When a man buys flowers, perfume and lingerie he is either looking for
a greener pasture or is cultivating the one he has.
The current temperature is 32 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 56/33
Normal H/L temp for this date is 52/30
The forecast for the rest of the week is for seasonal weather.
Unfortunately, the weatherman neglected to mention what season he was
Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The latest news in the Red River Valley is that the sugarbeet harvest,
is resuming after a several day shutdown. Growers will be allowed to
harvest all of their remaining acres.
This past Saturday our niece Jaime Rae Durand stood in front of a
church full of people and agreed she would stay with Christopher Duane
Mattson through thick and thin forever. Jaime is not only our niece, she
is also our Goddaughter. I fully expected the event to be wonderful. I
was right, it was a beautiful wedding full of beautiful people.
I'm sure most of you know that the uncle of the bride normally doesn't
have a major role to play in a niece's wedding. However, Pat and I were
"host couples" along with Melvin and Cathy Tibert. Pat and Cathy were
the designated candle lighters while Melvin and I sat back and watched
so they wouldn't burn the place down.
Anyway, aside from being one of the "host's" I really didn't have to
worry about anything,..... except the way I looked and dressed for the
wedding and following that, the reception.
Now I'll admit that I'm the kind of person that believe's Christmas Eve
day is the day the Lord set aside to buy Christmas presents. Hence, I
thought the day before the wedding was more than enough time to get a
suitable coat and matching shirt. Some might have felt I'd be sorry
waiting til the last minute. They may have even thought I wouldn't be
able to find anything on such short notice. Certainly not in Grafton,
and, maybe not even in Grand Forks. I can tell you unequivocally, "they"
would prove themselves wrong. Pat and I walked into Graftons Squire Shop
Friday afternoon - she too thought we should have been there much
earlier - and found several absolutely wonderful jackets and a full
array of shirts appropriate for the occassion.
As usual, we found the folks at Grafton's Squire Shop extremely
pleasant and helpful. As a matter of fact, I had a very enjoyable
conversation with "Miss Nordbo" (Artha Travers) my second grade teacher
at chase school. We talked about Miss Hulda Carlson and her ability to
point out my shortcomings (with soap). We also mentioned "Miss
Torkelson" (Mrs Miller) and a few of my third grade experiences.
As I walked out of the Squire Shop I couldn't help thinking how
wonderful that adventure had been. I was truly surprised and very
pleased with the total selection the Squire Shop had to offer. AND, and
I mean this sincerely. I was absolutely amazed at how wonderful "Miss
Nordbo" (Artha Travers) looks. I thought of how little she has changed
over the years, and,.... how much I have.
It certainly is true that Grafton no longer has the number of first
rate, top notch, clothing stores we once had. But I'm willing to bet all
the cheese in my mouse trap. If you check out The Squire Shop and Marys
Ladies Fashions on the main street in Grafton, you won't be
Or so it seems to me.
Bert wanted to share this thought. >>>
Subject: The way of the times
Gary; Times have changed, businesses like Wal-Mart, the "Auto
Rows"buying and selling in high volume to dominate competition are
here to stay and will keep on growing. It is hard to see a long time
friend lose his/her store but in the modern free market itistheir
responsibilityto see it coming and plan for the future.
Thecapitalist system offers the chance to get very wealthy -- it
also bears the opportunity to go for absolute bust. It's allup to the
businessman ----- not the consumer. People cry for the small town
store owner but eventually buywhere the price steers them.
It would be nice to visit the Grafton I knew on a Fridaywhen I
graduated back in 1950. The air smelling of the August harvest,
sidewalks full ofpeople, young and old,the bandmarching and
playingfollowed close by the mob of little kidshoping to hold our
marching music books while weformed a circle in front of the Ben
Franklin store.
But that type of prosperity is gone forever, times change leaving
us with onlythe memories.
60 years from now will the young oftoday look back at 2007 with
such admiration?
Bert Overland <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Bert. There is
little doubt in my mind that 60 years from now,... this too will be the
good old days.
Among those that commented on my mailing blunder yesterday. Dan shared
the following. >>>>
Subject: Sending wrong E mail
Had to laugh at you sending the paper not complete.
Last year I opened a E mail from a friend who is a retired Bird Col.
works for Customs, takes out Docks at the lake, does odd jobs. How he
did this one I'll never know, but he sent me a copy of his income
tax. The income was substantial needless to say. He'll never live
it down either,
Dan<<<< Thanks Dan, your note gives me the confidence that I'm not
alone. Unfortunately,.... it doesn't make me feel less stupid.
The following comments include mention of my "goof" as well. >>>
I must not have been the only one to notice the lack of content to
this mornings issue.
In reading your comments I'll just say we must remember that the
"demise of small towns" isn't a new phenomenon. One only needs to look
towards Bowesmont, Alsen, or Vessleyville to see that it's been going on
for some time now. I know both Bowesmont and Alsen had high schools, gas
stations, and grocery stores at one time, and I still remember the meat
market at Vessleyville. Sad facts, but the big get bigger and the small
close up shop. Sad thing is I don't think there's much we can do about
it. Things change, smaller families, more mobile society, it's been
happening for a long time now, maybe just more noticeable lately? <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing.
"Be what you are and say what you feel.... Because those who mind don't
matter,.... and those who matter don't mind." Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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