Monday, October 22, 2007

October 22, 2007 - Monday

A bachelor is a fellow who can make a mistake without even knowing
The current temperature is 54 degrees. Yesterdays H/L
temperature was 56/33
Normal H/L Temp for this date is 52/31
We had frost on the pumpkins last night.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff.. mostly stuff.
Have you ever had "one of those days"?
I certainly have. As a matter of fact, sometimes I have two or
three in a row.
Every once in awhile - like this morning for instance - some crazy
thing happens that makes me wonder if maybe I should quit this
foolishness I call the Gazette.
This morning, in the early stages of orchestrating a normal
compilation of relatively insignificant information. I inadvertently
pushed the "send" key instead of the one marked "shift". Of course I
know better. However, for some reason the area between my ability to
think and the ability to carry out a thought got scrambled and I sent
out everything - which was almost nothing - above this admission of
ignorance to one group of Gazette family members.
Fortunately my blunder only went out to a few hundred folks and
not to the entire Gazette family tree. If anyone should run across a box
of depends designed especially for the containment of brain farts,
please let me know.
By the number of comments on my goof this morning. There's
little doubt that I'm NOT a bachelor.
It happened in Grafton in 1956. The Lloyd Gillespie Jr. home on
the south end of town had the 2000th telephone installed in Grafton in
December of that year.
I'm sure there are as many thoughts about big business and
small business as there are people. The following is one from BettyLou
>>> Hi Gary,
I remember when K-Mart came to Grafton we had our tv store,
Davis TV, and Yes it did hurt us and the rest of the stores that were on
main street, including Ben Franklin's and the Hallmark Store.
K-Mart sold everything we sold and at reduced prices. We could not
compete with them.They buy in volume and can sell for less. I have
never been a Wal-mart shopper and I doubt I ever will be one. I do
shop at the smaller stores. I thinkthe Grafton Businesses need
all the support they can get from the local people. BettyLou Davis <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing BettyLou. You certainly are
right about Grafton Businesses needing all the support they can get. As,
I might add, do the business establishments of every small community.
The other day I included the following quote in the Gazette. I
"The biggest problem small towns have, is there's not enough
people in them to be a big town." <<< I have received a response to that
quote that added the following line to it. >>>
(And the biggest problem big towns have, is there's too many
people!) I suspect the "terms" too big, too small, too many and too few
nothing more than subjective terms, for most of us anyway. However, last
night, while walking into our local supermarket, with the note from
BettyLou still fresh in my mind, it struck me. Grafton didn't go from
three jewelry stores to one because Wal-Mart came to town. Grafton
didn't go from three drug stores to two because Wal-Mart came to town.
Nor, I should hasten to add, did we lose our three large clothing stores
because Wal-Mart moved in and took away their market. Greevers grocery,
Johnsons East Side Grocery, Hill Ave. grocery, and Gravings grocery
didn't close because Wal-Mart, moved into town.
And, it's a certainty that Wal-Mart, K-Mart or any other "Mart"
for that matter has had absolutely nothing to do with the closing of the
Heritage Ford/Chrysler dealership in Grafton.
Unfortunately, the honest to God fact is. WE are "Our" own worst
enemy. We, for some reason today, expect that every business "owes" it
to their customers to handle everything.
I have always found interesting the fact that most, if not all,
members of large labor unions believe it should be the "union way" or no
way at all. Yet,... between their shifts walking the pickett lines,
stricking for more money, they run down to the local Wal-Mart store for
items they can purchase cheaper because Wal-Mart is not unionized. Add
to that the fact that the parking lots of the "Big Three" auto dealers
are full of automobiles built buy their competition because their
competitors employees are compensated significantly less, for doing
We are our own worst enemy. It's not they, nor them, that siphon
the life blood out of small town USA. It's "US" or "We".
If we're to have any hope of existing, in this wanton world of
need and greed. We may well have to reorganize the thought process that
brought us to this state in the first place.
Or so it seems to me.
Today is the day we celebrate the anniversary of our daughter
Wendy's birth. It hardly seems possible that it was a mere 2,296
weeks ago. While Bobby Vinton was singing "Blue Velvet" over the
airwaves of KGPC, Wendy received her first spanking. She joined
179,323,175 legal citizens that day as well.
we love you very much. Mom & Dad
GOTTA - GO - WORK - ON - MY - DASH ==================================
"I believe as I do, because of the manner in which I understand
the problem. If you believe I'm wrong. It's up to you to correct my

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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