SUGAR: The Gold Standard of sweeteners
The current temperature is 42 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 52/39
Normal H/L temp for this date is 60/36
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I appears sugarbeet harvest will resume, in some areas of the valley,
today. Some folks are guesstimating this years beet harvest is
approximately 40 percent complete.
It's always wonderful to see nice things happen to nice people. Such
was the case in this weeks Midwest edition of American Profile. A
supplement in the Grand Forks Herald. This week American Profile
featured several churches in the Midwest. The story, titled Saving
Sacred Places, features the North Trinity Lutheran Church in rural Nash
North Dakota.
The church was built in 1893 by Swedish immigrants. The article
features a picture of the grand old church along with a picture of of
Kenneth Johnson ringing the bell of the 114 year house of worship. 82
year old Kenneth says he's been ringing the bell since he was a
teenager, and, he says, "A lot of memories are attached to this church."
The last child baptized in the church was JoAnn Lynn Klava, daughter of
David and Lois Klava of Grafton, on June 22, 1958. The marriage of David
Klava and Lois Johnson December 14, 1952, is the last so documented in
North Trinity.
Regular services ended at North Trinity in 1953 however Johnson and a
half dozen other volunteers have maintained the white clapboard building
for more than a half century. "There's no worse eyesore than a church
falling down."
Ken continues to maintain the long-standing tradition of ringing the
bell at 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve. For more years than many can remember
Kenny has also been "keeper of the records". Kenneth Johnson, a
wonderful individual, doing wonderful work, caring for North Trinity's
wonderful house of the Lord.
Nels Folson of Hoople started growing potatoes in 1905; he is credited
with shipping the first carload of potatoes for food from the state. By
1908 Folson had built a 100,000 bushel potato warehouse.
Wash Water Users Inc. became incorporated July 26, 1971. The original
board of directors consisted of Earl Anderson, James E. Johnston,
Francis McCann, Harlan Thompson, George Chyle, Allen Fagerholt and
Montelle Boone. F.W. (Bill) Greenagel was retained as attorney for the
I must admit, I'm a bit surprised that I only received on comment
relative to yesterdays Gazette. It said >>>>
Nice response about Altru. In the end, what happened to you proves
there is a need for more beds in GFK. Why should anyone have to go to
Fargo? Altru told you they were full. That means they don't have enough.
As with the power company they need to plan for reasonable peak time.
Competition solves all problems! <<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing. Although I believe the idea that competition solves every
problem may not always be true. Take cancer, for instance. When good
healthy cells in the body must compete with ferocious cancer cells,
often, unfortunately, the healthy cells lose. When Giant corporations
move into small towns and decide they are "entitled" to the market
share. Unfortunately small business disappears allowing the giant
corporations control of, and, the ability to control product inventory
and prices.
Or so it seems to me.
This note proves timeliness truly isn't important if you really care to
Kevin wrote, >>> Gary,
Love the Skeeterville newsletter, it keeps those of us in the Pacific
Northwest connected with Grafton.
I would like to point out that in addition the Grafton Marching Band
reunion at Summerfest, there was also one other band reunion of note.
The rock band "Twilight" came out of retirement to perform at the Class
of 1982 25-year reunion out at JR's bar in Oakwood. The band members (4
of whom are members of the Class of 1982) are Kevin Votava, Jim
DeSautel, Barry Kingsbury, Kevin Dusek and Bob Schultz. I hear a rumour
that footage may end up on YouTube!
Kevin Votava <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Kevin
Pat and I were having supper at Marketplace tonight when a good looking
young gentleman dressed in a suit and tie walked in. Shortly after he
sat down he asked If I was Gary Moe, of course I was and when he told me
his name was Ryan, Gary Fischer's son, and that he was - you'll have to
forgive me for this part - a temporary pastor at a church in Hoople. He
did tell me the name of the church and the correct term, I just forgot
what he said. Anyway, WOW, I thought, to think I would bump into Ann and
Gary Fischer's son right here in Grafton after all these years.
We talked for a bit, then I told him how important his father has been
to me and my life and that I often think of my early days at American
Crystal and the time I spent working in the laboratory in Drayton. It
really is a small world isn't it?
Today is the day you celebrate the anniversary of your birth. We hope
your special day affords you all of the wonderful things you are
entitled to.
We love you Craig.
Aunt Pat and Uncle Gary
"If you don't have an opinion, you probably haven't spent enough time
pondering the problem." Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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