Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October 2, 2007 - Tuesday - Grafton, ND

LIVES ARE WOVEN TOGETHER FOR A REASON. One of the best things to hold
onto in this world is a friend. (Howard & Rose)
The current temperature is 51 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 71/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 63/39
The low temp on this day in 1999 was 19. The forecast for the next
week is for normal to above normal temps.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
LOCAL NEWS & STUFF, mostly stuff.
I was pleased to learn the former Hart machine and manufacturing
facilities are being used again. The sign out front says Bison Mfg Inc.
and they are in the business of making a newfangeled combine rotor that
turns a ordinary combine into a super duper bean threshing machine. So
I've been told.
So far they haven't come up with any improvements for my Walleye
combine but I'll keep hoping. One thing is certain, the new paint job on
all of the Bison buildings has improved the east entrance to town
I understand Grabanski's giant corn storage and drying operation
just west of town is also up and running.
I wasn't here when it happened, however, I understand a whole
bunch of folks got together the other day and had a "clean up Grafton
drive" of sorts. All, as I understand it, with the intention of making
Grafton a more appealing place to shop.
Like all towns, big or small, a clean appearance certainly is one
aspect of making a community a shopping destination.
Businesses with well trained Professional staffing is another
prerequisite to a communities success. It is also extremely important
that local businesses maintain ridged (dependable) business hours
providing the service they advertise in a timely manner.
Also, it seems to me, If the local business community, of any
community, expects the residence of that community to shop local, the
owners of those businesses "must" also shop local. Again I find it
somewhat ironic that even when a community "literally gives" a facility
that has been "donated to the city" in lue of someones unpaid taxes,
there is absolutely no stipulations as to where the labor and supplies
to refurbish those facilities should come from. Often that practice
costs the community additional 10's of thousands of dollars in lost
local revenue.
Then of course there is my own personal pet pieve, local
campgrounds, and the potential benefits they can afford the business
community. Last Saturday as I drove thru Drayton I noticed the new
campground there had 10 individual campers in it. Graftons on the other
hand had only one. Again, in my opinion, "our" campground could easily
have had ten times that number, and more. I also noticed that not only
was our campground empty, so too was Leistikow Park. I might also note
that at the same time the entire south athletic facility seemed
abandoned as well.
Yes it is true that communities large and small all have issues
that beg addressing. And even though I wouldn't trade my wonderful
little community for any other in the world. I would be less than honest
if I didn't admit we do have much room for improvement.
I really do enjoy hearing folks say they drove through Grafton the
other day and it really did look nice. (and I have) On the other hand, I
would much prefer hearing them say, "I stopped in a couple Grafton
stores the other day and I was really pleased with their inventory and
their warm, friendly professional service."
Or so it seems to me.
Ever wonder why every price tag on every item in a grocery store
says SAVE?
Ever wonder which rabbits foot really is the lucky one? It's
certainly not the one on my key chain.
Ever wonder what happened to the "old" Standard oil bulk building
on east 8th street. The owners of that facility should be commended for
causing it's removal instead of "donating" it to the city for taxes as
so many other structures have in the past.
It's beet harvest time and time to remind everyone to please drive
careful. Throughout the course of sugarbeet harvest in the Red River
Valley there will be literally 10's of thousands of truckloads of
sugarbeets going from field to storage site as well as from numerous
storage sites to the factories.
A serious accident can turn a sweet crop sour.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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