Monday, January 30, 2006

January 28, 2006 - Saturday

01/28/06 SATURDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, The Great Northern
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 38/19
Normal H/L temp on this date is 16/-3
Whether your here, or whether your there. The weather we're having, is
clear skies,... and fare.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It is a rumor, because I haven't seen anything about it in the Record
yet, tho it is almost for sure. Northern Plains RR has purchased the
former Great Northern Railroad tracks from BNSF from, almost, the center
of Grafton north to Walhalla. They will be establishing office space in
the building formerly owned by Robertsons Lumber Company. I have been
told by some folks that we might expect at least a couple new area
residents just due to the "new" Railroad operation.
Only a few years ago I started reporting the number of sailboat fuel
storage facilities (empty buildings) we have been blessed with in
Grafton. Maybe it's time for a short review of that status.
# The Bridgemen building is now occupied, it's full of Mexican food and
operating daily.
# The former Mattson's Mfg. buildings are occupied and training our
youth the value and importance of self defence.
# The Field's Dry Cleaning building is occupied and among other things,
begs the question. What things?
# The former Nelson Drug Store building has evolved into a ice cream
parlor, a beer & cheeze restaurant on the first floor, and a cigar bar
and pool hall on the second floor. With, as I understand it, more to
come in the near future.
# The former Burke Hodny law offices have been purchased and half of
the building houses a couple different insurance offices with the other
half occupied by Rem Corp.
# The former Louie Regalstad gas station building has become one of Al
Tayler's office outlets
# The former Hvidsten Implement building is being refurbished and
converted function in the cell phone industry.
# The former telephone building has been purchased and presently serves
the needs of 4 local firms with two or more moving in in the next few
# Sweet Delights has also taken up residence in Grafton. That operation
deals in the distribution, among other things, of candy, cards,
gumballs, and associated equipment nation wide.
# The empty lot where Bill & Marie McIntyre's Merchants Hotel once
stood as been purchased and is now home to a whole fleet of trucks.
# The former Robertson Lumber property already has 24 new small storage
stations on the East side of the property, a tenant dealing in Heavy
truck parts on the west side of the property and Northern Plains RR
moving in to the main (brick) building.
# The Grafton Square station and convenience store has been completely
renovated and is up and operating.
# The former Shananigans Chicken & Pizza house is currently be
refurbished and will soon emerge a brand spanking new facility called
Red's Sports Bar.
# The Cum & Go (Cenex) has added a new bottle shop to their operation.
# Johnson Oil Company has purchased the former Norris Sando / Ad
Sevigny City Service gas station and the north end of town and will be
utilizing that facility for storage.
# A new Taco Shop is being installed, (I think) in the Castle
Properties building.
# The former Penney's building has been completely refurbished with two
new large apartments upstairs along with a multi-bank computer
operation. The first floor of the Penney's building will house a
Pharmaceutical packaging facility in the back with a book store filling
up the front part of the store.
# The former Eagles Nest is now Generations Bar and entertainment
# Our community is also home to a beautiful new church on the west edge
of town.
# And least I forget, and I apologize for not knowing, or being able to
identify the newest addition to main street by it's "proper" name. Til I
find out different I will call it the "new" Jesus Saves Store that
occupies the building Bill Peoples once hung his dead animals in. I have
"dubbed it" that because it is full of Religious paraphernalia, a
fault. Or so it seems to me.
Rumor has it that work will soon begin on the former Walsh County Bank
building and the former Mid-Town Motel.
That leaves only the former Red Ram / Bert Sando's Lounge / Trasks on
5th building and the former VFW building empty and ready for renovating
In case you didn't count them on the way down. That's 20 very
different, very significant changes in the small community I call home.
AND, I should add, if you should be looking for a home in Grafton. You
better hurry, they're almost all gone. (The ones for sale I mean.)
Discover Grafton, it truely is great ground for growth.
My neat little aunt, Isabel (Tootsy) Hamilton, sent me a clipping the
other day. I would like to share part of it you.
The famous Jewish Rabbi and teacher, Hillel the Elder, said: "Watch
your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become
your actions; Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your
habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will
become your destiny."
Thanks for sharing that with us Tootsy. There's a few more in the
article and I will include them in following Gazettes.
Marcia wanted to share the following note on Dr. Gaustad birthday. >>>
Hi Gary
I just want to add a bit about your mentioning of Dr. Gaustad's
birthday. All of us at Heartland Eye Care formerly Grafton Vision clinic
would also like to wish him a happy day. I worked for Dr. Gaustad for 4
years he was a great boss and a great eye doctor, there was only a few
times we would have to go and pull him away from the coffee table at
DJ's Cafe and remind him he still had patients to see.
Have a great week-end Gary
Marcia Molde Seeba <<< Thanks Marcia, for a slant on Dr. Gaustad that I
wasn't aware of. For those that don't know. Dr. Gaustads office was only
a hop, skip, and a jump away from DJ's cafe. I'm not real sure, but he
probably even left out the "jump" part towards the end.
I received a call from Norman Russum yesterday. Gosh it was great to
here from him, especially because he said he was feeling really good and
getting along fine in the land of dust and sand. Evidently, so far at
least, he has been able to eat all the fresh baked goods left at his
doorstep. I suggested he might send some north when he gets full. I
think he said, "don't count on it" or something like that.
Thanks again for the call Norm and don't forget, we have a date with a
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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