Thursday, April 02, 2009

April 2, 2009 - Tuesday

- - - - - BERNICE FLANAGAN - - - - -
The 2008 Polar Communications Business of the Year Award Recipient.
Bernice owns the Edinburg General Store.
"The Biggest Little General Store in ND"
The current temperature is 28 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 35/24
Normal H/L temp for this date is 45/25
It was 69 degrees on this date in 1910
The level of the Park River in Grafton was 9.0 this morning. Well below
flood stag.
Rumor has it Frosty the Snowman has bought a house on the north end of
town and is taking up permanent residence.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Small Town America,.... Use'm or lose'm.
No one knows the importance of that quote better than Bernice Flanagan.
Berince's "Biggest Little General Store in North Dakota" represents the
very essence of Small Town America business tenacity.
This Saturday, April 4 the Edinburg General Store will hold it's 16th
annual Customer Appreciation Day. The Noon Meal is "free", compliments
of the General Store, and will be from 11am to 1pm. A "Free Will
Offering" will be taken with all of those proceeds going to Crossroads
Youth Fellowship,.... just because that's the way small town business's
support small town organizations.
If your looking for an excuse to take a drive. Head over to Edinburg
this Saturday and checkout The Biggest Little General Store in ND. You
will be amazed at the myriad of things you'll see there. Then you can
have dinner courtesy of Bernice, and enjoy a delicious chocolate Sundae
from the Old-Fashioned Soda Bar.
Small Town America,....Use'm or Lose'm.
With the "use'm or lose'm" thought in mind. It would be interesting to
know just exactly how many local tax payers dollars are leaving the
local area. I believe it would behoove our city, county and our local
school systems to re-evaluate how much of the money generated from local
tax collections actually goes to improve the business communities
outside our normal economic trade area.
As I look at the percentage of my local tax dollars going to support
our school system. I find it very difficult to justify sending more of
those resources, than absolutely necessary, out of town, out of our own
trade area and especially out of our state.
Speaking of small town America. The folks at Minto certainly know what
that's all about. This Saturday They will be holding another "Community
Event" in their beautiful new Minto Community Center facility. I've been
asked to share the following message. >>>>
Minto Area Sportsman's Klub is sponsoring a Walleye Fish Fry at the
Minto Community Center on Saturday, April 4, 2009 from 4:00 to 8:00.
Speaking of places to go and things to do and see on Saturday. Park
River is just a short weather report and a couple tunes west of Grafton
and, when you get there, you can attend,.......
The Expo Radio Home & Farm Show
Saturday April 4, 2009
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
It's at the Park River High School,.. and, it's FREE & Open to the
If you're planning a Home or Farm Improvement Project, BE SURE TO
ATTEND! Check out what's new, ask the experts and get inspired.
Our son and daughter-in-law will be there from Graftons B&D Flooring.
If you have any questions or problems about part of the world you walk
on most. They will be happy to help you solve them.
Judging by the following response, It's obvious that Al is a man of
few words.
He wrote. >>>
"AMEN to Lloyd for his response!"
Ben,... on the other hand, sees the worlds problems gestating from one
specific group of people. He wrote. >>>
"Personally I believe it is the Unions that have bankrupted the
automotive industry. I have a brother who lives and works in the diesel
engine industry in Detroit. The unions are way to powerful and they
demand way to much.
Ben <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ben. Your point certainly is
well taken. Unfortunately, in my opinion, there is more than enough
blame to go around. One must remember that it was management and their
board of directors that agreed to the unions demands. And, when it's all
done and said, we, the buying public must also claim a fair share of
liability for the predicament we share.
"Life is to short for long answers."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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