01/31/06 TUESDAY grp 1 OF 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the South Branch
Bison Company - Tom & Mary Jo Olson Owners.
The current temperature is 27 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 25/21
Normal H/L temp for this date is 17/-2
Today is the last day of the first month of 2006.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Girl Scout Troop 104 met January 7 at the Scout cabin. The following
officers were elected: Rita Williamson, president; Elizabeth Jacobson,
vice president; Vicky Langowski, treasurer, and Judy Boone secretary.
The two leaders Mrs Jacobson and Mrs. Countryman, gave each girl a Girl
Scout bank for a Christmas present.
Susan Jaehning, sec. (January 1955)
In a January 1955 edition of the Record. Pickett's Meat Market offered
3 lbs. of ground beef for $1 pork steak, sliced bacon or summer sausage
was all 49 cent a pound AND they delivered.
Lloyd Hanson shared the following words of wisdom.
"Faith is what you know to be true.
Whether you believe it or not" <<<
Thanks Lloyd, we can all stand a bit more faith, especially when we're
It's not unusual to hear people "reminisce" after a visit to Ekatta's
the former Nelson / Getz / Jim's Drug store. Such is the case of the
following individual who wishes to remain anonymous. >>> Gary, All
this talk about the pre-Ekatta's days...I remember when we had to buy
our school books and they were neatly stacked on shelves toward the back
of the Getz Drug Store. They were very impressive (and expensive),
but if you didn't get to the school and register before the used
textbooks were gone...they were yours! Of course, everyone had
to buy new workbooks. We also had to erase all the marks in our
books to be able to sell them back to the school...for half of what we
paid for them. The gals at the "sale" actually flipped through the
books, page by page and gave them back to you to clean them up
"better"! By the way, I recall those days every time my son
reports how much his college books are costing!!! This semester they
came to over $400!! As most folks say when they contribute...I,
too, enjoy your opinions!! (withhold my name please) <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing. I'm sure one could write volumes on the
various facets of the drug store operation on the corner of Hill Avenue
and 6th street.
Will Rogers once said, "We are here for just a spell and then pass on.
So get a few laughs and do the best you can. Live your life so that
whenever you lose, you are ahead."
Almost everyday in "our" small community. Volunteers are called to help
their fellow citizens. Not the least of which are the Volunteers
dedicating their time and energy to the Valley Ambulance and Rescue
squad. Almost every day, often several times a day, they are called to
assist us on our journey to lifes fruition.
The importance of Volunteers, in small town America, truely is very
often the difference between life and death.
Every time a volunteer is called into service in the middle of the
night. One thing they'll know for certain. Their following day at work
will be more difficult irregardless of the nature of the call. One of
the perils of Volunteering in small communities often is that those they
are called to assist are their good friends and neighbors.
Volunteers are not only found driving firetrucks, ambulance and rescue
vehicles. They can be found driving their own vehicles delivering meals
on wheels, transporting retired individuals to area medical facilities
and helping those in need around the house.
They have earned the respect of us all. I hope we have learned to
appreciate their vital importance, and thank them whenever possible. Or
so it seems to me.
Burma Shave
This weeks Firefighters Calendar Drawing winners are:
1/30/2006 Ava Grace Peterson $20.00
1/31/2006 Gail Osowski $20.00
2/01/2006 Guy Demers $20.00
2/02/2006 Don Hutson * $20.00
2/03/2006 Jim Johnston Sr $20.00
2/04/2006 Joanne Gehrtz $20.00
2/05/2006 Larry J Nelson $20.00
Congratulations to this weeks winners.
The following note came in to the Gazette subscription department. >>>
Sign me up for the Grafton news!
I am Richard Thompson's (younger) sister. Live in Fl in the winter
and MN in the summer.
J. Irvin <<< Thanks a million for the note Judy. I will be very happy to
add your name to the Gazette family list. I hope you will find time to
share a part of your world with us.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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