01/31/06 TUESDAY grp 1 OF 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the South Branch
Bison Company - Tom & Mary Jo Olson Owners.
The current temperature is 27 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 25/21
Normal H/L temp for this date is 17/-2
Today is the last day of the first month of 2006.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Girl Scout Troop 104 met January 7 at the Scout cabin. The following
officers were elected: Rita Williamson, president; Elizabeth Jacobson,
vice president; Vicky Langowski, treasurer, and Judy Boone secretary.
The two leaders Mrs Jacobson and Mrs. Countryman, gave each girl a Girl
Scout bank for a Christmas present.
Susan Jaehning, sec. (January 1955)
In a January 1955 edition of the Record. Pickett's Meat Market offered
3 lbs. of ground beef for $1 pork steak, sliced bacon or summer sausage
was all 49 cent a pound AND they delivered.
Lloyd Hanson shared the following words of wisdom.
"Faith is what you know to be true.
Whether you believe it or not" <<<
Thanks Lloyd, we can all stand a bit more faith, especially when we're
It's not unusual to hear people "reminisce" after a visit to Ekatta's
the former Nelson / Getz / Jim's Drug store. Such is the case of the
following individual who wishes to remain anonymous. >>> Gary, All
this talk about the pre-Ekatta's days...I remember when we had to buy
our school books and they were neatly stacked on shelves toward the back
of the Getz Drug Store. They were very impressive (and expensive),
but if you didn't get to the school and register before the used
textbooks were gone...they were yours! Of course, everyone had
to buy new workbooks. We also had to erase all the marks in our
books to be able to sell them back to the school...for half of what we
paid for them. The gals at the "sale" actually flipped through the
books, page by page and gave them back to you to clean them up
"better"! By the way, I recall those days every time my son
reports how much his college books are costing!!! This semester they
came to over $400!! As most folks say when they contribute...I,
too, enjoy your opinions!! (withhold my name please) <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing. I'm sure one could write volumes on the
various facets of the drug store operation on the corner of Hill Avenue
and 6th street.
Will Rogers once said, "We are here for just a spell and then pass on.
So get a few laughs and do the best you can. Live your life so that
whenever you lose, you are ahead."
Almost everyday in "our" small community. Volunteers are called to help
their fellow citizens. Not the least of which are the Volunteers
dedicating their time and energy to the Valley Ambulance and Rescue
squad. Almost every day, often several times a day, they are called to
assist us on our journey to lifes fruition.
The importance of Volunteers, in small town America, truely is very
often the difference between life and death.
Every time a volunteer is called into service in the middle of the
night. One thing they'll know for certain. Their following day at work
will be more difficult irregardless of the nature of the call. One of
the perils of Volunteering in small communities often is that those they
are called to assist are their good friends and neighbors.
Volunteers are not only found driving firetrucks, ambulance and rescue
vehicles. They can be found driving their own vehicles delivering meals
on wheels, transporting retired individuals to area medical facilities
and helping those in need around the house.
They have earned the respect of us all. I hope we have learned to
appreciate their vital importance, and thank them whenever possible. Or
so it seems to me.
Burma Shave
This weeks Firefighters Calendar Drawing winners are:
1/30/2006 Ava Grace Peterson $20.00
1/31/2006 Gail Osowski $20.00
2/01/2006 Guy Demers $20.00
2/02/2006 Don Hutson * $20.00
2/03/2006 Jim Johnston Sr $20.00
2/04/2006 Joanne Gehrtz $20.00
2/05/2006 Larry J Nelson $20.00
Congratulations to this weeks winners.
The following note came in to the Gazette subscription department. >>>
Sign me up for the Grafton news!
I am Richard Thompson's (younger) sister. Live in Fl in the winter
and MN in the summer.
J. Irvin <<< Thanks a million for the note Judy. I will be very happy to
add your name to the Gazette family list. I hope you will find time to
share a part of your world with us.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Coming to you as the Shivercity Gazette during the cold months and the Skeeterville Gazette the rest of the time...
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
January 30, 2006 - Monday
01/30/06 MONDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the men and women
of "our" Grafton Municipal Utilities Department.
The current temperature is 21 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 28/20
Normal H/L temp for this date id 17/-3
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The weekend forecast, for us, was for 1 to 2 inches of light & fluffy
snowman stuffing. Sunday morning I blew 6 inches of that 1 to 2 inch
snowfall off the driveway of the Gazette Corporate headquarters.
Shortly after midnight, while most of us were sleeping, Graftons "GMU"
personnel was already vigorously cleaning the snow from "our" city
streets. Again they should be commended for the wonderful job they do.
Even though, I might add, the fact that far to many people, leave far to
any vehicles on "our" city streets making the job of snow removal
significantly more difficult, and I could add, more hazardous.
There must be some facts involved with the rumor that Grafton will be
host to a new railroad company. Three new railroad engines have been
parked on the south edge of town just east of the former French
Manufacturing facilities. They're not only sitting there either, they're
I'm almost certain there will be a big article, pictures and all, in
this weeks Walsh County Record about the entire venture.
I still haven't received any "credible" validation on the rumor that
Subway is building a new place on the former Frank and Alida Goodmen
home place. Although the fact is, it's getting easier and easier to find
folks that have "heard the same rumor".
Saturdays list of "activities" going on in the business community of
Grafton, should have included The Super 8 Motel in town. Or to be more
exact, we no longer have one. Yup, nope, even tho I haven't read it in
the Record yet, I'm sure this "rumors" right because the large Super 8
Motel sign on Hiway 17 has been removed and replaced with one that says
Select Inn with a big check mark on it.
I'm not sure if the change was in name only, or if the management,
staff and bedding have been changed as well. I suspect the Record will
have a report on that in this weeks edition as well.
Until you hear from a more reliable source, than me. I can say, with
unquestionable certainty, that the Leonard Motel is comfortable, clean,
and very reasonably priced. The only thing the Leonard Motel doesn't
offer, that Disneyland does, is a pool, a theme park, Mickey Mouse and a
small small world.
A while back I mentioned that a reasonably small candy company had
started up their operation in Grafton. The name of that operation is
Sweet Delights. Their candy stands can be found through "our" area in
truck stops, grocery and convenience stores as well as the larger
shopping malls. As a matter of fact, there are several displays and
candy islands throughout the Mall of America. Since it's beginning, a
relatively few months ago, their stands and displays have started
showing up all across the country.
Like Louie Kerians potato & vegetable sizer, Hart's header carts and
Bill Sands specialized high pressure miniature valves, Sweet Delights
products are becoming more and more visible.
I was in the corporate library "researching", and I got to thinking,
gee it would be fun to hear from folks all over the country that have
seen one of Sweet Delights Displays, or, any of the numerous products
that were born in "our" humble little village.
Like the following message I received from Pastor Greg. He wrote: >>>
Sweet delights can be found at truck stops on Interstate 85 between
Spartanburg, SC and Charlotte, NC. IT was a shot of home last time we
came down from the mountains. Grafton ueber alles!
Greg Yeager
China Grove, NC <<< Thanks a million for the note Greg. It almost sounds
a bit biblical,.. that the pastor came down from the mountain. Don't you
think? Then there's the "ueber alles" ending. I'm guessing that's a
foreign language directing us in a special direction, although I'm not
And finally, as I looked at the Reverend Yeager's address, I realized
that most folks are right. Almost everything nowdays, does come from
The subscription department sent down, over, handed, I received a few
requests over the weekend from a few folks that say they are willing to
tolerate the Gazette.
The first note comes from Robert. He wrote; >>> Hi gary,
I am the son of Les and Liz Aasand, and currently stationed at fort
Stewart GA. I've been in the army for 18 yrs. I am wondering if you
could help me? When is the class of '86 reunion? I would like the dates,
incase I am able to make it there.
I did survive my 3rd combat tour of my career and getting ready for
possibly the 4th, as it stands we are scheduled to return to Iraq in
Nov. of this year.
Thank you for your assistance, please do keep in touch, very interested
in happenings in Grafton.
Any questions you may have for me do not hesitate to e-mail,
Robert Aasand <<< Thanks a million for the note Robert. Thanks also for
being an important part of this countries defence system. I can't tell
you the dates your class plans to meet. I'm sure Suzanne Burns will be
able to share that information. If it's available, I'm pretty sure
you'll get here in the Gazette. Isn't that right Suzanne?
The second request this weekend looked like this. >>> Hi, Gary~~
We just got a copy of your paper and would love to be put on your
mailing list if possible. Tom and I miss so much of what is happening
back in Grafton and it would be so nice to be more up-to-date. We
look forward to hearing from you! Thanks! Millicent and Tom La
Berge <<< Thanks a million for your gracious request. I can't promise
proper grammar, and my literary composition more closely resembles
compost. But I can promise I will do the best I can, with what I have,
while I have it. In return, I sincerely hope that everyone will take a
few "seconds" from their busy schedule to share a bit of their world
with us.
This last one is from Debbie. I am flattered that Debbie still calls
someone that sent her the Gazette a Friend. It must be true as she send
the following note.
>>>> Hello, A friend from Grafton just sent me this and it is
great. Could I get on the list ? Thank you. Debbie
Robinson(Sieben) <<< Thank you Debbie, for allowing me, and the Gazette
family, to share a part of your world.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the men and women
of "our" Grafton Municipal Utilities Department.
The current temperature is 21 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 28/20
Normal H/L temp for this date id 17/-3
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The weekend forecast, for us, was for 1 to 2 inches of light & fluffy
snowman stuffing. Sunday morning I blew 6 inches of that 1 to 2 inch
snowfall off the driveway of the Gazette Corporate headquarters.
Shortly after midnight, while most of us were sleeping, Graftons "GMU"
personnel was already vigorously cleaning the snow from "our" city
streets. Again they should be commended for the wonderful job they do.
Even though, I might add, the fact that far to many people, leave far to
any vehicles on "our" city streets making the job of snow removal
significantly more difficult, and I could add, more hazardous.
There must be some facts involved with the rumor that Grafton will be
host to a new railroad company. Three new railroad engines have been
parked on the south edge of town just east of the former French
Manufacturing facilities. They're not only sitting there either, they're
I'm almost certain there will be a big article, pictures and all, in
this weeks Walsh County Record about the entire venture.
I still haven't received any "credible" validation on the rumor that
Subway is building a new place on the former Frank and Alida Goodmen
home place. Although the fact is, it's getting easier and easier to find
folks that have "heard the same rumor".
Saturdays list of "activities" going on in the business community of
Grafton, should have included The Super 8 Motel in town. Or to be more
exact, we no longer have one. Yup, nope, even tho I haven't read it in
the Record yet, I'm sure this "rumors" right because the large Super 8
Motel sign on Hiway 17 has been removed and replaced with one that says
Select Inn with a big check mark on it.
I'm not sure if the change was in name only, or if the management,
staff and bedding have been changed as well. I suspect the Record will
have a report on that in this weeks edition as well.
Until you hear from a more reliable source, than me. I can say, with
unquestionable certainty, that the Leonard Motel is comfortable, clean,
and very reasonably priced. The only thing the Leonard Motel doesn't
offer, that Disneyland does, is a pool, a theme park, Mickey Mouse and a
small small world.
