Today's Gazette is brought to you by each and every Grafton
business establishment. Without them, Grafton couldn't exist.
The current temperature is 25 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 32/9
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
At 2:30 Sunday afternoon in Shivercity the temperature was 43
degrees,.. above.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The large "Gentleman entertainment" sign is gone from the Last
Chance Bar & Grill. I can't be sure, but I'm guessing the folks that
provided the "entertainment" for the Gentleman have also left the
Rumor has it, that the attendance was impressive and, everyone
attending did so of their own free will. One fellow, as he was leaving,
was overheard saying, "that's it, I just gotta make an appointment with
Heartland eye care next week". I'm really not sure what he meant,....
or, what he had seen for that matter.
I wonder if I am the only one that thinks that all the
presidential candidates (save one) speeches are starting to sound more
and more like the good old time "carnival midway Barkers" of days gone
by". Unfortunately, the one that doesn't "quite" sound like a Carnival
Barker, has suggested almost everything short of telling us, "he has a
Then I got to thinking. Heck, I've washed the dishes and
vacuumed the floor. I've dusted the walls and painted the door. I've
stayed up late waiting for my honey to come home. And While she was
gone, I stayed home alone. If I can do that, without even blinking, then
I should be able to run a Marriott Inn...... Without even thinking.
Or so it seems to me.
Denise shared the following. >>>
Hi Gary:
As a teacher of high school freshmen here in
Bakersfield, California. I would love to see this test. We start a new
semester here Monday, January 7th. Perhaps I can convince my students
that my grammar final wasn't so bad after all!
While I never was in the Band, I sure knew who Joe Birkeland was. Joe
was a regular substitute teacher during the 1970's. Joe taught all of us
a lesson about Christmas I have never forgotten. Many of us girls had
gotten lazy while writing our Christmas cards out. Joe saw the Merry
Xmas we had signed to our cards. Joe explained signing Xmas was taking
the Christ out of Christmas. This was an eye opener. I have never used
Xmas again (except in explaining this to you). Mr. Birkeland was a man
to be admired.
Thanks for the Gazette! I love it! It keeps me smiling about my
hometown. We had a White Christmas this year. We spent our time between
Grand Forks and Grafton Dec 22 - Dec 30. Sincerely, Denise Demers-Sande
Class of 1979 <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Denise. You
should have your test by now. I hope your students do as well on it as I
The 8th grade test really did create alot of interest. Available
space doesn't allow me to share all of the responses. However, I can
share a few. Marge sent this note. >>> Dear Gary,
I really enjoy receiving the Gazette. I would appreciate
receiving a copy of the 1895 grammar test you mentioned. The letters
you have received about Joe Birkeland have been very interesting. I
was not a band member but I enjoyed taking American History from Joe.
I thought he was a great teacher. Keep up the good work! Thanks.
Marge Spicher <<<
Thanks a million Marge. The next one comes from Marjie
from Florida. She wrote the following note after receiving the test.
Subject: Re: 8th grade test
Thanks for the quiz. I guess I wouldn't have passed 8th grade. Marjie
<<< Thanks a million Marjie, you wouldn't have been alone either.
Pat sent a request for the test, and another suggestion for the
Joe Birkeland express. Pat wrote. >>> Thank you Gary, I would like to
take a crack at that test. Also, (just a thought) back to Joe, had
anyone mentioned Grafton Birkeland High? Pat Johnson <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Pat. So far we have
received several different "connections" to the high school proper. Good
luck on the test. Let us know if you get all the answers correct.
"It is the exchange of knowledge, after one thinks he know's it
all. That truly separates the P's from the PHD's"
Or so it seems to me.
I still have a copy of the 1895 8th grade test if anyone else
would like to have it. I have received feedback from quite a few. I
sure am hoping Bert or Tom or Celeste will pass it. Or maybe Wanda, Rae,
Gen and Eileen will all ace it. As for me, with no time to study, and,
no study buddy. I know where my teacher would tell me to stick it.
If you ever expect to get anywhere. You must, first, expect to get
Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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