Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009 - Friday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Marlin Torkelson.
Grafton's "Telephone Repair Extraordinaire".
The current temperature is 38 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 68/41
Normal H/L temp for this date is 59/35
It was 85 degrees on this date in 1990
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Fisherman's Prayer
I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray,
When in the Lord's great landing net
I'm peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Good enough to keep.
Work continues on Grafton's newest eatery. I haven't received official
word on the new restaurants nomenclature, nor have I heard a estimated
opening date. However, I have been told, by people that know people,
that know Monte, that I should have every reason to believe that the
folks coming to Graftons for this years SummerFest Celebration on end of
June will be able to enjoy the culinary crafts that Monty was known for
at his Shananigan's Pizza Parlour & Family Restaurant in the former Ford
Have you ever noticed how many four letter words some folks think they
need to use just to share one simple thought?
If you, or someone you know is looking for something to do for a few
days a week. Or even just a few hours once in awhile. The Second Time
Around Store in Grafton could fit the bill. I understand they are in
real serious need of volunteers to help with inventory, sales or simply
keeping the doors open for business.
If you think volunteering for one of Grafton's more worthwhile projects
is something you would like to do. Give store manager, Virginia
Gillespie a call at 352-0381.
It is my hope, that someday in the annals of congress, the anals in
congress will realize how much a trillion really is.
A million seconds is 12 days
A billion seconds is 31 years
A trillion seconds is 31,688 YEARS
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am already about as "green" as I
can get.
I live in a smaller than average house, drive older than average
vehicles, have a smaller than normal dog, and..... often I can even
catch more than one fish on a single leech.
~~~~ TONIGHT ~~~ TONIGHT ~~~~
The Grafton Optimist Club is having their 2nd Annual
OPTimist OUTing tonight, Friday April 24th at the Fair Oaks Golf Course
club house. There will be food, music, a silent auction, raffle and much
more. This year is a western theme. The evening starts at 7:00pm and
runs until 1:00am. There will be a drawing for $1,000 and five $100
drawings. Tickets are $50 each and are available from any Grafton
Optimist member. All proceeds will be used by the Grafton Optimist Club
to benefit the area youth. The club donates money to area youth teams,
clubs, etc. and also gives out scholarships to two Grafton high school
graduates each year.
This is the first big event to be held in the Fair Oaks Golf Course
Club House for the 2009 Summer Season.
You can tell how big a person is
By what it takes to discourage him.
I still have a few Legion Baseball May Calendar Draw tickets
available. The tickets are $20 each (payable to Legion Baseball). The
daily drawings M-F are for $50 each and $100 Sat, Mothers Day & Memorial
Day. All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to Grafton Baseball
Program. Please help our local Legion Members help the Summer Baseball
Thanks Tom, I received your note and ticket #387 will be
going into the barrel for you. Thank you for your support.
P.S. I'm still waiting to hear from Ralph. Has anybody seen Ralph
~~~~~~ NASH SCHOOL NEWS ~~~~~~
The Walsh County School Annexation and Reorganization Board approved a
plan to dissolve the Nash School District.
The independent, K-8 school is between Grafton and Hoople.
The board approved three motions. The first was the reasons for
dissolution, according to Nash School Board member Jim Gauderman.
Gauderman says it was just time for this to happen, for the best
interests of the students.
Nash had a total enrollment of nine students this year, five expected
next year.
Gauderman says Nash school has operated about 50-years. It started when
three country schools consolidated.
Finances are fine although the per-pupil costs are distorted with an
that low.
The board also approved two other motions. One approved the recommended
land attachment to surrounding districts based on percentage of students
attending and landowner preference, and the third motion approved the
dissolution date - July first.
The State Annexation and Reorganization Board will meet to review the
board's action. The Nash School dissolution could come up at the June
According to the dissolution plan, Grafton will get 77-percent of the
land and
students, Valley 19-percent, and Park River four-percent.
Nash School will hold a property auction May 30th.
For more area news and updates check out Grafton's KXPO Radio's
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. -- Frederic Bastiat
"Life is to short to use long answers,"

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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