A while back I mentioned that a reasonably small candy company had
started up their operation in Grafton. The name of that operation is
Sweet Delights. Their candy stands can be found through "our" area in
truck stops, grocery and convenience stores as well as the larger
shopping malls. As a matter of fact, there are several displays and
candy islands throughout the Mall of America. Since it's beginning, a
relatively few months ago, their stands and displays have started
showing up all across the country.
Like Louie Kerians potato & vegetable sizer, Hart's header carts and
Bill Sands specialized high pressure miniature valves, Sweet Delights
products are becoming more and more visible.
I was in the corporate library "researching", and I got to thinking,
gee it would be fun to hear from folks all over the country that have
seen one of Sweet Delights Displays, or, any of the numerous products
that were born in "our" humble little village.
Like the following message I received from Pastor Greg. He wrote: >>>
Sweet delights can be found at truck stops on Interstate 85 between
Spartanburg, SC and Charlotte, NC. IT was a shot of home last time we
came down from the mountains. Grafton ueber alles!
Greg Yeager
China Grove, NC <<< Thanks a million for the note Greg. It almost sounds
a bit biblical,.. that the pastor came down from the mountain. Don't you
think? Then there's the "ueber alles" ending. I'm guessing that's a
foreign language directing us in a special direction, although I'm not
And finally, as I looked at the Reverend Yeager's address, I realized
that most folks are right. Almost everything nowdays, does come from
The subscription department sent down, over, handed, I received a few
requests over the weekend from a few folks that say they are willing to
tolerate the Gazette.
The first note comes from Robert. He wrote; >>> Hi gary,
I am the son of Les and Liz Aasand, and currently stationed at fort
Stewart GA. I've been in the army for 18 yrs. I am wondering if you
could help me? When is the class of '86 reunion? I would like the dates,
incase I am able to make it there.
I did survive my 3rd combat tour of my career and getting ready for
possibly the 4th, as it stands we are scheduled to return to Iraq in
Nov. of this year.
Thank you for your assistance, please do keep in touch, very interested
in happenings in Grafton.
Any questions you may have for me do not hesitate to e-mail,
Robert Aasand <<< Thanks a million for the note Robert. Thanks also for
being an important part of this countries defence system. I can't tell
you the dates your class plans to meet. I'm sure Suzanne Burns will be
able to share that information. If it's available, I'm pretty sure
you'll get here in the Gazette. Isn't that right Suzanne?
The second request this weekend looked like this. >>> Hi, Gary~~
We just got a copy of your paper and would love to be put on your
mailing list if possible. Tom and I miss so much of what is happening
back in Grafton and it would be so nice to be more up-to-date. We
look forward to hearing from you! Thanks! Millicent and Tom La
Berge <<< Thanks a million for your gracious request. I can't promise
proper grammar, and my literary composition more closely resembles
compost. But I can promise I will do the best I can, with what I have,
while I have it. In return, I sincerely hope that everyone will take a
few "seconds" from their busy schedule to share a bit of their world
with us.
This last one is from Debbie. I am flattered that Debbie still calls
someone that sent her the Gazette a Friend. It must be true as she send
the following note.
>>>> Hello, A friend from Grafton just sent me this and it is
great. Could I get on the list ? Thank you. Debbie
Robinson(Sieben) <<< Thank you Debbie, for allowing me, and the Gazette
family, to share a part of your world.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
January 28, 2006 - Saturday
01/28/06 SATURDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, The Great Northern
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 38/19
Normal H/L temp on this date is 16/-3
Whether your here, or whether your there. The weather we're having, is
clear skies,... and fare.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It is a rumor, because I haven't seen anything about it in the Record
yet, tho it is almost for sure. Northern Plains RR has purchased the
former Great Northern Railroad tracks from BNSF from, almost, the center
of Grafton north to Walhalla. They will be establishing office space in
the building formerly owned by Robertsons Lumber Company. I have been
told by some folks that we might expect at least a couple new area
residents just due to the "new" Railroad operation.
Only a few years ago I started reporting the number of sailboat fuel
storage facilities (empty buildings) we have been blessed with in
Grafton. Maybe it's time for a short review of that status.
# The Bridgemen building is now occupied, it's full of Mexican food and
operating daily.
# The former Mattson's Mfg. buildings are occupied and training our
youth the value and importance of self defence.
# The Field's Dry Cleaning building is occupied and among other things,
begs the question. What things?
# The former Nelson Drug Store building has evolved into a ice cream
parlor, a beer & cheeze restaurant on the first floor, and a cigar bar
and pool hall on the second floor. With, as I understand it, more to
come in the near future.
# The former Burke Hodny law offices have been purchased and half of
the building houses a couple different insurance offices with the other
half occupied by Rem Corp.
# The former Louie Regalstad gas station building has become one of Al
Tayler's office outlets
# The former Hvidsten Implement building is being refurbished and
converted function in the cell phone industry.
# The former telephone building has been purchased and presently serves
the needs of 4 local firms with two or more moving in in the next few
# Sweet Delights has also taken up residence in Grafton. That operation
deals in the distribution, among other things, of candy, cards,
gumballs, and associated equipment nation wide.
# The empty lot where Bill & Marie McIntyre's Merchants Hotel once
stood as been purchased and is now home to a whole fleet of trucks.
# The former Robertson Lumber property already has 24 new small storage
stations on the East side of the property, a tenant dealing in Heavy
truck parts on the west side of the property and Northern Plains RR
moving in to the main (brick) building.
# The Grafton Square station and convenience store has been completely
renovated and is up and operating.
# The former Shananigans Chicken & Pizza house is currently be
refurbished and will soon emerge a brand spanking new facility called
Red's Sports Bar.
# The Cum & Go (Cenex) has added a new bottle shop to their operation.
# Johnson Oil Company has purchased the former Norris Sando / Ad
Sevigny City Service gas station and the north end of town and will be
utilizing that facility for storage.
# A new Taco Shop is being installed, (I think) in the Castle
Properties building.
# The former Penney's building has been completely refurbished with two
new large apartments upstairs along with a multi-bank computer
operation. The first floor of the Penney's building will house a
Pharmaceutical packaging facility in the back with a book store filling
up the front part of the store.
# The former Eagles Nest is now Generations Bar and entertainment
# Our community is also home to a beautiful new church on the west edge
of town.
# And least I forget, and I apologize for not knowing, or being able to
identify the newest addition to main street by it's "proper" name. Til I
find out different I will call it the "new" Jesus Saves Store that
occupies the building Bill Peoples once hung his dead animals in. I have
"dubbed it" that because it is full of Religious paraphernalia,...to a
fault. Or so it seems to me.
Rumor has it that work will soon begin on the former Walsh County Bank
building and the former Mid-Town Motel.
That leaves only the former Red Ram / Bert Sando's Lounge / Trasks on
5th building and the former VFW building empty and ready for renovating
In case you didn't count them on the way down. That's 20 very
different, very significant changes in the small community I call home.
AND, I should add, if you should be looking for a home in Grafton. You
better hurry, they're almost all gone. (The ones for sale I mean.)
Discover Grafton, it truely is great ground for growth.
My neat little aunt, Isabel (Tootsy) Hamilton, sent me a clipping the
other day. I would like to share part of it you.
The famous Jewish Rabbi and teacher, Hillel the Elder, said: "Watch
your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become
your actions; Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your
habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will
become your destiny."
Thanks for sharing that with us Tootsy. There's a few more in the
article and I will include them in following Gazettes.
Marcia wanted to share the following note on Dr. Gaustad birthday. >>>
Hi Gary
I just want to add a bit about your mentioning of Dr. Gaustad's
birthday. All of us at Heartland Eye Care formerly Grafton Vision clinic
would also like to wish him a happy day. I worked for Dr. Gaustad for 4
years he was a great boss and a great eye doctor, there was only a few
times we would have to go and pull him away from the coffee table at
DJ's Cafe and remind him he still had patients to see.
Have a great week-end Gary
Marcia Molde Seeba <<< Thanks Marcia, for a slant on Dr. Gaustad that I
wasn't aware of. For those that don't know. Dr. Gaustads office was only
a hop, skip, and a jump away from DJ's cafe. I'm not real sure, but he
probably even left out the "jump" part towards the end.
I received a call from Norman Russum yesterday. Gosh it was great to
here from him, especially because he said he was feeling really good and
getting along fine in the land of dust and sand. Evidently, so far at
least, he has been able to eat all the fresh baked goods left at his
doorstep. I suggested he might send some north when he gets full. I
think he said, "don't count on it" or something like that.
Thanks again for the call Norm and don't forget, we have a date with a
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Move To:
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, The Great Northern
The current temperature is 24 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 38/19
Normal H/L temp on this date is 16/-3
Whether your here, or whether your there. The weather we're having, is
clear skies,... and fare.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It is a rumor, because I haven't seen anything about it in the Record
yet, tho it is almost for sure. Northern Plains RR has purchased the
former Great Northern Railroad tracks from BNSF from, almost, the center
of Grafton north to Walhalla. They will be establishing office space in
the building formerly owned by Robertsons Lumber Company. I have been
told by some folks that we might expect at least a couple new area
residents just due to the "new" Railroad operation.
Only a few years ago I started reporting the number of sailboat fuel
storage facilities (empty buildings) we have been blessed with in
Grafton. Maybe it's time for a short review of that status.
# The Bridgemen building is now occupied, it's full of Mexican food and
operating daily.
# The former Mattson's Mfg. buildings are occupied and training our
youth the value and importance of self defence.
# The Field's Dry Cleaning building is occupied and among other things,
begs the question. What things?
# The former Nelson Drug Store building has evolved into a ice cream
parlor, a beer & cheeze restaurant on the first floor, and a cigar bar
and pool hall on the second floor. With, as I understand it, more to
come in the near future.
# The former Burke Hodny law offices have been purchased and half of
the building houses a couple different insurance offices with the other
half occupied by Rem Corp.
# The former Louie Regalstad gas station building has become one of Al
Tayler's office outlets
# The former Hvidsten Implement building is being refurbished and
converted function in the cell phone industry.
# The former telephone building has been purchased and presently serves
the needs of 4 local firms with two or more moving in in the next few
# Sweet Delights has also taken up residence in Grafton. That operation
deals in the distribution, among other things, of candy, cards,
gumballs, and associated equipment nation wide.
# The empty lot where Bill & Marie McIntyre's Merchants Hotel once
stood as been purchased and is now home to a whole fleet of trucks.
# The former Robertson Lumber property already has 24 new small storage
stations on the East side of the property, a tenant dealing in Heavy
truck parts on the west side of the property and Northern Plains RR
moving in to the main (brick) building.
# The Grafton Square station and convenience store has been completely
renovated and is up and operating.
# The former Shananigans Chicken & Pizza house is currently be
refurbished and will soon emerge a brand spanking new facility called
Red's Sports Bar.
# The Cum & Go (Cenex) has added a new bottle shop to their operation.
# Johnson Oil Company has purchased the former Norris Sando / Ad
Sevigny City Service gas station and the north end of town and will be
utilizing that facility for storage.
# A new Taco Shop is being installed, (I think) in the Castle
Properties building.
