Monday, January 30, 2006

January 24, 2006 - Tuesday

Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The Main Bar ---
James McFarland and Everett Erickson.
The current temperature is 34 degrees with the wind blowing Canadian Maple Leaves down Hill Avenue over he speed limit.

Yesterdays H/L temperature was 39/6

Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4

Have you noticed that our "normal"low temp is starting to come up?Our daylight hours are also starting to get noticeably longer.
Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Sometimes the forecast is right, sometimes it's almost right, and then
there's days like yesterday. The forecast called for winter "like"
weather, and a winter storm warning all in the same day. They got it
half right, for awhile yesterday it did feel like winter, and, we did
get some snow along with gusty winds. They forgot to tell us we would
need a raincoat this morning to shovel the snow off the driveway. Yup a
good old fashioned January rain in North Dakota. Maybe there is
something to this global warming business.
Not much new on Main street, or any other street for that matter. Still
no word yet on when the Pizza Hut is going to re-open. There seems to be a bunch of vehicles around Stan Pastorek’s new Reds Sports Bar (formerly Shananigan’s) but no firm date on startup of the facility either.

The new Taco Shop (that name, and business, is purely a guess) in the Castle properties building seems to be on hold for the past several days as well. It may be that they're waiting or "stuff" to come in.
The other day I mentioned Earls 5 cent shoe sale. Ralph responded with the following note.

>>> Gary, your note on Earl's shoe sale reminds me of the last pair of Red Wing boots I bought from Murphy Callahan in Reyleck's. Always bought them during Reyleck's famous sales. Anyway, I always looked for Murphy and told him I needed new boots. Usually he would reach under the counter and pull my size out cause he knew I would be there. I asked him how much and I think he said something like $105. Told him I just wanted a pair of boots, not the whole store. Murphy said, "I knew you were going to say that".
Always fun to buy from someone you knew appreciated your business.
Remember those Reyleck's sales? I think everyone in Walsh and Pembina County, and our neighbors in Minnesota passed through those doors. In the glory days you were lucky to find a parking spot within two blocks of the store.
The managers of Penney's and S&L couldn't wait for those sales. Said
that was when they did their best business, also. Have a good day, my
friend. Ralph Kingsbury <<<

Thanks for caring and sharing Ralph. I too, bought most of my shoes from Murphy. He always seemed to know the shoes I "wanted", even when they weren't "really" the shoes I wanted, if you know what I mean.

Aren't memories wonderful?
Speaking of memories, Suzanne Burns sent the following:

>>> Like you and Ralph I guess I'll share my "middle of the night thoughts".
Last week I went to Ekatta's with my family. All in all it was a pleasant
experience, the food was good, and the prices were reasonable.
However, I glanced up at the south wall and there was a huge TV with
Charley Johnson relating the news for us.
I commented to my daughter -- "Where's Rose Sauer, Marie Patenaude (now there's a name from the past) and also Mrs. Rudnik?" Then I was thinking of Stella Thompson at the cash register (Stella by Starlight) and Sam Nelson and young Joel dispensing prescriptions. Ella Dahl was selling Cote makeup and Revlon lipstick on the other side of the store. I am sure your readers will help me with more names. We couldn't buy a "Little Dick" (that's a little dixie cup) for a dime but my granddaughters did have an ice cream Sundae at Ekattas. Also my egg salad sandwich came on a croissant which I am sure that Rose never heard of and it was excellent, but did not compare to Rose's. <<<

Thanks a million for caring and sharing Suzanne. I'm sure that old drug store has many more memories than prescriptions. I'll bet the list of names of the "girls" that used to make malts there would be longer than the soda counter they were served on.
I am sending out the following message in hopes that I might receive
more detailed information:

>>> Dear Gary, As the time draws nearer, would you please mention this benefit for Bill Johnson in the Gazette. Bill is from Nash and confined to a wheelchair. He needs the remote door control for his van so that he can be more independent. He still likes to get out and get around and that is so important to people. There may be people from out of this area who knows Bill and would like to help. Don't mention my
name, just that Our Saviour's let you know about the benefit. Keep up
the good work. <<<

I should add that the above note did come with an attachment that I am unable to open. If anyone has more information on this very worthwhile project for Bill. I will be very happy to share it
with "our" Gazette family.
This weeks Firefighters Calendar Draw winners:
1/23/2006 John H Riske $20.00
1/24/2006 Tim DeSautel * $20.00
1/25/2006 Michele Petron $20.00
1/26/2006 Randy Lietz $20.00
1/27/2006 Scott Forbord $20.00
1/28/2006 Dennis C Helt $20.00
1/29/2006 Tony Badalato $20.00
Congratulations to this weeks winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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