Todays Gazette is brought to you by the very best sweetener money can
~~~~~ American Crystal Sugar ~~~~~
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
The Gazette moisture meter says we've received .30 inches of rain
between Sunday noon and the time this is being sent out. We have a
seventy percent chance of rain or snow tonight. We certainly don't need
the rain, however, we will enjoy the rainbows.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I am writing this edition of the Gazette in the Beautiful Valley of
Many Seasons. Unfortunately, they all come in the same day.
Rumor has it that the opening date for the new Simonson Neighborhood,
Subway Gas and Convenience Store has been set back another week...... or
I doubt anyone was more disappointed than I when pop (soda for you
folks south of St. Paul) companies in general switched from using
sucrose as a sweetener to fructose.
Having spent a significant portion of my life working in the sucrose
industry. I am especially pleased to find that some major soft drink
manufacturers are returning to the "premium sweetener".
I borrowed the following statement from American Crystal Sugar Company
President & CEO David Berg. He wrote:
Pepsi has recently launched two new products -- Pepsi Throwback and
Mountain Dew Throwback -- that are sweetened with natural sugar! I am
glad to say that United Sugars Corporation has been a supplier to Pepsi
for many years, and is supporting the launch of these exciting
"Throwback" products.
Both the sugar-sweetened Pepsi and Mountain Dew products are now
available in stores in the Red River Valley. Let's support a good
customer and our own product! Go buy a couple of twelve packs today!
David Berg
President/CEO <<<<<
If I may be so bold, I would also add that if your grocer isn't
featuring Pesi's new products yet..... Ask him why not?
I have always gotten a kick out of Ray Stevens songs. He has a
fantastic new song out, one everyone should be playing often. Ray says,
"If 10 percent is good enough for Jesus, well it ought to be good enough
for Uncle Sam."
I have mention The Walsh County Record often in the Gazette, and, over
the years I've often mentioned Rilie Morgan and his commitment to his
family, his community, his country and the local paper that has served
him and our community so well, for so many years.
Today, I am very pleased that Norma (Morgan) Treptow shared the
following thoughts.
She wrote, >>>> Good Morning, Gary. It was so fun to open my last
copy of the Walsh County Record and see your picture on the sports
page. My, how much you look like your father! I clipped it out so
now when I read the Skeeterville Gazette at the computer I can look up
at your picture above my desk.
A classmate ('53) of mine, Grace Kamrowski Soblik, Grand Rapids,
MN. sent me a clipping from American Profile, dated April 5-11,
2009. It looks like it's all mid-western states in the column:
"Tidbits, Did you Know...."and under North Dakota it reads: " Founded
in 1890, The Walsh County Record in Grafton (pop. 4,516) is the state's
largest weekly newspaper. It has been operated since 1923 by the
Rilie Morgan family." Pretty neat and sure makes me proud! Enjoy
the Gazette! Norma <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Norma. I am pleased and honored
that you refer to me and my father in the same sentence.
Speaking of a local business that has added value to our community. It
appears that Tom and Tammy Henriksen are doing it AGAIN this Wednesday.
~~~~ FREE Family Movie Night ~~~~
Family Movie Night is Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30 at the Strand Theatre.
Showing "Facing the Giants"
The movie is free and parents and children are encouraged to attend
After the movie, the EDGE Youth Center will be dedicated.
Hope to see you there! <<<<<
Thanks a million Tom and Tammy, your contributions to the youth of our
community is truly heart warming.
It could just be my imagination, however, I'm wondering if the folks
that think the youth of today are wearing their jeans "to low", went
thru the fifties and sixties with "blinders on".
If I remember right, the first thing we had to do after buying a new
pair of Levi's was to cut the belt loops off, squeeze a tube of
brylcream in our hair, stick a penny in our loafers and spend the night
listening to the roar of "hollywood" mufflers running up and down
I find it somewhat ironic that my hair went the way of the brylcream, a
dime has since replaced the penny in value and my pants are tight "even
without a belt".
Aren't memories wonderful?
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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