# The former Penney's building has been completely refurbished with two
new large apartments upstairs along with a multi-bank computer
operation. The first floor of the Penney's building will house a
Pharmaceutical packaging facility in the back with a book store filling
up the front part of the store.
# The former Eagles Nest is now Generations Bar and entertainment
# Our community is also home to a beautiful new church on the west edge
of town.
# And least I forget, and I apologize for not knowing, or being able to
identify the newest addition to main street by it's "proper" name. Til I
find out different I will call it the "new" Jesus Saves Store that
occupies the building Bill Peoples once hung his dead animals in. I have
"dubbed it" that because it is full of Religious paraphernalia,...to a
fault. Or so it seems to me.
Rumor has it that work will soon begin on the former Walsh County Bank
building and the former Mid-Town Motel.
That leaves only the former Red Ram / Bert Sando's Lounge / Trasks on
5th building and the former VFW building empty and ready for renovating
In case you didn't count them on the way down. That's 20 very
different, very significant changes in the small community I call home.
AND, I should add, if you should be looking for a home in Grafton. You
better hurry, they're almost all gone. (The ones for sale I mean.)
Discover Grafton, it truely is great ground for growth.
My neat little aunt, Isabel (Tootsy) Hamilton, sent me a clipping the
other day. I would like to share part of it you.
The famous Jewish Rabbi and teacher, Hillel the Elder, said: "Watch
your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become
your actions; Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your
habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will
become your destiny."
Thanks for sharing that with us Tootsy. There's a few more in the
article and I will include them in following Gazettes.
Marcia wanted to share the following note on Dr. Gaustad birthday. >>>
Hi Gary
I just want to add a bit about your mentioning of Dr. Gaustad's
birthday. All of us at Heartland Eye Care formerly Grafton Vision clinic
would also like to wish him a happy day. I worked for Dr. Gaustad for 4
years he was a great boss and a great eye doctor, there was only a few
times we would have to go and pull him away from the coffee table at
DJ's Cafe and remind him he still had patients to see.
Have a great week-end Gary
Marcia Molde Seeba <<< Thanks Marcia, for a slant on Dr. Gaustad that I
wasn't aware of. For those that don't know. Dr. Gaustads office was only
a hop, skip, and a jump away from DJ's cafe. I'm not real sure, but he
probably even left out the "jump" part towards the end.
I received a call from Norman Russum yesterday. Gosh it was great to
here from him, especially because he said he was feeling really good and
getting along fine in the land of dust and sand. Evidently, so far at
least, he has been able to eat all the fresh baked goods left at his
doorstep. I suggested he might send some north when he gets full. I
think he said, "don't count on it" or something like that.
Thanks again for the call Norm and don't forget, we have a date with a
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Move To:
January 27, 2006 - Friday
01/27/06 FRIDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The Grafton
National Bank Bookkeeping Department.
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 37/22
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-3
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Until the past few weeks, I was under the impression that the practice
of cloning people was illegal. Lately, however, I have begun to realize
the art of cloning has been going on for many, many years. Obviously it
hasn't been completely perfected yet, although progress of the process
is evidenced with close observation.
The fact, with few exceptions, that every Democrat thinks exactly like
every other Democrat, and every Republican mimics every other republican
in the Alito confirmation hearings is very close to absolute cloning. I
think, anyway.
I also wonder. Why in Gods beautiful green earth (in the summertime) is
that position established for a lifetime anyway? Reduce the term limits
and the myriad of "issues" will be reduce as well. Or so it seems to me.
I mentioned I have been "gleaning" previous copies of the Walsh County
Record. The more I read those copies, the more I appreciate the efforts
of the Records earlier staff and management.
I particularly like the earlier format for local and area news. It
reads as interesting now, as it did over fifty years ago.
I also seem to notice that every edition, certainly most, contain
pictures of beautiful women. I'm lead to believe that even back then,
the Record staff realized the value of publishing pictures of ladies
with a pleasing appearance. (That's probably a more politically correct
Anyway, the December 9, 1954 edition was no exception. That particular
issue, featured five such local ladies. All from the bookkeeping
department of the Grafton National Bank.
Doris Thompson, Germaine Collette, Carol Berg, Verna Hegranes and Elda
Peterson were all pictured in the banks advertisement with the intent
that the public would become better acquainted with the banks friendly
staff and competent services.
Use water, not milk, when making scrambled eggs or omelettes. Milk
doesn't blend with eggs, and will make them watery. Water makes them
It may be a bit ironic, however, the above information about eggs, was
taken from an abbreviated 2006 Farmers Almanac being handed out by staff
members of the Wells Fargo Bank Corporations insurance department -
formally (in town anyway) the Grafton National Bank.
It's just a personal opinion, but I think they should go back to using
the Records earlier presentations of their aesthetically pleasing staff.
If you happened to be watching the Larry King show last night. You must
have heard the lady from Grafton North Dakota ask a question about a
"smoking gun". I was reading the Grafton National Bank ad at the time
and missed most of it. I think she was wondering why the whole world is
running around with their boxers in a bunch just because James Frey
wrote a book that was absolutely fact. Maybe they should simply make
Frey a Senator from Disneyland. They could flip a coin to decide whether
he'd be a Republican or a Democrat. The confirmation hearing shouldn't
take very long. He can already cheat, lie, and "cook the books" with the
best of them.
Of course, if he should get stuck up in the chappaquitic country. He
may need training on getting out of a sinking vehicle and hiding lacy
undies. Oops, that might have been a bit "over the top" if you know what
I mean.
Tomorrow, somewhere in the state made famous by a chunck of cheese.
Doctor J. R. (James) Gaustad will celebrate the anniversary of his
birth. Doc Gaustad started his "practice" (eventually he did get pretty
good at it) in an office over the Zelda Theater. Rumor has it he watched
a lot of movies back then as well. In 1952 Doc seen the opportunity
(pardon the pun) in 1952, to move his office to the Kutz building.
Anyway, Dr. Gaustad has been enjoying retirement for the past several
years spending time surfing the internet for valuable information he is
more than happy to share with the afternoon coffee group.
I have always admired Doc's interest and concern for the community he
resides in, and, for the past few years I have admired his aggressive
approach to modern technology & electronics. (computers)
Dr. Gaustad, who to a great extent due to Sally's fabulous cooking and
Motherly guidance, will enjoy the first day of his 80th year, tomorrow
Sat., January 28.
Happy Birthday Dr. Gaustad, from Patty and Gary and the entire Moe gene
We shook dice while you were gone Doc, and you ended up buying
coffee,...and cookies,....and cake,....and two pieces of pie for a
couple we've never met before.
The Gazette works best. when the folks that read it, right it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The Grafton
National Bank Bookkeeping Department.
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 37/22
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-3
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Until the past few weeks, I was under the impression that the practice
of cloning people was illegal. Lately, however, I have begun to realize
the art of cloning has been going on for many, many years. Obviously it
hasn't been completely perfected yet, although progress of the process
is evidenced with close observation.
The fact, with few exceptions, that every Democrat thinks exactly like
every other Democrat, and every Republican mimics every other republican
in the Alito confirmation hearings is very close to absolute cloning. I
think, anyway.
I also wonder. Why in Gods beautiful green earth (in the summertime) is
that position established for a lifetime anyway? Reduce the term limits
and the myriad of "issues" will be reduce as well. Or so it seems to me.
I mentioned I have been "gleaning" previous copies of the Walsh County
Record. The more I read those copies, the more I appreciate the efforts
of the Records earlier staff and management.
I particularly like the earlier format for local and area news. It
reads as interesting now, as it did over fifty years ago.
I also seem to notice that every edition, certainly most, contain
pictures of beautiful women. I'm lead to believe that even back then,
the Record staff realized the value of publishing pictures of ladies
with a pleasing appearance. (That's probably a more politically correct
Anyway, the December 9, 1954 edition was no exception. That particular
issue, featured five such local ladies. All from the bookkeeping
department of the Grafton National Bank.
Doris Thompson, Germaine Collette, Carol Berg, Verna Hegranes and Elda
Peterson were all pictured in the banks advertisement with the intent
that the public would become better acquainted with the banks friendly
staff and competent services.
Use water, not milk, when making scrambled eggs or omelettes. Milk
doesn't blend with eggs, and will make them watery. Water makes them
It may be a bit ironic, however, the above information about eggs, was
taken from an abbreviated 2006 Farmers Almanac being handed out by staff
members of the Wells Fargo Bank Corporations insurance department -
formally (in town anyway) the Grafton National Bank.
It's just a personal opinion, but I think they should go back to using
the Records earlier presentations of their aesthetically pleasing staff.
If you happened to be watching the Larry King show last night. You must
have heard the lady from Grafton North Dakota ask a question about a
"smoking gun". I was reading the Grafton National Bank ad at the time
and missed most of it. I think she was wondering why the whole world is
running around with their boxers in a bunch just because James Frey
wrote a book that was absolutely fact. Maybe they should simply make
Frey a Senator from Disneyland. They could flip a coin to decide whether
he'd be a Republican or a Democrat. The confirmation hearing shouldn't
take very long. He can already cheat, lie, and "cook the books" with the
best of them.
Of course, if he should get stuck up in the chappaquitic country. He
may need training on getting out of a sinking vehicle and hiding lacy
undies. Oops, that might have been a bit "over the top" if you know what
I mean.
Tomorrow, somewhere in the state made famous by a chunck of cheese.
Doctor J. R. (James) Gaustad will celebrate the anniversary of his
birth. Doc Gaustad started his "practice" (eventually he did get pretty
good at it) in an office over the Zelda Theater. Rumor has it he watched
a lot of movies back then as well. In 1952 Doc seen the opportunity
(pardon the pun) in 1952, to move his office to the Kutz building.
Anyway, Dr. Gaustad has been enjoying retirement for the past several
years spending time surfing the internet for valuable information he is
more than happy to share with the afternoon coffee group.
I have always admired Doc's interest and concern for the community he
resides in, and, for the past few years I have admired his aggressive
approach to modern technology & electronics. (computers)
Dr. Gaustad, who to a great extent due to Sally's fabulous cooking and
Motherly guidance, will enjoy the first day of his 80th year, tomorrow
Sat., January 28.
Happy Birthday Dr. Gaustad, from Patty and Gary and the entire Moe gene
We shook dice while you were gone Doc, and you ended up buying
coffee,...and cookies,....and cake,....and two pieces of pie for a
couple we've never met before.
The Gazette works best. when the folks that read it, right it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
January 26, 2006 - Thursday
Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by DEZEH'S Gift Shop. Located in Ted Hoffman's Zelda Theater building.
The current temperature is 23 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 25/4
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-4
The forecast for tomorrow is upper 30's to the lower 40 degree's.
That's darn near warm enough for the snowbirds to start leaving their
southern nests.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
At one point in yesterdays Gazette I said, "There is no shame in
needing help. The real shame is not helping those in need." I said it,
because I truely believe it. Now for the hard part. I also mentioned in
yesterdays Gazette that a load of building material came to town from
the "save big money at Menards" store. I find that interesting.
For me it poses the question. Who is saving big money, and for whom,...and, who will lose their job and ultimately their home because of it?
