Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April 1, 2009 - Wednesday

Todays Gazette goes out to all those who are willing to share their news
& views.
The current temperature is 31 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 34/31
Normal H/L temp on this date is 44/25
It was 69 degrees on this date in 1928
There is a fifty percent chance that it will not snow today. We may get
a "peek" at some sunshine later tomorrow.
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The Park River level is in the 9.5 range and the river is well within
it's banks as it meanders thru the Leistikow Park.
It is not, was not, and will never be the intent of the Gazette to get
"seriously" involved in the issues of religion and politics. However,...
sometimes I get carried away and whether it be intentional or by
accident the end results often generate some very interesting comments.
For instance,.. yesterday I wrote;
Point to ponder: If the President of the United States can fire a
president of a major United States Corporation, concur that union
elections "must" be open to the union leadership and believes 8,000
earmarks qualifies as "transparent".
How long can it be before the Statue of Liberty will be
standing over a country the likes of which it came?
I was surprised how many responded. Although I'll admit the following
response did contain the most punctuation marks, there were several very
close seconds.
Great paragraph!!!!!!!!Well written!!!!!!! I agree with you. It's
scary, isn't it??????????
It'll be interesting is you get some feedback from the OBAMA supporters,
won't it. <<<<
I'm guessing that "response" leaves little doubt as to the authors
presidential preference.
The next response to yesterdays Points to Ponder is also fairly self
explanatory, although I have decided to take advantage of my "literary
License". First by way of introduction and second by including a bit of
Throughout the summer, Lloyd and I spend copious amounts of time in
Arnesen's Rock Harbor Lodge discussing a myriad of issues facing the
world today. I believe it is fair to say that, for the most part, Lloyd
and I are generally speaking from the same stadium. That is to say that
we both agree we want our country to be better tomorrow than it is
today. Although we generally share those thoughts from the same arena.
Often we sit on different bleaches as we watch the games of our country
I should also add that I especially enjoy Lloyd because he speaks with
intelligence (complete with a doctorate degree) and, he shares his views
as he sees them. Not as he believes others might want to hear them. That
my friends, is what differs our country from all others. God forbid
should we lose that right.
Anyway, Lloyd's response to yesterdays Points to Ponder. >>>>> Gary:
I have to argue with you a bit on your points.
Demanding a change in corporate leadership if government is to provide
basic financial support for that corporation does not equate to firing
the "president of a major US Corporation"; it equates to the President
of the US defining the contract by which the government will become
Please note that Bush's boys did not require any upfront contract
terms when 350 billion was given to the US Banks during the last days of
his term. And, also keep in mind that Bush's boys did not even
understand that letting Lehman Brothers collapse would precipitate the
chain reaction that ensued. Clearly evan a Wall Street insider such as
Paulson had no idea how entangled were the CDOs that Lehman held and,
yet, that was a prime responsibility of his job as Secretary of the
I am little convinced that Obama's Geitner knows much more or that he
is able to remove himself sufficiently from his former insider position
in the financial markets. We shall see.
Union elections must be closed as should be all elections regardless
of Obama's view to the contrary, if that is his view. I do admire his
courage in confronting GM and Chrysler. He has evidently decided that a
single term is enough; he made no union friends with his last blast at
those auto makers.
Almost all of the 8000 earmarks in the gov't spending bill were created
under Bush's administration. Obama could have vetoed the bill but the
result would have been that congress would have to take care of that
responsibility before it could address the crisis of our recession and
possible depression. Better to get it behind him and establish his ideas
without attempting to re-legislate what did not occur on his watch.
In addition, I actually prefer earmarks because they define more
accurately what congress wants done and how our money is to be spent. In
my opinion that is much better than giving out the money with few
strings attached.
It is not earmarks as such that are at fault but rather the way they can
be slipped into a larger appropriation near the last minute with no
chance for discussion and, indeed, often without members of congress
even being completely aware of what these kinds of earmarks are about.
Congress has now passed new rules that, at the very least, require that
the member's name's be attached to an earmark. I would call this, at
best, translucency and, though not as valuable as complete transparency,
at least it allows an easier followup to find the culprit who created
the earmark.
Oh, and one more thing. I am not sure if you thought the phrase "God
helps them who help themselves" was from the Bible; it is not. It is
from one of Ben Franklin's "Poor Richard's Almanac". That phrase is not
to be found anywhere in either the Old or New Testament nor even in the
Apocryphal Books. And, it purports a theology that actually flies
directly in the face of Christ's teachings of grace and love.
There . . . . sermon done.
Lloyd W. Hanson <<<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Lloyd. WOW, I'm not sure how
much I can, or for that matter, how much I dare add to Lloyds well
thought out message.
However, I do think the board of directors of GM are as much and
probably more to blame for their problems than the sitting CEO is. I
wonder then who would be qualified to pick and chose the good from the
bad. Certainly, in my opinion, not anyone connected to the Federal
Next, for almost two years we listened to the terms "Change" and
"Transparency". It would seem to me that signing a near trillion dollar
stimulus package with the myriad of earmarks he campaigned saying he
would not allow, certainly isn't change.
And, this applies to each end every politician..... I hope I will live
long enough to hear someone, somewhere actually accept the
responsibilities of the day, and quit trying to blame history for the
future of the country my children and grandchildren will live in.
"I may not always like what you tell me. I will, however, always
appreciate it."

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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