realized we forgot to pack them. Now that is pretty good for only being
married 31/2 years!
They have their reservations at the Leonard Motel, the same family
owned motel they stayed in last year. They loved the hospitality they
received there. The planis toarrive there by some time tomorrow. I
know they will be anxious to see you at Granny's.
Oh my gosh, the boys just called back and they want me to ship the
cookies to your house along with the laptop computer that just got
fixed. So could you please e-mail me your address so I can send them
overnight on Wednesday?
Anything for the hunters, I told them the cookies aren't that good.
Thanks, Cindy <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Cindy. It's
wonderful finding out that I'm not the only one that forgets things once
in awhile. Of course I will be happy to take the computer and cookies
over to the Leonard Motel. The computer will make it completely intact,
I can't be quite so sure about the box of cookies however. I sure hope
the tape doesn't "accidentally" come loose in the mail truck.
Wouldn't it be fun to know the total number of people that actually
marched in Joe Birkeland's Grafton Parade Band?
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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