Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009 - Wednesday

04/29/09 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is coming to you direct from the very bottom of Lake
The current temperature is 48 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 57/31
Normal H/L temp for this date is 62/37
It was 90 degrees on this date in 1985
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The section of 5th street the runs past the Leistikow Park was opened
yesterday for the first time since the spring flood waters threatened
the sanity of some of Graftons residents. While driving past the park
the damage this years flood created in Leistikow is evident throughout
the park.
Aside from this years flood water effects on fences, playground
equipment and the parks pool and campground buildings, a thick layer of
"river sludge" that remains after the flood receded will require some
real serious attention as well.
(Flood,. natures method of waterboarding)
The Nash school closing gave Sue reason to share the following. >>>
Subject: Re: Nash School dissolution
Hi, Gary
Thanks for getting the info out about the Nash School. Some
of us have been talking about an all-class reunion. Due to the auction
scheduled for the end of May, a gathering during Summerfest is not going
to work out. There IS, however, an on-line reunion of sorts going on via
Facebook. Anyone can access Facebook & look for groups (Nash Reunion) or
contact me at
I would be more than happy to help out. ALSO, anyone with ideas about
an actual reunion can contact me, too. Thanks for your help! Sue
(Johnson) Votava - Class of '64 <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Sue. Please remember with the
reunion season just around the corner. The Heritage Village Theatre
Building is available for rent at $100 per day, any day of the week. To
schedule a date contact Verna Sherek at 701-520-1207. AND of course the
Grafton Armory facility is also for rent for a reasonable fee as well. I
understand the Armory is under the Parks and Recreation arm of city
government so they are the folks to contact if you would like to use
that building.
The parking lot at the new Simonson Neighborhood Store in Grafton has
jam packed been full of service trucks since Monday. With the increased
activity of late, the opening date can't be to far away.
I received the following note and caringbridge address for Richard
Thompson from his son Chris. >>>>
Just wanted to let you know that we have started a caring bridge site
for my dad. If anyone has any questions or just wants to give my parents
their best wishes they can go there.
Chris Thompson <<<<
Thanks a million Chris. It would be rare to go anywhere in town and not
hear folks talking and wondering how Richard is doing. Now they can go
to the caring bridge website listed above and find out.
Speaking of Richard, thanks a million Richard, I received your check
yesterday. Your ticket and one for Jim J. will both go in the barrel for
the baseball drawing.
If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus. It ought to be good enough for
Uncle Sam.
Next week is cleanup week in Grafton. I suspect many, if not most
communities will be doing the same thing in the next few weeks. It's a
great time to dispose of those items you no longer need or use.
If possible, when discarding those seemingly useless items, give some
thought to "displaying" them on the berm in such a fashion so that
others that might use them can see them.
I suspect, as always, exercise equipment of just about every
conceivable configuration possible will be among the most popular items
In some cases, I suspect the most excercise some of that equipment has
fostered was hauling them down in the basement when purchased and then
hauling them back upstairs and out on the berm a few years later.
If nothing else, Arlen Specter is proof positive that even though
politicians actually do believe the grass is always greenest on their
side of the fence, some politicians however, like Specter, believe they
can eat the grass on both sides.......
Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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