Monday, January 30, 2006

January 25, 2006 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Gambles, "the
friendly store."
The current temperature is 14 degrees.

Yesterdays H/L temperature was 36/10

Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-4

The High on this date in 1973 was 41

"Profanity makes ignorance audible."


L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Today is "our" areas first full day observance of Raumin gone.
Every year, around this time, Jerry agrees to let Ina drag him away from
Granny's long enough to get reacquainted with their son and
grandchildren in California.
As we prepared to shake for coffee this morning, someone asked, "where's Jerry?", to which he was answered, "Raumin's gone".
We shook, Denny lost, life goes on and life is good.
Marcia sent the following "memory" of Reyleck's.

>>> Hi Gary,
The mentioning of Reyleck's sure brought back some memories for me. I
remember waiting for the big Reyleck's sale and standing out side
waiting to get in.
My mom and I would go in and Harriet Callahan would be ready at the
counter with the charge slip written out to Bennie Molde, my dad would
get the bill and he would say oh the Reylecks sale must be on. That was
the good old days. It was a good place to buy clothes and shoes and I
sure miss that store.
Keep the good work.
Marcia Molde Seeba <<<

Thanks for caring and sharing Marcia.
It's sometimes funny how "things" work. About the same time you sent your note. I was reading a November 1948 edition of the Record. Listed on the front page was several birth reports. One of them was for the birth of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Molde on Nov. 17. The Ed LeQuire family
added a daughter to their diaper needs list on the 21 of Nov as well.
Aren't memories wonderful?

I received the following "food for thought" note yesterday as well.
>>> Remember when Grafton was self sufficient, and a trip to Grand
Forks was a bi-yearly occasion? <<<
Yes I do, although it's getting more difficult every year.
Speaking of memories. (Nov. 1948) Ted LaMont, after having undergone an operation sometime earlier reported he was re-opening Ted's Barber Shop located above the fashion shop.
It's always wonderful hearing nice things about "our" community, It's
especially fun hearing from members of "our" extended family.

Hank Hanson wrote:
>>> Subject: the hockey arena

I have been receiving your newsletter from a friend in Grafton and I
thought that I would write to you saying GOOD JOB.
But the real reason for me writing is that I was at the hockey
game when Grafton played Fargo, I was surprised at how well the place
looked this year. Last year I had attended a game and couldn't
believe the smell as you walked in the doors. I know you are a person
on good appearances and I think the rest of your family should know or
make note of the job well done there.
Thanks again Gary for all the past history on your wonderful town.
Hank <<<

Thank you Hank, for caring and sharing. I'm confident the
people responsible for the change will get your message as well.
I received a bit more information on the upcoming benefit for Bill

>>> Sorry that you couldn't look at the poster I sent. It is a cake and
Ice cream benefit for Bill Johnson February 19th from 2-4pm at Our
Saviours Church Grafton. Thanks a bunch. <<<

Thanks so much for caring and sharing. I hope someone will "remind me" again as we get closer to the date. "There is no shame in needing help. The real shame, is not helping those in need."
Todays Gazette is dedicated to Gambles, "the friendly store".

Certainly many, very likely most, of us have fond memories of the Gambles store in Grafton. The list of Gambles employees would read like a small town phone book.
I'm pleased I can enjoy coffee often with Jac Jacobson, a former
manager of Gambles. (especially when he buys) I am surprised at the
significant "volume" of advertisements Gambles had in early editions of
the Walsh County Record.
One only has to read a few editions of the Record from the late 40's
and early 50's to appreciate the tremendous advantages a small community
can realize when it patronizes it's own local businesses.
Our local business community, "our" local citizens, and, I believe,
"our" local paper, could learn much buy studying the past to gain the
insight, to re-invent the future. Or so it seems to me.

"Profanity makes ignorance audible."

The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

P.S. That giant load of "Menards" building materials that came into town the other day, was probably donated to the city of Grafton. It wouldn't seem
logical for anyone to expect local folks to patronize folks that don't
patronize them. Would it?

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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