Maybe this would be a good point to interject the fact that often,..
almost always, I find myself driving all the way uptown to get various
items of the hardware variety simply because I believe "our" locally
owned hardware store "needs" every nickels worth of business he can get. (and I should add, he deserves it) (I might also add that our house is
less that a block away from a large discount department store)
Yesterday afternoon, and I won't use names, it's the idea that's
important, I noticed another Menards truck in town saving "someone" BIG money. The irony? This time it appeared to be delivering it's load of
"stuff" to a business that is in the business of handling local rental
properties of various descriptions for use by local people. The tenants
of which, I suspect, for the most part, are hoping to make enough money
to pay the rent working in the very community that is spending their
money "saving big money" 40 miles away.
Where is the logic?
As stated before, "It is not a shame to need help" So, I am asking for
someone to help me understand the logic. Oh I know, everyone does "some" shopping out of town, certainly I do.
However, I've also stated that there is really nothing in "our" humble little community that can't be purchase "somewhere" cheaper, in many cases much cheaper. That being the case. Why would, or should anyone waste their hard earned money by spending it in "our" home town? When all they have to do is drive a few miles more, and "save big money".
Because,..I think as I said the other day. IT ISN'T YOUR TOWN -- IT'S YOU.
Or so it seems to me.
Sorry, this one got a bit longer than I would have planned,..if I had
planned it.
To know what is right, and then not do it. Is the worst form of
The mention that Mildred and Bennie Molde was adding another diaper dumper gave Susan Conway cause to send the following note.
>>> Hi Gary,
What a nice surprise to see Marcia's note to you and them see the 1948 November Molde birth, that was me. -- Looking forward to the class of 1966 reunion this summer. Can't believe it has been 40
years…enjoying reading The Gazette Thanks Gary, Susan <<<
Thank for caring and sharing Susan. I think you will find your humble little community much different when you arrive for this summers celebration.
All it took yesterday was the mention that Ted LaMont had surgery and was reopening his barber shop for Sharon to decide to write.
>>> Hi Gary...
I see my Grandpa Ted had surgery back in 1948 as told in your last
Gazette!!...now just to try to figure out what the heck was wrong with
the ol' Barber...I'll have to do some family research and see why
exactly he had surgery!!...he really loved that Barber Shop in
Grafton and would tell my Dad (Gordy LaMont) and Dad's siblings
how he (Ted) would cut hair for trade...chicken, eggs, beef,
clothes...you name it!!...people stuck together back in the Depression
and it didn't matter what kind of trade it was, as long as people were
surviving was ALL that mattered to the folks!!
My mother still tells the tale (with a tear in her eye) on how her father (Charles Greskowiak, Minto) did not have any money to buy Christmas presents one year...so the family just all sat around together in the old, small, rickety farm house they called 'home', singing carols gathered
together in love around a custom decorated, winter weathered tree branch they called their christmas tree...Mother said all her father could do was sob with a painfully broken heart for not having anything for
his children for Christmas, but was also very blessed knowing he had
such a wonderful family around him celebrating that special night....
funny how that story came out...was only going to comment on my
Grandpa Ted...ha ha...thanks for all the great Gazettes...we (your
Gazette Family) really appreciate them!!...Sharon LaMont :) <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sharon. Also, thank you for sharing memories of a special part of your world with "us".
I am pleased to welcome another new Gazette family member. The
following note will go in the subscription file. (that's the drawer on
the right side of my desk.)
>>> Hi Gary, a friend has been forwarding your fun newsletter to me
frequently, and I think it is time that I subscribe. I have enjoyed
reading about Louis Stamus who used to go duck hunting with my dad, Hans Torkelson. Suzanne Burns' memories of the Nelson Drug were great.
Not long ago I was thinking of Marie and I couldn't come up with her
name. Where did she ever come from? I can't recall Mrs. Rudnik. I only remember Josephine Rudnik in the Fabric Department at Reylecks who rarely smiled. Earl's Five Cent Shoe Sale was such fun but not as much fun as the Reylecks Sale. I still miss Reylecks when I visit Grafton.
Please let me know if there is a subscription charge, Gary.
Eileen Claseman Baardson, Tucson, AZ <<<
Thank you so much for allowing my "babble" in your world. With higher fuel costs, the increase in electrical fees, computer
maintenance cost escalating in double digit figures, not to mention
higher labor, and insurance rates. We (the Gazette staff) feel "our"
rates must keep pace with the changing times.
To that end we have decided to set this years subscription rates at a
level at least equivalent to the value of the Gazette.
Currently, that would be nothing - zero.
We are willing to break that down into three easy payments of nope, none, nothing. And, if you will promise to tell a friend, we'll through in an extra misspelled word or two.
This part is serious, we all owe our service men and women a
significant debt of gratitude. Without them "our" streets would most
certainly be full of sheetheaded tyrants, with hoods covering their
face, sporting granade launchers and forcing women to do things even
dogs don't do.
Hence, I am pleased to pass on the following message from retired Navy cousin Dean Sevigny. I believe it is fairly self explanatory.
>>> Gary
I was reading an article in the latest Navy Times last night and
I came across an article that I know may be of interest to many of your
readers that have either had or now have relatives, family, fathers
etc.. in the US Navy. This article explains that the Navy Memorial
which is located in the Nations Capitol is interested in getting as many
sailors both past and present logged into their data base for all
eternity. The Navy Memorial in DC is a terrific site to behold and
visit while in the nations capitol.
This is simple and would offer closure to families of those that have served and have went on to a better place and it would also offer a chance to those now serving to have their records entered into a great memorial for all to see. This offer used to cost $50.00 to those wishing to enter their information but is now free until this summer. Thanks for letting me bend you ear. I knew that if I got the information to you it would stand a chance of getting out to the public. Thanks again.
Navy Memorial wants service records — no charge.
Your Navy career can now be preserved for all time — for free.
The U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., is asking
active-duty, Reserve, former or retired members of the Navy, Marine
Corps and Coast Guard to put their records of service online for all to
"This is the core of what we are about at the Navy Memorial," said Rear Adm. Rick Buchanan, a retired submariner who heads the Navy Memorial Foundation. "Our mission is to honor those who have served or who are serving today."
Buchanan said the offer is good until July 2006 and saves people the
usual cost of $50 the organization normally charges to enshrine a
person's record and photograph in the system.
The Web-based registry includes records of service from more than
340,000 past and present service members. It can be searched at
www.lonesailor.org/ log_intro.php.
An individual's entry in the log usually contains the person's name and
rate or rank, as well as listing the names and dates for all his duty
Sailors can enter their own service in the log and are encouraged to
enter relatives as well, Buchanan said.
In addition, people also can write their own sea stories and have them
linked to their log entries.
"That's what most sailors do when they get together with their
shipmates, they tell sea stories," Buchanan said. "We want to capture
those shared experiences and preserve them for posterity."
— Mark D. Faram <<<
Thanks again Dean, I'm sure some of "our" family members will find the information interesting and take advantage of the offer.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
P.S. As always I invite, and encourage anothers point of view. Whether
expressed to me confidentially, to share with the group, and with or
without your signature.
"It's the actual exchange of information that keeps us informed. Not
simply the thought of it." Gary
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by DEZEH'S Gift Shop. Located in Ted Hoffman's Zelda Theater building.
The current temperature is 23 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 25/4
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-4
The forecast for tomorrow is upper 30's to the lower 40 degree's.
That's darn near warm enough for the snowbirds to start leaving their
southern nests.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
At one point in yesterdays Gazette I said, "There is no shame in
needing help. The real shame is not helping those in need." I said it,
because I truely believe it. Now for the hard part. I also mentioned in
yesterdays Gazette that a load of building material came to town from
the "save big money at Menards" store. I find that interesting.
For me it poses the question. Who is saving big money, and for whom,...and, who will lose their job and ultimately their home because of it?
Maybe this would be a good point to interject the fact that often,..
almost always, I find myself driving all the way uptown to get various
items of the hardware variety simply because I believe "our" locally
owned hardware store "needs" every nickels worth of business he can get. (and I should add, he deserves it) (I might also add that our house is
less that a block away from a large discount department store)
Yesterday afternoon, and I won't use names, it's the idea that's
important, I noticed another Menards truck in town saving "someone" BIG money. The irony? This time it appeared to be delivering it's load of
"stuff" to a business that is in the business of handling local rental
properties of various descriptions for use by local people. The tenants
of which, I suspect, for the most part, are hoping to make enough money
to pay the rent working in the very community that is spending their
money "saving big money" 40 miles away.
Where is the logic?
As stated before, "It is not a shame to need help" So, I am asking for
someone to help me understand the logic. Oh I know, everyone does "some" shopping out of town, certainly I do.
However, I've also stated that there is really nothing in "our" humble little community that can't be purchase "somewhere" cheaper, in many cases much cheaper. That being the case. Why would, or should anyone waste their hard earned money by spending it in "our" home town? When all they have to do is drive a few miles more, and "save big money".
Because,..I think as I said the other day. IT ISN'T YOUR TOWN -- IT'S YOU.
Or so it seems to me.
Sorry, this one got a bit longer than I would have planned,..if I had
planned it.
To know what is right, and then not do it. Is the worst form of
The mention that Mildred and Bennie Molde was adding another diaper dumper gave Susan Conway cause to send the following note.
>>> Hi Gary,
What a nice surprise to see Marcia's note to you and them see the 1948 November Molde birth, that was me. -- Looking forward to the class of 1966 reunion this summer. Can't believe it has been 40
years…enjoying reading The Gazette Thanks Gary, Susan <<<
Thank for caring and sharing Susan. I think you will find your humble little community much different when you arrive for this summers celebration.
All it took yesterday was the mention that Ted LaMont had surgery and was reopening his barber shop for Sharon to decide to write.
>>> Hi Gary...
I see my Grandpa Ted had surgery back in 1948 as told in your last
Gazette!!...now just to try to figure out what the heck was wrong with
the ol' Barber...I'll have to do some family research and see why
exactly he had surgery!!...he really loved that Barber Shop in
Grafton and would tell my Dad (Gordy LaMont) and Dad's siblings
how he (Ted) would cut hair for trade...chicken, eggs, beef,
clothes...you name it!!...people stuck together back in the Depression
and it didn't matter what kind of trade it was, as long as people were
surviving was ALL that mattered to the folks!!
My mother still tells the tale (with a tear in her eye) on how her father (Charles Greskowiak, Minto) did not have any money to buy Christmas presents one year...so the family just all sat around together in the old, small, rickety farm house they called 'home', singing carols gathered
together in love around a custom decorated, winter weathered tree branch they called their christmas tree...Mother said all her father could do was sob with a painfully broken heart for not having anything for
his children for Christmas, but was also very blessed knowing he had
such a wonderful family around him celebrating that special night....
funny how that story came out...was only going to comment on my
Grandpa Ted...ha ha...thanks for all the great Gazettes...we (your
Gazette Family) really appreciate them!!...Sharon LaMont :) <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sharon. Also, thank you for sharing memories of a special part of your world with "us".
I am pleased to welcome another new Gazette family member. The
following note will go in the subscription file. (that's the drawer on
the right side of my desk.)
