Friday, October 26, 2007

October 26, 2007 - Friday (Early Edition)

The Mediterranean is the bluest of all the seas.
The current temperature is 51 degrees.
The high temperature in many areas of the city was 71 degrees
Normal H/L temp for this date is 50/29
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
For several days I have been watching a growing stockpile of sand on
the lot behind the city hall. At first I thought it may be our city
fathers prepairing for an early spring flood. After all, it is the spot
"we" normally put the sand for the sandbagging operation. I'll admit the
pile is a bit bigger than normal, on the other hand, I haven't heard any
firm plans for protecting our city when we get flooded. Hence a larger
pile of sand just could be the first step in a community wide flood
protection plan, of sorts.
Now then, after reading the latest edition of the Walsh County
I'm guessing that sand pile will be used during the construction of a
brand new "engine house" and offices for the Grafton branch of The
Dakota Northern Railroad Company. The new facilities will be built
behind Aida's Authentic Mexican Food Restaurant. Some may remember the
Aida's building when it was used by Gil Clairmont for Bridgemen dairy
products on the north end of Grafton.
If I understand the article in the latest Walsh County Record. The
building will protect their locomotives during the long cold North
Dakota winters, and, included in the permit is space for offices.
Construction is expected to begin this year.
What I don't understand, is why, according to our city building
official, an actual construction cost estimate isn't known. Even though
the railroad company appears to have started site preparations and a
building permit has been issued.
Maybe I misunderstood the article. I have always thought plans and
construction cost "estimates" were part of the process required to
obtain a building permit.
Maybe that's where the old saying, "It's a heck (I cleaned that up for
the kids and the clergy) of a way to build a railroad" comes from.
If you put a man on a bike without giving him proper instructions. You
might expect almost anything could happen. And, it did. While driving
through Graftons Eastwood addition I noticed what appeared to be a man
on a bicycle stuck straight into a large tree. The head appears to be
somewhere "in the tree" so identification is difficult at best. However,
a sign on a nearby tree says, "I told Lee to be more careful". Hence, I
am going to guess it's Lee Kieley. Or so it seems to me.
Who says corn stops growing after it's harvested. The giant pile of
corn on the ground east of the curling club certainly seems to keep
growing,... more and more every day.
Ryan Schuster, a nice looking young reporter from the Grand Forks
Herald stopped by Granny's yesterday afternoon looking for opinions on
the Alchem alcohol plant closing. I don't remember for certain what I
actually told him. If in fact I told him anything worthwhile at all,...
anything that makes sense that is.
What I should have told him was that when the wind was in the right
direction. The Alchem plant spewed an odor over the city that took more
than a little getting used to. However, since the announcement of it's
closing, the previous deviation from spring fresh air might not have
been as bad a I once thought it was.
I think I might have also expressed my concern that "we" the people in
town have heard precious little information about the status of Alchem,
and the ramifications of Newman operating the facility in the near
future, if at all. I may even have expressed a concern (fear) that
someone in our city government would entertain the idea of
"contributing" the half million dollar figure Newman was suggesting we
should contribute just prior to announcing it's closer.
ANYWAY,... The other day I started exchanging verbiage about alcohol.
The benefits of, detriment to, and several side issues relative to the
same topic.
To say I opened up a proverbial pandora's box would be an
understatement of the greatest dimension. I have received several, many,
a whole bunch of comments in it's regard.
So,... Because the Gazette is my party, and, I'm charged with calling
the shots. I'm going to include one "final shot" on alcohol sent in by
our good friend Bert.
He wrote: >>>>
Subject: Comments on the Ethanol controversy.
A contributor wrote"the Ethanol plants are not subsidized by our
taxes they are subsidized by tax credits"--- it takes moreof our
taxes to make up for those tax credits, nothing is paid for bythe
"Good Fairy". Here in the state of Washington they add 10%ethanol to
our gas from November through March, they say for environmental reasons.
We did mileage tests on a dynamometer at the college for this. It
dropped the efficiency 18.2% actually using more fuel and causing more
pollution as well as expense. It's all politically enforced, not decided
by common sense.
He/she commented 23.8 gallons of ethanol (expensive and tax
subsidized) can replace one barrel of oil. Thereis 42 us gallons in a
barrel of crude and only a fraction of it is used for gasoline, 19.4% to
be exact. That comes out to 8.14us Gallons per barrel.The
remainder is for asphalt, shingles, plastics, synthetic cloths and a
bevy of other distillate products.23.8 gallons of ethanolreplaces
just over eight (8) gallons of gasoline.Like the"Ole
Axiom"figures don't lie--but alot of liars figure.
Iowa State University did some economic impact studies on the
dramatically rising price of corn. (check the internet for these facts)
The average consumers grocery bill in the past year has gone up about
$47.00 per month. Mostly due to thecost of meat, eggs and other dairy
products caused by corn prices. And because corn is now the easymoney
crop it is causing shortfalls in other products, how about $7.50 for a
loaf of good multigrain bread? Mexican Tortillascost hasinflated a
whopping 100%.
The largest beef ranch in Georgia shut down 7 months ago due to
accelerated corn prices, maybe he will become an exclusive corn
And lets be honest about the now $90 crude. It's not there because
of OPEC -- it's there because of the ignorant dummies, with their self
vested interests,we elected to the government. Politicians that don't
have to use vehicles as a major part of their everyday activities to
earn a living.We have lots of oil to use until we can come up with
better alternatives and an extremely safe way to get it out of the
ground. The ethanol push and not drilling for new oil was a political
victory by Tom Dashel (S. D. senate minority leader) handing his farmers
a big windfall. I don't know anyone that says we should never drill
for our own oil, and, start right now.
Tesoro has a headquartes in San Antonio but you will be real
surprised if you find out where the real mother company is located. Bert
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert. Somehow I have to think
if everyone in our country would give as much thought to an issue as you
do,... pro or con. We'd all be better informed and able to make more
intelligent decisions.
Or so it seems to me.
After reading yesterdays Gazette. Wally sent it, along with the
following note, to several folks on his mailing list. He wrote: >>>
Hi every one. If you want to do some thing worth while today with
lasting rewards. Take the time and write a letter in favor of Dennis
Elbert's behalf. I will do it. When we formed our clinic at Unity he was
there to help us get on the right foot with many training work shops for
the board. We are where we are today, in large part, because of his help
Wally <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Wally. I wouldn't have any
trouble believing every single candidate for the UND Presidential
position is "good people". I would find it unbelieveable that any could
be better.
Or so to seems to me.
Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas. "We can change the
worlds attitude, by exchanging or mental aptitude" Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gary, it seems worthwhile to mention another candidate for UND president. Phyllis Johnson was born in Grafton and the family moved to Grand Forks in the mid 50s. She is a granddaughter of the late Carl and Mary Lanes and is related to the Russums as well. Her mother in law, Nettie Johnson also is a resident of Grafton. Doris Johnson (Phyllis' aunt)