Some people get lost in thought because it's unfamiliar territory.
The current temperature is 42 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 59/28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 56/32
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I don't hear from Scott very often, however, when I do, it's always
interesting and often significant. Scott's latest note is both. He
wrote: >>>
Greetings from Las Vegas! Good to see you "back at work."
While I know most people prefer getting their subscription via the
"mail" I just wanted to remind you that "back-up" copies are available
Comments from Las Vegas:
My wife, Debi, and I adopted a baby boy - Parker - in June. For some
who read this, that probably will mean a call to the paramedics about
now! He is very healthy and growing quickly! A side note: his
birth mother was from Washington, DC so, as a former candidate for
public office, I truly believe that Parker "is the best thing to come
out of Washington, DC in decades!"
What you hear about the housing situation is accurate. I have a
number of real estate agent friends who are listing all kinds of
property for sale but selling nothing. It has been fascinating to
watch how quickly things can change - going up (at first) and then
coming down (now)! But then again, I saw that happen a number of
years ago when I was in high school - potato and grain prices went up
quickly (mid-70*s) but then came down too! I am assuming that many
there are now enjoying some of the upward swing - finally.
Scott Hove <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Scott.
Congratulations to you and Debi from all of us in the Gazette family.
Parker is a very fortunate individual. Not only because he will not have
to grow up in the middle of the Washington DC political zoo, but mainly
because he will be able to grow up with two wonderful loving and caring
Thanks again Scott, for setting up the news from Grafton site. I am
very impressed with the extra large, easy to read, print.
I can't believe the number of times I've heard (positive) comments on
the building the Robideaux's occupy on the corner of 4th street and
Manvel Avenue. Judging by the number of vehicles we often see around the
building, it's a good thing they have plenty of parking space as well.
Today I noticed a brand new "The Ultimate Gym" sign on the front of the
building. Maybe I should sign up and give the Robideaux's the "ultimate
You never know. With a really good training program, I could end up
governor of California. Then again, that would be David Copperfield
stuff for sure.
The next note makes reference to my "blog" of sorts. I guess I really
haven't considered my babble a blog. I see it as more of a compendium of
dribble packed into a format that allows me the opportunity to share
thoughts I care about.
Gail wrote. >>>>
Hi Gary,
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I've
been receiving The Gazette and enjoying it. I like the idea of a blog
-- what does it take to get started? It seems like a great way to
connect with friends and family. How does it differ from a personal
website -- just no graphics? Yours is the first one I've ever
visited. Anyway, it's coming through and I appreciate it!
Has there been any announcement about WalMart coming into
Grafton yet? It's a double-edged sword, in my opinion. Yes, it
will keep many local shoppers in town, but just watch your downtown
businesses fold up. It's happening in Thief River Falls, where a
WalMart SuperStore opened up about a year ago. Maurice's left
downtown and moved closer to the WalMart area, Vanity closed up and now
their Ben Franklin store is going out of business. Pamida closed
shortly before WalMart opened, and it seems to me I heard oneof the
grocery stores will beclosing. I don't necessarily think WalMart
has much cheaper prices on a lot of their items, but it's the
convenience of having everything all in one store that's attractive.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
Thanks, and Best Regards,
Gail <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Gail. To tell
you the truth Gail, I don't have any idea what the difference is between
what I do, what a blob is, and, what a real web site is.
I started out sending notes to my family. The next thing I knew, the
notes were going out to folks in twenty three states and two foreign
countries. In the beginning, I started writing things to family members
simply as a method of mental therapy. It was, and is, a super way of
keeping the space between my ears active.
The last word I've heard on WalMart is, so far there isn't any word on
Shortly after we mentioned Ken Johnson and the North Trinity Church in
the Gazette Marjie sent the following note. >>>> Hi Gary,
Saw a picture on the cover of an insert in my local weekly paper.
It was of a beautiful church and it looked very familiar, like ones I
had seen while riding in ND last summer. I turned to the article and was
not too surprised to discover the article said the church was in ND,
Walsh County to be exact. I don't know if I saw this particular church
but certainly others like it, including one at Icelandic Park.
The Catholic church shown is also said to be in Walsh County and is
just lovely.
The article mentions and shows churches in other states but the ND
ones might be if interest to you.
Million for caring and sharing Marjie. I checked it out and the first
picture was that of North Trinity.
It really is a small world, isn't it?
"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those who mind
don'tmatter... and those who matter don't mind"
Five Gazettes yesterday were returned labelled "mailbox full". I can
only assume those folks either don't read their mail, or, they don't
want mail.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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