>>> Hi Gary, a friend has been forwarding your fun newsletter to me
frequently, and I think it is time that I subscribe. I have enjoyed
reading about Louis Stamus who used to go duck hunting with my dad, Hans Torkelson. Suzanne Burns' memories of the Nelson Drug were great.
Not long ago I was thinking of Marie and I couldn't come up with her
name. Where did she ever come from? I can't recall Mrs. Rudnik. I only remember Josephine Rudnik in the Fabric Department at Reylecks who rarely smiled. Earl's Five Cent Shoe Sale was such fun but not as much fun as the Reylecks Sale. I still miss Reylecks when I visit Grafton.
Please let me know if there is a subscription charge, Gary.
Eileen Claseman Baardson, Tucson, AZ <<<
Thank you so much for allowing my "babble" in your world. With higher fuel costs, the increase in electrical fees, computer
maintenance cost escalating in double digit figures, not to mention
higher labor, and insurance rates. We (the Gazette staff) feel "our"
rates must keep pace with the changing times.
To that end we have decided to set this years subscription rates at a
level at least equivalent to the value of the Gazette.
Currently, that would be nothing - zero.
We are willing to break that down into three easy payments of nope, none, nothing. And, if you will promise to tell a friend, we'll through in an extra misspelled word or two.
This part is serious, we all owe our service men and women a
significant debt of gratitude. Without them "our" streets would most
certainly be full of sheetheaded tyrants, with hoods covering their
face, sporting granade launchers and forcing women to do things even
dogs don't do.
Hence, I am pleased to pass on the following message from retired Navy cousin Dean Sevigny. I believe it is fairly self explanatory.
>>> Gary
I was reading an article in the latest Navy Times last night and
I came across an article that I know may be of interest to many of your
readers that have either had or now have relatives, family, fathers
etc.. in the US Navy. This article explains that the Navy Memorial
which is located in the Nations Capitol is interested in getting as many
sailors both past and present logged into their data base for all
eternity. The Navy Memorial in DC is a terrific site to behold and
visit while in the nations capitol.
This is simple and would offer closure to families of those that have served and have went on to a better place and it would also offer a chance to those now serving to have their records entered into a great memorial for all to see. This offer used to cost $50.00 to those wishing to enter their information but is now free until this summer. Thanks for letting me bend you ear. I knew that if I got the information to you it would stand a chance of getting out to the public. Thanks again.
Navy Memorial wants service records — no charge.
Your Navy career can now be preserved for all time — for free.
The U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., is asking
active-duty, Reserve, former or retired members of the Navy, Marine
Corps and Coast Guard to put their records of service online for all to
"This is the core of what we are about at the Navy Memorial," said Rear Adm. Rick Buchanan, a retired submariner who heads the Navy Memorial Foundation. "Our mission is to honor those who have served or who are serving today."
Buchanan said the offer is good until July 2006 and saves people the
usual cost of $50 the organization normally charges to enshrine a
person's record and photograph in the system.
The Web-based registry includes records of service from more than
340,000 past and present service members. It can be searched at
www.lonesailor.org/ log_intro.php.
An individual's entry in the log usually contains the person's name and
rate or rank, as well as listing the names and dates for all his duty
Sailors can enter their own service in the log and are encouraged to
enter relatives as well, Buchanan said.
In addition, people also can write their own sea stories and have them
linked to their log entries.
"That's what most sailors do when they get together with their
shipmates, they tell sea stories," Buchanan said. "We want to capture
those shared experiences and preserve them for posterity."
— Mark D. Faram <<<
Thanks again Dean, I'm sure some of "our" family members will find the information interesting and take advantage of the offer.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
P.S. As always I invite, and encourage anothers point of view. Whether
expressed to me confidentially, to share with the group, and with or
without your signature.
"It's the actual exchange of information that keeps us informed. Not
simply the thought of it." Gary
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
January 25, 2006 - Wednesday
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Gambles, "the
friendly store."
The current temperature is 14 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 36/10
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-4
The High on this date in 1973 was 41
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Today is "our" areas first full day observance of Raumin gone.
Every year, around this time, Jerry agrees to let Ina drag him away from
Granny's long enough to get reacquainted with their son and
grandchildren in California.
As we prepared to shake for coffee this morning, someone asked, "where's Jerry?", to which he was answered, "Raumin's gone".
We shook, Denny lost, life goes on and life is good.
Marcia sent the following "memory" of Reyleck's.
>>> Hi Gary,
The mentioning of Reyleck's sure brought back some memories for me. I
remember waiting for the big Reyleck's sale and standing out side
waiting to get in.
My mom and I would go in and Harriet Callahan would be ready at the
counter with the charge slip written out to Bennie Molde, my dad would
get the bill and he would say oh the Reylecks sale must be on. That was
the good old days. It was a good place to buy clothes and shoes and I
sure miss that store.
Keep the good work.
Marcia Molde Seeba <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Marcia.
It's sometimes funny how "things" work. About the same time you sent your note. I was reading a November 1948 edition of the Record. Listed on the front page was several birth reports. One of them was for the birth of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Molde on Nov. 17. The Ed LeQuire family
added a daughter to their diaper needs list on the 21 of Nov as well.
Aren't memories wonderful?
I received the following "food for thought" note yesterday as well.
>>> Remember when Grafton was self sufficient, and a trip to Grand
Forks was a bi-yearly occasion? <<<
Yes I do, although it's getting more difficult every year.
Speaking of memories. (Nov. 1948) Ted LaMont, after having undergone an operation sometime earlier reported he was re-opening Ted's Barber Shop located above the fashion shop.
It's always wonderful hearing nice things about "our" community, It's
especially fun hearing from members of "our" extended family.
Hank Hanson wrote:
>>> Subject: the hockey arena
I have been receiving your newsletter from a friend in Grafton and I
thought that I would write to you saying GOOD JOB.
But the real reason for me writing is that I was at the hockey
game when Grafton played Fargo, I was surprised at how well the place
looked this year. Last year I had attended a game and couldn't
believe the smell as you walked in the doors. I know you are a person
on good appearances and I think the rest of your family should know or
make note of the job well done there.
Thanks again Gary for all the past history on your wonderful town.
Hank <<<
Thank you Hank, for caring and sharing. I'm confident the
people responsible for the change will get your message as well.
I received a bit more information on the upcoming benefit for Bill
>>> Sorry that you couldn't look at the poster I sent. It is a cake and
Ice cream benefit for Bill Johnson February 19th from 2-4pm at Our
Saviours Church Grafton. Thanks a bunch. <<<
Thanks so much for caring and sharing. I hope someone will "remind me" again as we get closer to the date. "There is no shame in needing help. The real shame, is not helping those in need."
Todays Gazette is dedicated to Gambles, "the friendly store".
Certainly many, very likely most, of us have fond memories of the Gambles store in Grafton. The list of Gambles employees would read like a small town phone book.
I'm pleased I can enjoy coffee often with Jac Jacobson, a former
manager of Gambles. (especially when he buys) I am surprised at the
significant "volume" of advertisements Gambles had in early editions of
the Walsh County Record.
One only has to read a few editions of the Record from the late 40's
and early 50's to appreciate the tremendous advantages a small community
can realize when it patronizes it's own local businesses.
Our local business community, "our" local citizens, and, I believe,
"our" local paper, could learn much buy studying the past to gain the
insight, to re-invent the future. Or so it seems to me.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
P.S. That giant load of "Menards" building materials that came into town the other day, was probably donated to the city of Grafton. It wouldn't seem
logical for anyone to expect local folks to patronize folks that don't
patronize them. Would it?
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Gambles, "the
friendly store."
The current temperature is 14 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 36/10
Normal H/L temp for this date is 16/-4
The High on this date in 1973 was 41
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Today is "our" areas first full day observance of Raumin gone.
Every year, around this time, Jerry agrees to let Ina drag him away from
Granny's long enough to get reacquainted with their son and
grandchildren in California.
As we prepared to shake for coffee this morning, someone asked, "where's Jerry?", to which he was answered, "Raumin's gone".
We shook, Denny lost, life goes on and life is good.
Marcia sent the following "memory" of Reyleck's.
>>> Hi Gary,
The mentioning of Reyleck's sure brought back some memories for me. I
remember waiting for the big Reyleck's sale and standing out side
waiting to get in.
My mom and I would go in and Harriet Callahan would be ready at the
counter with the charge slip written out to Bennie Molde, my dad would
get the bill and he would say oh the Reylecks sale must be on. That was
the good old days. It was a good place to buy clothes and shoes and I
sure miss that store.
Keep the good work.
Marcia Molde Seeba <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Marcia.
It's sometimes funny how "things" work. About the same time you sent your note. I was reading a November 1948 edition of the Record. Listed on the front page was several birth reports. One of them was for the birth of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Molde on Nov. 17. The Ed LeQuire family
added a daughter to their diaper needs list on the 21 of Nov as well.
Aren't memories wonderful?
I received the following "food for thought" note yesterday as well.
>>> Remember when Grafton was self sufficient, and a trip to Grand
Forks was a bi-yearly occasion? <<<
Yes I do, although it's getting more difficult every year.
Speaking of memories. (Nov. 1948) Ted LaMont, after having undergone an operation sometime earlier reported he was re-opening Ted's Barber Shop located above the fashion shop.
It's always wonderful hearing nice things about "our" community, It's
especially fun hearing from members of "our" extended family.
Hank Hanson wrote:
>>> Subject: the hockey arena
I have been receiving your newsletter from a friend in Grafton and I
thought that I would write to you saying GOOD JOB.
But the real reason for me writing is that I was at the hockey
game when Grafton played Fargo, I was surprised at how well the place
looked this year. Last year I had attended a game and couldn't
believe the smell as you walked in the doors. I know you are a person
on good appearances and I think the rest of your family should know or
make note of the job well done there.
Thanks again Gary for all the past history on your wonderful town.
Hank <<<
Thank you Hank, for caring and sharing. I'm confident the
people responsible for the change will get your message as well.
I received a bit more information on the upcoming benefit for Bill
>>> Sorry that you couldn't look at the poster I sent. It is a cake and
Ice cream benefit for Bill Johnson February 19th from 2-4pm at Our
Saviours Church Grafton. Thanks a bunch. <<<
Thanks so much for caring and sharing. I hope someone will "remind me" again as we get closer to the date. "There is no shame in needing help. The real shame, is not helping those in need."
Todays Gazette is dedicated to Gambles, "the friendly store".
Certainly many, very likely most, of us have fond memories of the Gambles store in Grafton. The list of Gambles employees would read like a small town phone book.
I'm pleased I can enjoy coffee often with Jac Jacobson, a former
manager of Gambles. (especially when he buys) I am surprised at the
significant "volume" of advertisements Gambles had in early editions of
the Walsh County Record.
One only has to read a few editions of the Record from the late 40's
and early 50's to appreciate the tremendous advantages a small community
can realize when it patronizes it's own local businesses.
Our local business community, "our" local citizens, and, I believe,
"our" local paper, could learn much buy studying the past to gain the
insight, to re-invent the future. Or so it seems to me.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
P.S. That giant load of "Menards" building materials that came into town the other day, was probably donated to the city of Grafton. It wouldn't seem
logical for anyone to expect local folks to patronize folks that don't
patronize them. Would it?
