Monday, January 30, 2006

January 23, 2006 - Monday

Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Leslie Anderson’s Orchestra.
The current temperature is 20 degrees.

Yesterdays H/L temperature was 12/3

Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4

Have you noticed that our normal daily average low temperature has risen one degree over the weekend?

We received about 5 inches of snowcat dust over the weekend. It sounds like 30 to 40 mile per hour winds are likely tonight adding the the inventory already stored in our shelterbelts.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Former governor Ed Schafer says using weather balloons to transmit cell phone signals sounds stupid. Finally,... the former governor and me agree. Unfortunately, he's prooting it anyway.
I can see it all now. I grab my cell phone off the dashboard of my
Henry-J and push the "direct dial" to Louie Lemms lake Lodge. Then a voice comes on the line and says, "please hold the line while we try and find Lemms line", followed by, "we're guessing we have a 50 percent chance of finding Lemms place before "your" balloon breaks."
Holy Smokers, have I had this nightmare once before?
Yup, it sure sounds like super duper technology to me. I guess it'll
give us one more reason not to look up. Sea Gulls are the first. It's
just an outside observation, however, it seems to me the national
weather service already has more than they can handle keeping all their own balls in the air. Now we're going to expect them to keep nine balloons in orbit too. Schafer says there's no steel or welding involved with the balloons. Just blow 'em up and let 'em go.... the balloons, I mean.
I thought last week was a slow news week. Judging by the Gazette's in basket, the weekend was even slower.
I do have one item from the "lost and not yet Found department.
It appears as though some low down dirty stinking rat-fink, stole Goofy and a snowman from the largest display in Leistikow Park. They shouldn't be hard to identify. Most likely, some dirty rotten doesn't give a dad burn about anyone else's property, will be standing, sitting, or living by the spot there hiding in.
I can see it now. Some crumbs mum will walk into his/her bedroom and ask, "where did you get that giant cutout of Frosty?"
To which, this mothers wonderful "innocent" young child might reply. Well mom, I won it. I guessed how many balls Frosty was made of, and I won it. To which "mom" might ask, then how about Goofy? To which, moms darling little angel would reply. YEH, I know, does sound Goofy, doesn't it?
The other day I mentioned if crazy things weren't running around in my head,...I was running to one. I was pleased to find I'm not the only one experiencing that phenomenon.
Todd wrote: >>> Gary, It's me Todd over at The Record. Being 38 I'm starting to experience not sleeping through the night. A lot of times I just toss and turn, but just about nightly I have to run to the can before I get up. The joys of getting older I guess.
The term head is used a lot in sailing or boating circles, people in the Navy know the term well, I guess. I just thought it was funny you referred to the bathroom as the head. I thought I was the only one here in the middle of the continent that knew what that term meant. wtm
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. If the
real truth be known. I was taking a slight bit of literary license with
the "head" thing. Then, as I gave the issue a little thought. I realized
that the boat that sits right here beside our house, actually has a
"head" in it. So there you are, and there you go.
From the "aren't memories wonderful" desk. Gary Fischer (the chemist not the banker) thought of this event after I mentioned my father-in-law Ray Demester's name.
He wrote: >>> I wonder if you remember this one.
Ray and sons tore down our old barn near Cashel. While they were working there one of the gang sent me looking for a "board stretcher".
I guess they were tired of me hanging around. I spent quite a bit of
time looking for that blamed thing. Never did find it.

<<< Thanks for caring and sharing Gary. I remember watching Ray go into the old coal shed behind the Grafton Drug with a grain shovel, and, after lots of banging and slamming, he come with it (the shovel) heaped with rats. He looked at Fred Carrico and said, "take these down to Stans their having a banquet tonight".
Fred actually took the shovel from Ray and started to walk towards Stans.
Just then one of the rats jumped off the shovel. Fred threw the shovel in the air and said, *&%*^#$%^##, as he was heading for the other side of town.
Actually, I think I cleaned that up
a bit, but you get the picture.
Aren't memories wonderful?
I really believe it is the exchange of memories and information that
gives reason to read the Gazette. "Our" youngest members are teenagers, the oldest is over ninety. Everyone should be able to share "something" within that range.
If you prefer to share your thoughts and not your name. Please say so and that's how it'll be.
Thank you for your support.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too late.

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