Monday, January 30, 2006

January 30, 2006 - Monday

01/30/06 MONDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the men and women
of "our" Grafton Municipal Utilities Department.
The current temperature is 21 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 28/20
Normal H/L temp for this date id 17/-3
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The weekend forecast, for us, was for 1 to 2 inches of light & fluffy
snowman stuffing. Sunday morning I blew 6 inches of that 1 to 2 inch
snowfall off the driveway of the Gazette Corporate headquarters.
Shortly after midnight, while most of us were sleeping, Graftons "GMU"
personnel was already vigorously cleaning the snow from "our" city
streets. Again they should be commended for the wonderful job they do.
Even though, I might add, the fact that far to many people, leave far to
any vehicles on "our" city streets making the job of snow removal
significantly more difficult, and I could add, more hazardous.
There must be some facts involved with the rumor that Grafton will be
host to a new railroad company. Three new railroad engines have been
parked on the south edge of town just east of the former French
Manufacturing facilities. They're not only sitting there either, they're
I'm almost certain there will be a big article, pictures and all, in
this weeks Walsh County Record about the entire venture.
I still haven't received any "credible" validation on the rumor that
Subway is building a new place on the former Frank and Alida Goodmen
home place. Although the fact is, it's getting easier and easier to find
folks that have "heard the same rumor".
Saturdays list of "activities" going on in the business community of
Grafton, should have included The Super 8 Motel in town. Or to be more
exact, we no longer have one. Yup, nope, even tho I haven't read it in
the Record yet, I'm sure this "rumors" right because the large Super 8
Motel sign on Hiway 17 has been removed and replaced with one that says
Select Inn with a big check mark on it.
I'm not sure if the change was in name only, or if the management,
staff and bedding have been changed as well. I suspect the Record will
have a report on that in this weeks edition as well.
Until you hear from a more reliable source, than me. I can say, with
unquestionable certainty, that the Leonard Motel is comfortable, clean,
and very reasonably priced. The only thing the Leonard Motel doesn't
offer, that Disneyland does, is a pool, a theme park, Mickey Mouse and a
small small world.
A while back I mentioned that a reasonably small candy company had
started up their operation in Grafton. The name of that operation is
Sweet Delights. Their candy stands can be found through "our" area in
truck stops, grocery and convenience stores as well as the larger
shopping malls. As a matter of fact, there are several displays and
candy islands throughout the Mall of America. Since it's beginning, a
relatively few months ago, their stands and displays have started
showing up all across the country.
Like Louie Kerians potato & vegetable sizer, Hart's header carts and
Bill Sands specialized high pressure miniature valves, Sweet Delights
products are becoming more and more visible.
I was in the corporate library "researching", and I got to thinking,
gee it would be fun to hear from folks all over the country that have
seen one of Sweet Delights Displays, or, any of the numerous products
that were born in "our" humble little village.
Like the following message I received from Pastor Greg. He wrote: >>>
Sweet delights can be found at truck stops on Interstate 85 between
Spartanburg, SC and Charlotte, NC. IT was a shot of home last time we
came down from the mountains. Grafton ueber alles!
Greg Yeager
China Grove, NC <<< Thanks a million for the note Greg. It almost sounds
a bit biblical,.. that the pastor came down from the mountain. Don't you
think? Then there's the "ueber alles" ending. I'm guessing that's a
foreign language directing us in a special direction, although I'm not
And finally, as I looked at the Reverend Yeager's address, I realized
that most folks are right. Almost everything nowdays, does come from
The subscription department sent down, over, handed, I received a few
requests over the weekend from a few folks that say they are willing to
tolerate the Gazette.
The first note comes from Robert. He wrote; >>> Hi gary,
I am the son of Les and Liz Aasand, and currently stationed at fort
Stewart GA. I've been in the army for 18 yrs. I am wondering if you
could help me? When is the class of '86 reunion? I would like the dates,
incase I am able to make it there.
I did survive my 3rd combat tour of my career and getting ready for
possibly the 4th, as it stands we are scheduled to return to Iraq in
Nov. of this year.
Thank you for your assistance, please do keep in touch, very interested
in happenings in Grafton.
Any questions you may have for me do not hesitate to e-mail,
Robert Aasand <<< Thanks a million for the note Robert. Thanks also for
being an important part of this countries defence system. I can't tell
you the dates your class plans to meet. I'm sure Suzanne Burns will be
able to share that information. If it's available, I'm pretty sure
you'll get here in the Gazette. Isn't that right Suzanne?
The second request this weekend looked like this. >>> Hi, Gary~~
We just got a copy of your paper and would love to be put on your
mailing list if possible. Tom and I miss so much of what is happening
back in Grafton and it would be so nice to be more up-to-date. We
look forward to hearing from you! Thanks! Millicent and Tom La
Berge <<< Thanks a million for your gracious request. I can't promise
proper grammar, and my literary composition more closely resembles
compost. But I can promise I will do the best I can, with what I have,
while I have it. In return, I sincerely hope that everyone will take a
few "seconds" from their busy schedule to share a bit of their world
with us.
This last one is from Debbie. I am flattered that Debbie still calls
someone that sent her the Gazette a Friend. It must be true as she send
the following note.
>>>> Hello, A friend from Grafton just sent me this and it is
great. Could I get on the list ? Thank you. Debbie
Robinson(Sieben) <<< Thank you Debbie, for allowing me, and the Gazette
family, to share a part of your world.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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