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
January 24, 2006 - Tuesday
Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The Main Bar ---
James McFarland and Everett Erickson.
The current temperature is 34 degrees with the wind blowing Canadian Maple Leaves down Hill Avenue over he speed limit.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 39/6
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
Have you noticed that our "normal"low temp is starting to come up?Our daylight hours are also starting to get noticeably longer.
Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Sometimes the forecast is right, sometimes it's almost right, and then
there's days like yesterday. The forecast called for winter "like"
weather, and a winter storm warning all in the same day. They got it
half right, for awhile yesterday it did feel like winter, and, we did
get some snow along with gusty winds. They forgot to tell us we would
need a raincoat this morning to shovel the snow off the driveway. Yup a
good old fashioned January rain in North Dakota. Maybe there is
something to this global warming business.
Not much new on Main street, or any other street for that matter. Still
no word yet on when the Pizza Hut is going to re-open. There seems to be a bunch of vehicles around Stan Pastorek’s new Reds Sports Bar (formerly Shananigan’s) but no firm date on startup of the facility either.
The new Taco Shop (that name, and business, is purely a guess) in the Castle properties building seems to be on hold for the past several days as well. It may be that they're waiting or "stuff" to come in.
The other day I mentioned Earls 5 cent shoe sale. Ralph responded with the following note.
>>> Gary, your note on Earl's shoe sale reminds me of the last pair of Red Wing boots I bought from Murphy Callahan in Reyleck's. Always bought them during Reyleck's famous sales. Anyway, I always looked for Murphy and told him I needed new boots. Usually he would reach under the counter and pull my size out cause he knew I would be there. I asked him how much and I think he said something like $105. Told him I just wanted a pair of boots, not the whole store. Murphy said, "I knew you were going to say that".
Always fun to buy from someone you knew appreciated your business.
Remember those Reyleck's sales? I think everyone in Walsh and Pembina County, and our neighbors in Minnesota passed through those doors. In the glory days you were lucky to find a parking spot within two blocks of the store.
The managers of Penney's and S&L couldn't wait for those sales. Said
that was when they did their best business, also. Have a good day, my
friend. Ralph Kingsbury <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Ralph. I too, bought most of my shoes from Murphy. He always seemed to know the shoes I "wanted", even when they weren't "really" the shoes I wanted, if you know what I mean.
Aren't memories wonderful?
Speaking of memories, Suzanne Burns sent the following:
>>> Like you and Ralph I guess I'll share my "middle of the night thoughts".
Last week I went to Ekatta's with my family. All in all it was a pleasant
experience, the food was good, and the prices were reasonable.
However, I glanced up at the south wall and there was a huge TV with
Charley Johnson relating the news for us.
I commented to my daughter -- "Where's Rose Sauer, Marie Patenaude (now there's a name from the past) and also Mrs. Rudnik?" Then I was thinking of Stella Thompson at the cash register (Stella by Starlight) and Sam Nelson and young Joel dispensing prescriptions. Ella Dahl was selling Cote makeup and Revlon lipstick on the other side of the store. I am sure your readers will help me with more names. We couldn't buy a "Little Dick" (that's a little dixie cup) for a dime but my granddaughters did have an ice cream Sundae at Ekattas. Also my egg salad sandwich came on a croissant which I am sure that Rose never heard of and it was excellent, but did not compare to Rose's. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Suzanne. I'm sure that old drug store has many more memories than prescriptions. I'll bet the list of names of the "girls" that used to make malts there would be longer than the soda counter they were served on.
I am sending out the following message in hopes that I might receive
more detailed information:
>>> Dear Gary, As the time draws nearer, would you please mention this benefit for Bill Johnson in the Gazette. Bill is from Nash and confined to a wheelchair. He needs the remote door control for his van so that he can be more independent. He still likes to get out and get around and that is so important to people. There may be people from out of this area who knows Bill and would like to help. Don't mention my
name, just that Our Saviour's let you know about the benefit. Keep up
the good work. <<<
I should add that the above note did come with an attachment that I am unable to open. If anyone has more information on this very worthwhile project for Bill. I will be very happy to share it
with "our" Gazette family.
This weeks Firefighters Calendar Draw winners:
1/23/2006 John H Riske $20.00
1/24/2006 Tim DeSautel * $20.00
1/25/2006 Michele Petron $20.00
1/26/2006 Randy Lietz $20.00
1/27/2006 Scott Forbord $20.00
1/28/2006 Dennis C Helt $20.00
1/29/2006 Tony Badalato $20.00
Congratulations to this weeks winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The Main Bar ---
James McFarland and Everett Erickson.
The current temperature is 34 degrees with the wind blowing Canadian Maple Leaves down Hill Avenue over he speed limit.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 39/6
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
Have you noticed that our "normal"low temp is starting to come up?Our daylight hours are also starting to get noticeably longer.
Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Sometimes the forecast is right, sometimes it's almost right, and then
there's days like yesterday. The forecast called for winter "like"
weather, and a winter storm warning all in the same day. They got it
half right, for awhile yesterday it did feel like winter, and, we did
get some snow along with gusty winds. They forgot to tell us we would
need a raincoat this morning to shovel the snow off the driveway. Yup a
good old fashioned January rain in North Dakota. Maybe there is
something to this global warming business.
Not much new on Main street, or any other street for that matter. Still
no word yet on when the Pizza Hut is going to re-open. There seems to be a bunch of vehicles around Stan Pastorek’s new Reds Sports Bar (formerly Shananigan’s) but no firm date on startup of the facility either.
The new Taco Shop (that name, and business, is purely a guess) in the Castle properties building seems to be on hold for the past several days as well. It may be that they're waiting or "stuff" to come in.
The other day I mentioned Earls 5 cent shoe sale. Ralph responded with the following note.
>>> Gary, your note on Earl's shoe sale reminds me of the last pair of Red Wing boots I bought from Murphy Callahan in Reyleck's. Always bought them during Reyleck's famous sales. Anyway, I always looked for Murphy and told him I needed new boots. Usually he would reach under the counter and pull my size out cause he knew I would be there. I asked him how much and I think he said something like $105. Told him I just wanted a pair of boots, not the whole store. Murphy said, "I knew you were going to say that".
Always fun to buy from someone you knew appreciated your business.
Remember those Reyleck's sales? I think everyone in Walsh and Pembina County, and our neighbors in Minnesota passed through those doors. In the glory days you were lucky to find a parking spot within two blocks of the store.
The managers of Penney's and S&L couldn't wait for those sales. Said
that was when they did their best business, also. Have a good day, my
friend. Ralph Kingsbury <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Ralph. I too, bought most of my shoes from Murphy. He always seemed to know the shoes I "wanted", even when they weren't "really" the shoes I wanted, if you know what I mean.
Aren't memories wonderful?
Speaking of memories, Suzanne Burns sent the following:
>>> Like you and Ralph I guess I'll share my "middle of the night thoughts".
Last week I went to Ekatta's with my family. All in all it was a pleasant
experience, the food was good, and the prices were reasonable.
However, I glanced up at the south wall and there was a huge TV with
Charley Johnson relating the news for us.
I commented to my daughter -- "Where's Rose Sauer, Marie Patenaude (now there's a name from the past) and also Mrs. Rudnik?" Then I was thinking of Stella Thompson at the cash register (Stella by Starlight) and Sam Nelson and young Joel dispensing prescriptions. Ella Dahl was selling Cote makeup and Revlon lipstick on the other side of the store. I am sure your readers will help me with more names. We couldn't buy a "Little Dick" (that's a little dixie cup) for a dime but my granddaughters did have an ice cream Sundae at Ekattas. Also my egg salad sandwich came on a croissant which I am sure that Rose never heard of and it was excellent, but did not compare to Rose's. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Suzanne. I'm sure that old drug store has many more memories than prescriptions. I'll bet the list of names of the "girls" that used to make malts there would be longer than the soda counter they were served on.
I am sending out the following message in hopes that I might receive
more detailed information:
>>> Dear Gary, As the time draws nearer, would you please mention this benefit for Bill Johnson in the Gazette. Bill is from Nash and confined to a wheelchair. He needs the remote door control for his van so that he can be more independent. He still likes to get out and get around and that is so important to people. There may be people from out of this area who knows Bill and would like to help. Don't mention my
name, just that Our Saviour's let you know about the benefit. Keep up
the good work. <<<
I should add that the above note did come with an attachment that I am unable to open. If anyone has more information on this very worthwhile project for Bill. I will be very happy to share it
with "our" Gazette family.
This weeks Firefighters Calendar Draw winners:
1/23/2006 John H Riske $20.00
1/24/2006 Tim DeSautel * $20.00
1/25/2006 Michele Petron $20.00
1/26/2006 Randy Lietz $20.00
1/27/2006 Scott Forbord $20.00
1/28/2006 Dennis C Helt $20.00
1/29/2006 Tony Badalato $20.00
Congratulations to this weeks winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
January 23, 2006 - Monday
Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Leslie Anderson’s Orchestra.
The current temperature is 20 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 12/3
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
Have you noticed that our normal daily average low temperature has risen one degree over the weekend?
We received about 5 inches of snowcat dust over the weekend. It sounds like 30 to 40 mile per hour winds are likely tonight adding the the inventory already stored in our shelterbelts.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Former governor Ed Schafer says using weather balloons to transmit cell phone signals sounds stupid. Finally,... the former governor and me agree. Unfortunately, he's prooting it anyway.
I can see it all now. I grab my cell phone off the dashboard of my
Henry-J and push the "direct dial" to Louie Lemms lake Lodge. Then a voice comes on the line and says, "please hold the line while we try and find Lemms line", followed by, "we're guessing we have a 50 percent chance of finding Lemms place before "your" balloon breaks."
Holy Smokers, have I had this nightmare once before?
Yup, it sure sounds like super duper technology to me. I guess it'll
give us one more reason not to look up. Sea Gulls are the first. It's
just an outside observation, however, it seems to me the national
weather service already has more than they can handle keeping all their own balls in the air. Now we're going to expect them to keep nine balloons in orbit too. Schafer says there's no steel or welding involved with the balloons. Just blow 'em up and let 'em go.... the balloons, I mean.
I thought last week was a slow news week. Judging by the Gazette's in basket, the weekend was even slower.
I do have one item from the "lost and not yet Found department.
It appears as though some low down dirty stinking rat-fink, stole Goofy and a snowman from the largest display in Leistikow Park. They shouldn't be hard to identify. Most likely, some dirty rotten doesn't give a dad burn about anyone else's property, will be standing, sitting, or living by the spot there hiding in.
I can see it now. Some crumbs mum will walk into his/her bedroom and ask, "where did you get that giant cutout of Frosty?"
To which, this mothers wonderful "innocent" young child might reply. Well mom, I won it. I guessed how many balls Frosty was made of, and I won it. To which "mom" might ask, then how about Goofy? To which, moms darling little angel would reply. YEH, I know,...it does sound Goofy, doesn't it?
The other day I mentioned if crazy things weren't running around in my head,...I was running to one. I was pleased to find I'm not the only one experiencing that phenomenon.
Todd wrote: >>> Gary, It's me Todd over at The Record. Being 38 I'm starting to experience not sleeping through the night. A lot of times I just toss and turn, but just about nightly I have to run to the can before I get up. The joys of getting older I guess.
