Business conventions are important because they demonstrate how many
people a company can operate without.
The current temperature is 28 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 60/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 51/30
It sounds like we're gonna find out what temperatures in the low to mid
twenties will feel like in a couple days.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Just in case you were wondering. Laddie Pic is not lost! He has been
spotted in Grand Forks washing dishes for the folks at the Golden Corral
Buffet. At one point Laddie laid claim to quite a number of properties
throughout Grafton. I guess Laddie traded his real estate empire for a
armful of dirty dishes.
The messenger and the message of the next note is self explanatory. >>>
Hi Dad.
I couldn't agree with you more on how beautiful Chris and Jaime's
wedding was. They did an awesome job in their preparation and I know
I will ask for assistance when I plan for one of my children (chop -
chop Kids.) The only thing missing was Grandma Demester however they
really did a super job of including her in thevideo. It was pretty
touching. Grandma and I had many talks about the wedding and she was
really looking forward to being there. Also, I really follow suit
(pardon the pun) with your opinion of the Squire Shop and Mary's. I
have shopped at both places in the past couple weeks and been very happy
with my purchases and my service. Grafton is VERY LUCKY to have
Mary's and the Squire Shop. Love you, Kelly <<< Thanks a million for
caring and sharing Kelly.
BillHaug sent this. >>>
I'm no economist like classmate Ralph, but I do know that you get
what you pay for (and I went to Davis TV for service). Discount
shoppers are generally willing to sacrifice service and even domestic
production for the "cheapest" price. Even in the "big" town of Grand
Forks, service is seldom like it used to be in Grafton. Which is why
my family has purchased vehicles, prescriptions, and anything else we
could in Grafton while living in Grand Forks for the last 20+ years!!
Perhaps the times are changing and old fashioned service will no longer
be available, but I think back to the service and advice from Bill Moe
and long for the "good old days"!
The closest I have found to that in Grand Forks recently has been
the Ace hardware store in the old South Forks Plaza. (And I have told
them so!)
Bill <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bill. Gosh it's
great when nice folks say nice things, about nice people.
This note shares the same values as the one above. >>>
Your comments about the Squire Shop and Mary's were right on. There is
absolutely no reason either should be successful in a small town except
that Rita and Mary want it to be so. That is why they are. Successful.
What great places they both are. Grafton is so lucky to have those two
businessWOMEN. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. Your comments are proof
positive that good, hard working people are recognized and appreciated.
Speaking of good people with a great idea. Nanci would like to share
the following. >>>>
Hi Gary -
I was wondering if you could place this in your paper whenever it works
I have a one year old son that is in need of some playmates and would
love to start a playgroup in Grafton!
I haven't heard of one around here and think it would be wonderful to
get our little ones together to interact and play.
I'm a mom that works a part time job and has the absolute blessing of
being a stay at home mom the rest of the day. I am home by noon and
would love to be able to get together with a few mom's that have
children around the same age as my son.
If anyone is interested, they can contact me at
serendipitydoo@hotmail.com or they may also phone me at 352-4666!
Nanci Gale-Wilson <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Nanci.
Your suggestion sounds like an excellent idea. Unfortunately I can't
participate as my kids are all to big.
The next note speaks to the Alchem Alcohol Plant issues mentioned in
earlier Gazettes. Due to the length I am going to "try" send the first
half today, and the last half in a following Gazette. I hope it works.
>>> Subject: Ethanol
Gary, I felt the ethanol remarks made in an earlier Gazette needed
responding to so asked someone in the business for his comments. Not
sure what you would care to use in a future mailing or mailings, if you
should choose to break it up some. Also, guess you need to be
careful what you wish for when you ask people to write as this may be a
little long. I enjoy the Gazette, keep it up.
Some comments on the subject of ethanol in a Gazette earlier this
month. This rhetoric is typical and gives legitimacy to the phrase
"Ignorance is bliss" for some people. The reaction to the Grafton plant
shutting down is understandable, however, the plant is not shutting down
just because the price of corn is too high, it is just one part of the
equation. The fact of the matter is that the price of ethanol has
dropped over 75 cents a gallon since the first quarter of this year and
the price of corn has risen to almost $4 a bushel. Along with these two
facts the price of distillers grains or by products of the the ethanol
production process is not bringing the price per ton it once did due to
a number of new plants in surrounding areas creating stiffer competition
hence a lower price. These are tough times for all ethanol plants,
big and small. Only the plants with the most efficient process
technology and contracted volume based off the petroleum indexes and
strong spot market customers are making a profit. The current market
condition is difficult at best but will be short lived. Market analysts
predict a strong first quarter of 2008 for ethanol as many new markets
such as the state of Florida are just now implementing ethanol blends.
<<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing. Of course I don't have
enough information Germain to the subject to make an intelligent
statement. SO,... let me simply say. I like Crown Royal better than Four
Roses, and, I will do my best to include the rest of this message in the
Gazette ASAP.
I'm not sure if it's old age or lack of concentration. However, I have
been receiving some notes with dark (very dark) print, and even darker
backgrounds. They range from can't read almost all of them, to can't
read them at all.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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