The term head is used a lot in sailing or boating circles, people in the Navy know the term well, I guess. I just thought it was funny you referred to the bathroom as the head. I thought I was the only one here in the middle of the continent that knew what that term meant. wtm
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. If the
real truth be known. I was taking a slight bit of literary license with
the "head" thing. Then, as I gave the issue a little thought. I realized
that the boat that sits right here beside our house, actually has a
"head" in it. So there you are, and there you go.
From the "aren't memories wonderful" desk. Gary Fischer (the chemist not the banker) thought of this event after I mentioned my father-in-law Ray Demester's name.
He wrote: >>> I wonder if you remember this one.
Ray and sons tore down our old barn near Cashel. While they were working there one of the gang sent me looking for a "board stretcher".
I guess they were tired of me hanging around. I spent quite a bit of
time looking for that blamed thing. Never did find it.
<<< Thanks for caring and sharing Gary. I remember watching Ray go into the old coal shed behind the Grafton Drug with a grain shovel, and, after lots of banging and slamming, he come with it (the shovel) heaped with rats. He looked at Fred Carrico and said, "take these down to Stans their having a banquet tonight".
Fred actually took the shovel from Ray and started to walk towards Stans.
Just then one of the rats jumped off the shovel. Fred threw the shovel in the air and said, *&%*^#$%^##, as he was heading for the other side of town.
Actually, I think I cleaned that up
a bit, but you get the picture.
Aren't memories wonderful?
I really believe it is the exchange of memories and information that
gives reason to read the Gazette. "Our" youngest members are teenagers, the oldest is over ninety. Everyone should be able to share "something" within that range.
If you prefer to share your thoughts and not your name. Please say so and that's how it'll be.
Thank you for your support.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too late.
Today’s Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Leslie Anderson’s Orchestra.
The current temperature is 20 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 12/3
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
Have you noticed that our normal daily average low temperature has risen one degree over the weekend?
We received about 5 inches of snowcat dust over the weekend. It sounds like 30 to 40 mile per hour winds are likely tonight adding the the inventory already stored in our shelterbelts.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Former governor Ed Schafer says using weather balloons to transmit cell phone signals sounds stupid. Finally,... the former governor and me agree. Unfortunately, he's prooting it anyway.
I can see it all now. I grab my cell phone off the dashboard of my
Henry-J and push the "direct dial" to Louie Lemms lake Lodge. Then a voice comes on the line and says, "please hold the line while we try and find Lemms line", followed by, "we're guessing we have a 50 percent chance of finding Lemms place before "your" balloon breaks."
Holy Smokers, have I had this nightmare once before?
Yup, it sure sounds like super duper technology to me. I guess it'll
give us one more reason not to look up. Sea Gulls are the first. It's
just an outside observation, however, it seems to me the national
weather service already has more than they can handle keeping all their own balls in the air. Now we're going to expect them to keep nine balloons in orbit too. Schafer says there's no steel or welding involved with the balloons. Just blow 'em up and let 'em go.... the balloons, I mean.
I thought last week was a slow news week. Judging by the Gazette's in basket, the weekend was even slower.
I do have one item from the "lost and not yet Found department.
It appears as though some low down dirty stinking rat-fink, stole Goofy and a snowman from the largest display in Leistikow Park. They shouldn't be hard to identify. Most likely, some dirty rotten doesn't give a dad burn about anyone else's property, will be standing, sitting, or living by the spot there hiding in.
I can see it now. Some crumbs mum will walk into his/her bedroom and ask, "where did you get that giant cutout of Frosty?"
To which, this mothers wonderful "innocent" young child might reply. Well mom, I won it. I guessed how many balls Frosty was made of, and I won it. To which "mom" might ask, then how about Goofy? To which, moms darling little angel would reply. YEH, I know,...it does sound Goofy, doesn't it?
The other day I mentioned if crazy things weren't running around in my head,...I was running to one. I was pleased to find I'm not the only one experiencing that phenomenon.
Todd wrote: >>> Gary, It's me Todd over at The Record. Being 38 I'm starting to experience not sleeping through the night. A lot of times I just toss and turn, but just about nightly I have to run to the can before I get up. The joys of getting older I guess.
The term head is used a lot in sailing or boating circles, people in the Navy know the term well, I guess. I just thought it was funny you referred to the bathroom as the head. I thought I was the only one here in the middle of the continent that knew what that term meant. wtm
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. If the
real truth be known. I was taking a slight bit of literary license with
the "head" thing. Then, as I gave the issue a little thought. I realized
that the boat that sits right here beside our house, actually has a
"head" in it. So there you are, and there you go.
From the "aren't memories wonderful" desk. Gary Fischer (the chemist not the banker) thought of this event after I mentioned my father-in-law Ray Demester's name.
He wrote: >>> I wonder if you remember this one.
Ray and sons tore down our old barn near Cashel. While they were working there one of the gang sent me looking for a "board stretcher".
I guess they were tired of me hanging around. I spent quite a bit of
time looking for that blamed thing. Never did find it.
<<< Thanks for caring and sharing Gary. I remember watching Ray go into the old coal shed behind the Grafton Drug with a grain shovel, and, after lots of banging and slamming, he come with it (the shovel) heaped with rats. He looked at Fred Carrico and said, "take these down to Stans their having a banquet tonight".
Fred actually took the shovel from Ray and started to walk towards Stans.
Just then one of the rats jumped off the shovel. Fred threw the shovel in the air and said, *&%*^#$%^##, as he was heading for the other side of town.
Actually, I think I cleaned that up
a bit, but you get the picture.
Aren't memories wonderful?
I really believe it is the exchange of memories and information that
gives reason to read the Gazette. "Our" youngest members are teenagers, the oldest is over ninety. Everyone should be able to share "something" within that range.
If you prefer to share your thoughts and not your name. Please say so and that's how it'll be.
Thank you for your support.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too late.
January 20, 2006 - Friday
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Boy Scott Troop 118.
The current temperature is nothing (zero)
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 28/14
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-5
Sami sure didn't spend much time "sniffing" around his favorite fire hydrant this morning.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Yesterday was a pretty slow news day. Tom Zidon responded to "our birthday wish for him. I'm sure most of you have seen the Dodge pickup ad on TV where Paul Bunyon drives away in a new pickup. It looks like it's possible, that Tom has found where Paul drove off to. He wrote: >>>
Thank you, Gary!
Being somewhat elderly I decided to hunt for a copy of my birth certificate. Had to send to a county in the state of Michigan. When my copy arrived I realized that the name of the doctor who delivered me was Dr. Paul C. Bunyon. That delivery took a big man!!!
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tom. If you should talk to him, tell him to bring that pickup back.
Anyway, because it is such a slow news day, I thought I'd pass on a few "items" from an earlier Walsh County Record.
---- ---- ---- ----
John Adams, Jerry Blanchard, Charles Eaton, Lloyd Everson Jr., Edward Kaehner, & James Michalski all received their tenderfoot ratings.
Lowell Anderson, John Peoples & Lee Kieley became second class scouts, and Merit badges went to: Ken Ganyo, Pioneering; home repair to James Kutz and Ken Ganyo; nature to Phillip Schmidt, Tom Numedahl, Ronald Rand, John Kutz, Robert Sando and Bill Lykken.
Congratulations guys, that all took place the 21 of Dec. 1954
Just the day before that, Ernest Larson slid up against a freight train at the Ardoch RR crossing. The engineer of the train didn't even know it happened and It doesn't sound like Ernie hurt much more than his pride, and wrinkle up the side of his car some. "I'm guessing", much like the guy at the Alexander Henry rest area, he probably filled his BVD's with
whatever he had for dinner that day too.
It seems "they" caught my father-in-law, Ray Demester working a few days before Christmas. He was a city Police Officer at the time and nabbed Wayne Russell, from Hoople for speeding, $20 & one coupon. Then Ray arrested Lawrence Evenson for Reckless driving, $35 & one coupon.
If the weeks report was correct, and I'm sure it was. It's proof positive that Bill Janousek couldn't have spent all his time sleeping on the corner of fifth and Hill either, as he nailed Robert Sten for reckless driving causing Mr. Sten to drop $35 in the city kitty.
---- ---- ---- ----
It seems there were several basketball games going on around the area that week as well.
Here's some of the final scores. 52-47, 65-30, 50-32,
65-37 and Minto whooped Alvarado 40 to 38. Vern Schanilec and Tom Moga both scored 13 points in that nailbiter.
The question about the name of Zinkes basement meeting room generated more interest that I would have thought.
Thanks to everyone that responded. The following is a few of the many.
>>> I'm guessing the DuRoCo room was something like: Duane, Ronald and Connie? Kinda the same concept as Al Taylor used..........
Here's another: Duane, Ronnie &
More later, gotta go back out to the "carnival" otherwise known as the Barrett-Jackson auction.......
Here's another: The name of his
kids were Duane Ron and Connie.......
and another: When I grew up we were neighbors of Zinke's on Hill Avenue. The name DUROCO is the first two letters of their children's names. Duane, Ronnie and Connie. My sister Ruth and I used to play with Connie a lot. Thanks for
the good memories.......
still another: Regarding Ralph Kingsbury's question about the DuRoCo name for the basement room of Al Zinke's Cafe; I would venture that this name was an acronym for his three kids - DUane, ROnnie, and COnnie!
Keep up the good work...... This'll be the last one on DuRoCo. I think everyone gets the picture....Since I am not familiar with the local names other than through you I can only guess at the source of the DuRoCo room and Bil-Vi-Dor Motel. Bil-Vi-Dor must have been named for Bill himself along with maybe his parents, Victor and Dorothy? DuRoCo for his children. Not sure about the Du...Duke comes to mind, Robert and Connie? I'm sure others can do much better guessing than I.
Have a great day!
<<< Thanks a million to everyone that responded. It
does make sitting here pounding out this pile of babble more worthwhile. For the record, not the Record. Bil-Vi-Dor is the acronym for Bill, his daughter Vicky, and his wife Doris.
Each time I send out the note about the "Spoilers" from Sauzanne Burns, I receive favorable comments. That was true again this time.
>>> Kathy wrote: Pass along my thanks too to Suzanne Burns for the story about how the Spoilers got there name. I have heard the story many times and never tire of it. And yes, I remember my high school years in the 60's trying to come up with a mascot or some kind of visual representation of a Spoiler. He wound up looking like a funny little man holding a pendant--not too dignified but rather inoffensive. In my mind though, the picture of a Spoiler is a 60's version of a high school basketball
player bounding onto the floor in the armory wearing warm ups that looked something like gold satin pajamas.
Kathee Carlson <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Kathee
Unfortunately, Earl's Family Shoe Store 5 cent sale is over. If you had been there during the sale, you could have gotten one pair of women's or growing girl's shoes for regular price. AND the second pair for ONLY 5 cents. I guess all those girl's that weren't growing, had to pay regular price. I guess we'll never know. Earl's sold out to Herbel's, Herbel's
sold out to Mathison's, then Mathison's sold out and eventually "our" town turned shoeless.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too late.
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Boy Scott Troop 118.
The current temperature is nothing (zero)
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 28/14
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-5
Sami sure didn't spend much time "sniffing" around his favorite fire hydrant this morning.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Yesterday was a pretty slow news day. Tom Zidon responded to "our birthday wish for him. I'm sure most of you have seen the Dodge pickup ad on TV where Paul Bunyon drives away in a new pickup. It looks like it's possible, that Tom has found where Paul drove off to. He wrote: >>>
Thank you, Gary!
Being somewhat elderly I decided to hunt for a copy of my birth certificate. Had to send to a county in the state of Michigan. When my copy arrived I realized that the name of the doctor who delivered me was Dr. Paul C. Bunyon. That delivery took a big man!!!
<<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Tom. If you should talk to him, tell him to bring that pickup back.
Anyway, because it is such a slow news day, I thought I'd pass on a few "items" from an earlier Walsh County Record.
---- ---- ---- ----
John Adams, Jerry Blanchard, Charles Eaton, Lloyd Everson Jr., Edward Kaehner, & James Michalski all received their tenderfoot ratings.
Lowell Anderson, John Peoples & Lee Kieley became second class scouts, and Merit badges went to: Ken Ganyo, Pioneering; home repair to James Kutz and Ken Ganyo; nature to Phillip Schmidt, Tom Numedahl, Ronald Rand, John Kutz, Robert Sando and Bill Lykken.
Congratulations guys, that all took place the 21 of Dec. 1954
Just the day before that, Ernest Larson slid up against a freight train at the Ardoch RR crossing. The engineer of the train didn't even know it happened and It doesn't sound like Ernie hurt much more than his pride, and wrinkle up the side of his car some. "I'm guessing", much like the guy at the Alexander Henry rest area, he probably filled his BVD's with
whatever he had for dinner that day too.
It seems "they" caught my father-in-law, Ray Demester working a few days before Christmas. He was a city Police Officer at the time and nabbed Wayne Russell, from Hoople for speeding, $20 & one coupon. Then Ray arrested Lawrence Evenson for Reckless driving, $35 & one coupon.
If the weeks report was correct, and I'm sure it was. It's proof positive that Bill Janousek couldn't have spent all his time sleeping on the corner of fifth and Hill either, as he nailed Robert Sten for reckless driving causing Mr. Sten to drop $35 in the city kitty.
---- ---- ---- ----
It seems there were several basketball games going on around the area that week as well.
Here's some of the final scores. 52-47, 65-30, 50-32,
65-37 and Minto whooped Alvarado 40 to 38. Vern Schanilec and Tom Moga both scored 13 points in that nailbiter.
The question about the name of Zinkes basement meeting room generated more interest that I would have thought.
Thanks to everyone that responded. The following is a few of the many.
>>> I'm guessing the DuRoCo room was something like: Duane, Ronald and Connie? Kinda the same concept as Al Taylor used..........
Here's another: Duane, Ronnie &
More later, gotta go back out to the "carnival" otherwise known as the Barrett-Jackson auction.......
Here's another: The name of his
kids were Duane Ron and Connie.......
and another: When I grew up we were neighbors of Zinke's on Hill Avenue. The name DUROCO is the first two letters of their children's names. Duane, Ronnie and Connie. My sister Ruth and I used to play with Connie a lot. Thanks for
the good memories.......
still another: Regarding Ralph Kingsbury's question about the DuRoCo name for the basement room of Al Zinke's Cafe; I would venture that this name was an acronym for his three kids - DUane, ROnnie, and COnnie!
Keep up the good work...... This'll be the last one on DuRoCo. I think everyone gets the picture....Since I am not familiar with the local names other than through you I can only guess at the source of the DuRoCo room and Bil-Vi-Dor Motel. Bil-Vi-Dor must have been named for Bill himself along with maybe his parents, Victor and Dorothy? DuRoCo for his children. Not sure about the Du...Duke comes to mind, Robert and Connie? I'm sure others can do much better guessing than I.
Have a great day!
<<< Thanks a million to everyone that responded. It
does make sitting here pounding out this pile of babble more worthwhile. For the record, not the Record. Bil-Vi-Dor is the acronym for Bill, his daughter Vicky, and his wife Doris.
Each time I send out the note about the "Spoilers" from Sauzanne Burns, I receive favorable comments. That was true again this time.
>>> Kathy wrote: Pass along my thanks too to Suzanne Burns for the story about how the Spoilers got there name. I have heard the story many times and never tire of it. And yes, I remember my high school years in the 60's trying to come up with a mascot or some kind of visual representation of a Spoiler. He wound up looking like a funny little man holding a pendant--not too dignified but rather inoffensive. In my mind though, the picture of a Spoiler is a 60's version of a high school basketball
player bounding onto the floor in the armory wearing warm ups that looked something like gold satin pajamas.
Kathee Carlson <<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Kathee
Unfortunately, Earl's Family Shoe Store 5 cent sale is over. If you had been there during the sale, you could have gotten one pair of women's or growing girl's shoes for regular price. AND the second pair for ONLY 5 cents. I guess all those girl's that weren't growing, had to pay regular price. I guess we'll never know. Earl's sold out to Herbel's, Herbel's
sold out to Mathison's, then Mathison's sold out and eventually "our" town turned shoeless.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too late.
January 6, 2006 - Friday
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Norman Russum.
The current temperature is 20 degrees. - We are continuing to experience unseasonably seasonal weather.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The cost of filling my snow blower with gas is up a dime again this
week. $2.30 is a real close average for the area petro stations.
Of course "our" local petroleum dealers don't have a darn thing to do
with the ultimate, roller-coaster, rates we see at the pumps. The folks
we're spending "billions" of dollars trying to convert,... do though.
Maybe, just maybe, if "our" politicians would spend as much time
addressing our countries issues, instead of stuffing lobbyist money in
their personal campaign rat holes, we'd all be a lot better off.
If,.. I had more than one opinion,...that would surely be one of them.
The latest report on "our" Ohio Fox hunters is, they had a good day
Wednesday. Fox seems to be the most abundant varmint so far. They also
planted a fair amount of doubt to the fact that a rabbits foot brings
good luck. Certainly not to the rabbits anyway. It also sounds like
Chuck will only "thin out" his beard, just in case the weather should
take a turn for the better (that would be the worst, for us city folks)
Although they didn't actually say so. By the way they come into
Granny's smiling and humming every morning. I have to believe they are
very satisfied with the Leonard Motels accommodations.
I following note, from Scott Hove, in general terms is the basis upon
which the Gazette was started. Scott Wrote: >>>
Greetings from Las Vegas! (Forecast for 1/5/06: 68 degrees)
A few days ago I got a message from Wally Gylten - former seventh
grade geography teacher who lives in Northwood. I believe he lived there
while teaching in Grafton for many years. He just wanted to touch base
and have a chance to visit. I remember all of my teachers from my time
in Grafton and all of them made an impact on me in a positive way. I was
able to tell Wally that and it meant alot to him. As did his call to a
former student! (My wife, who grew up in the urban metro of the Twin
Cities couldn't believe that a former teacher would do that. She said,
"that's another great thing about the small town atmosphere you grew up
Gary, you always say at the bottom of your Gazette: "Write if you can,
call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too
It's a very wise thing to do. To all my teachers and others in the
Grafton area, THANK YOU for the contributions you made to my life and to
that of others now living in the Grafton area and all around this
country (and world)! Your work made a difference in our lives!
Make 2006 a great year by telling the people who made an impact that
they did! It will be great for them to hear and for you to do.
End of sermon.
Scott Hove
<<< Thanks a million Scott, for caring and sharing. Your message is an important one. One I believe a few thousand Gazette members could, and should share as well. For more reasons than I am able to count. I have, in the past few years, tried very hard to share my appreciation of the people I share this world with.
For some reason, the act of telling people you care,.. that they're
important,.. and, that they have truly made your world a better place,
has given way to excuses for not doing just that. That,.. in my opinion
is a shame.
It has been a standard practice in our family to add three simple words
to the end of "good by" whenever and wherever we are.
The words, "I love you" means so much, and so easy to say. Every one
should do it, and make your loved ones day.
More than once since I started the Gazette, it's been suggested that I
not use my final "signature". It was a very important statement for me
when I started using it, and, it gains more importance to me each and
every day.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that write it, read it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Norman Russum.
The current temperature is 20 degrees. - We are continuing to experience unseasonably seasonal weather.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The cost of filling my snow blower with gas is up a dime again this
week. $2.30 is a real close average for the area petro stations.
Of course "our" local petroleum dealers don't have a darn thing to do
with the ultimate, roller-coaster, rates we see at the pumps. The folks
we're spending "billions" of dollars trying to convert,... do though.
Maybe, just maybe, if "our" politicians would spend as much time
addressing our countries issues, instead of stuffing lobbyist money in
their personal campaign rat holes, we'd all be a lot better off.
If,.. I had more than one opinion,...that would surely be one of them.
The latest report on "our" Ohio Fox hunters is, they had a good day
Wednesday. Fox seems to be the most abundant varmint so far. They also
planted a fair amount of doubt to the fact that a rabbits foot brings
good luck. Certainly not to the rabbits anyway. It also sounds like
Chuck will only "thin out" his beard, just in case the weather should
take a turn for the better (that would be the worst, for us city folks)
Although they didn't actually say so. By the way they come into
Granny's smiling and humming every morning. I have to believe they are
very satisfied with the Leonard Motels accommodations.
I following note, from Scott Hove, in general terms is the basis upon
which the Gazette was started. Scott Wrote: >>>
Greetings from Las Vegas! (Forecast for 1/5/06: 68 degrees)
A few days ago I got a message from Wally Gylten - former seventh
grade geography teacher who lives in Northwood. I believe he lived there
while teaching in Grafton for many years. He just wanted to touch base
and have a chance to visit. I remember all of my teachers from my time
in Grafton and all of them made an impact on me in a positive way. I was
able to tell Wally that and it meant alot to him. As did his call to a
former student! (My wife, who grew up in the urban metro of the Twin
Cities couldn't believe that a former teacher would do that. She said,
"that's another great thing about the small town atmosphere you grew up
Gary, you always say at the bottom of your Gazette: "Write if you can,
call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before it's too
It's a very wise thing to do. To all my teachers and others in the
Grafton area, THANK YOU for the contributions you made to my life and to
that of others now living in the Grafton area and all around this
country (and world)! Your work made a difference in our lives!
Make 2006 a great year by telling the people who made an impact that
they did! It will be great for them to hear and for you to do.
End of sermon.
Scott Hove
<<< Thanks a million Scott, for caring and sharing. Your message is an important one. One I believe a few thousand Gazette members could, and should share as well. For more reasons than I am able to count. I have, in the past few years, tried very hard to share my appreciation of the people I share this world with.
For some reason, the act of telling people you care,.. that they're
important,.. and, that they have truly made your world a better place,
has given way to excuses for not doing just that. That,.. in my opinion
is a shame.
It has been a standard practice in our family to add three simple words
to the end of "good by" whenever and wherever we are.
The words, "I love you" means so much, and so easy to say. Every one
should do it, and make your loved ones day.
More than once since I started the Gazette, it's been suggested that I
not use my final "signature". It was a very important statement for me
when I started using it, and, it gains more importance to me each and
every day.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that write it, read it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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